The glory of the king

Chapter 414 Sunrise

Chapter 414 Sunrise
At this time, the light on the colorful snail shell suddenly became dazzling, and the light gradually became stronger and stronger, even making Peasley feel dazzling!

Peasley covered the light slightly with his hand, just watching the changes of the colorful snails through his fingers.

Then he was surprised to feel that there was a strong aura emanating from the colorful snail! !
Black Iron Warrior? !
Peasley opened his mouth wide in surprise, exclaiming in his heart that he couldn't believe it!

There was no breath fluctuation before, except for the waste snail that eats and sleeps, but at this moment, there is an energy fluctuation comparable to that of a black iron warrior? !

Peasley thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought of a reason that surprised him—could it be that this guy can increase his strength after devouring the demon seed? ? ?
After all, little Daji is connected with Pisley's soul, and she can feel what Pisley thinks.

I saw her giggling, and said: "That's true, this guy is actually the nemesis of the demon seed, the ancient emperor snail!"

"The ancient emperor snail?!" Hearing this unfamiliar but domineering title, Peasley was surprised, but it was difficult to associate this word with the usually silly snail in front of him.

But now the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it.

"You are stupid, this is a good thing, if this guy can become stronger by devouring demon seeds, then wouldn't you have a very powerful helper in the future?
Moreover, this helper does not need other training resources, and only needs to devour the demon seeds to quickly improve his strength. "

Daji sat on the snail's shell while arranging her hair.

Upon hearing this, Peasley nodded.

If this colorful snail is really an ancient emperor snail, and it can become stronger by devouring demon seeds, then he has just drawn a top treasure.

If Daji hadn't been able to recognize it, this baby probably wouldn't have belonged to him long ago.Wait, Daji is in charge of the [Boundless System], and this colorful snail is also drawn from the system...

No wonder Daji knew this guy so well, it was clearly a reminder.

"But can this guy restrain all demon species? Platinum-level ones can also be restrained?" Pease idealized to this point and continued to ask.

"Well... this should not be allowed. Because this guy is also a growth type, but it shouldn't be a big problem to restrain people who are one or two ranks higher than me.

Otherwise, this guy had no fighting power before, so how could he force out and devour this monster that was almost at the level of black iron? "

Peasley nodded slightly.

At this time, the light on the colorful snail's body gradually weakened, and it became its normal body color.

Then the snail named "Xiaoqi" gradually protruded its head from the shell, and its tentacles gradually extended.

Peasley noticed that this guy turned into a lazy look again, staring blankly at the black-haired boy.

If it wasn't for being able to faintly feel the extra black iron-level aura on it, Peasley even felt that this guy was no different from before.

However, this guy turned his head back, saw the little Daji standing on his shell, and immediately put his little head on it affectionately.

Xiao Daji smiled slightly, stretched out her imaginary little hand to touch Xiao Qi's head.

Xiao Daji's current state is a soul state, but it is a qualitative soul.

Although it looks translucent, it can be touched.

Encouraged by Xiao Daji, Xiao Qi seemed even happier.

Xiao Daji said with a smile: "In the future, we must work hard and continue to eat more monster seeds!"

Hearing this, Xiao Qi suddenly raised his head in surprise, his face, which had no expression at all, seemed to be covered with an expression of disbelief at the moment, and the pair of eyes at the top of the tentacles widened, as if to say:
"Didn't you tell me that you have to eat that thing in the future? That thing is terrible!"

Seeing Xiao Qi's appearance, Xiao Da hugged her chest angrily and said:

"You are an ancient emperor! Your ancestors were the ones who crushed the demons that invaded the mainland. Why are you like this?"

The colorful snail looked at Xiao Daji with an aggrieved face, her two big eyes were watery, as if she was about to cry.

Xiao Daji wanted to say something, but Xiao Qi turned around and retracted into the shell again, no matter how Xiao Daji called, it would not come out.

"Huh! You are a big villain, I am so mad!" The little fox jumped up and down on the shell of the colorful snail, and said angrily.

"Forget it, don't force it if it doesn't like it." Peasley persuaded.

After all, this colorful snail seems to be an extraordinary creature now. If it is not willing, even if it is forced, it may not achieve results. Why should it ruin the relationship?
Daji understood what the young man was thinking, so she could only snort coldly, and stopped persecuting Xiao Qi.

Only then did Peasley turn his gaze back to Ning Xuan. He looked at Ning Xuan who had passed out, and said with self-blame:
"Hey, it's all my carelessness. If I could be more careful, I wouldn't let this monster's body take advantage of it, and something like this would happen."

Xiao Daji comforted: "God's will is unpredictable, maybe this girl is destined to be in such a catastrophe. And as the saying goes, you will learn a lot of wisdom, and you will be more careful when you deal with demons in the future."

"Oh, I don't know if the injury hurt the brain. If I become more stupid and stupid in the future, I don't know if it can be cured." Pisley sighed softly.

Xiao Daji curled her lips: "Come on, I think this girl is very smart, much smarter than that Liu Qinghe and your mother."

Peasley was speechless, but quietly nourished Ning Xuan's whole body with Mulla warm.

At this moment, there was another rustling sound outside the hut, and the boy was startled.

Are there other monsters that mutate humans?

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's find another place to rest." Xiao Daji reminded.

Peasley nodded, and at the same time retracted Xiao Qi into the system, and picked up Ning Xuan. The tyrannical Mu La shook the mutant humans away from the hut again, and directly stepped on the cloud and flew towards a high place.

Walking on a high place, Peasley overlooked the lifeless village, and he could see black figures in twos and threes slowly entering the village from the forest in the north.

Peasley didn't care about these guys anymore, spread out the [Speedy Flying Carpet], and roared towards the north.


When the first ray of morning light shone on the young man's face, the young man withdrew from the cultivation state and slowly opened his eyes.

They were at the moment in the canopy of a tall tree.

There are many dense forests like this in Huangquan, and there will always be one or two tall trees in the dense forest that stand out from the crowd.

Usually if he rests here, he can watch the sunrise with Ning Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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