The glory of the king

Chapter 423 White Water City

Chapter 423 White Water City ([-])



(Necklace): [Demon Hunting Necklace] Gold Advanced, Crit Rate +10%;
(Upper body): [Golden Armor] Defense +100;

(Left hand): [thorns]

Silver advanced, attack +10, crit rate +5%, dodge rate +5%.

(Right hand): [Mosquito Sword] Gold Low Level, Attack +30, Life Steal: 5%.

(Lower body): [Reincarnation Pants] Silver advanced, defense +10, damage reduced by 10%.

(both feet): [wind chasing shoes] dodge rate +5%;
System Backpack:

Small red potion × 5 (immediately restore 100 HP);

Medium red potion × 5 (immediately restore 300 HP);

Large red potion x 1 (immediately restore 600 HP);

Small energy potion × 6 (immediately restore 50 energy);
Medium energy potion × 2 (150 energy is restored immediately)

Large energy potion × 1 (immediately restore 400 energy)

Banlan Dan × 2 (can restore full health immediately)
Ming Hong Wan × 5 (All injuries can be recovered after 1 minute.)
Small gossip array (Gold is low-level. Attack +10, defense +10, special skill: land in an array, trap up to 8 enemies in the array. Those trapped will be attacked by the eight guards in the array.)
Heart-grinding lamp (the king is low-level, temporarily unavailable)

[Iron Cold Shield]: Advanced gold, an extremely cold thing, can cause freezing and slowing effects on the target attacking the shield.

[Dragon Fire Soft Armor]: Platinum high-grade, wearing it on the body can reduce the damage caused by physical attacks to any part of the body by 20.00%.

[Avalokitesvara bottle]: Platinum is low-level, and a wooden pull can be used to guide a drop of water to form a tough spherical shield for defense.

[Dragon Sword]: Platinum low-level, when the dragon is unsheathed, a dragon will emerge, and every ten seconds will gather a dragon aura. The dragon aura can cause the next target hit by the dragon sword to lose [-]% of its maximum health.

[Spiritual Jade Basket]: Platinum low-grade, the basket gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth every month to form a piece of jade the size of a thumb, which is sold to make a living.

[Mouse Clothes]: Platinum low-level, wearing it can instantly turn into a mouse, and at the same time have the agility and keen sense of smell of a mouse.It is an excellent choice for escaping or hunting down enemies.

[Xuanfeng step bag]: Platinum advanced, guide for a period of time, can seal anyone below the diamond level in it, and slowly absorb the mura on the opponent's body, transform it into the holder's mura, and promote the holder's cultivation progress.

[Green Snow Bamboo Knife]: Platinum advanced level, when it hits an enemy, a cyan snowflake will fall on the hit place, causing a range of poison damage and powerfully slowing down the opponent.

[Speedy Flying Carpet]: The diamond is low-level, three meters long and two meters wide, and the person sitting on it can move at high speed.

Infinity Store: (Draw a prize for every 100 Kirin coins. The drawn items are random items.)
觳觫 (húsù) pill × 5 (can make the user fall into a state of extreme fear and mental disorder.)
Spirit Pill × 4 (It can greatly reduce the difficulty of platinum promotion.)
Poker Pill × 8 (It can greatly improve the progress of cultivation.)
【Special item】:
Golden Rune Paper (Pink Fox, Platinum Low);
Liu Qingfeng's soul (utility: unknown).

Moon Bakugan × 1 (It can cause fatal damage to anyone below platinum.)
Purple scroll (thank you for your purchase)
[Entering the Urn]: Platinum is low-level, it can transform into a formation with a diameter of [-] meters, and trap the target in the [Into the Urn].If the trapped people can't break through the formation in time, they will soon be melted into blood.

[Smelly socks]: It stinks beyond your imagination!Works wonders against fog attacks.

【Tianluo Formation】

Golden intermediate formation.

【Sea Soul Formation】

Gold Advanced Formation.

A red high-grade storage bag

A pair of purple gold rings can be combined into a heart shape

Iron Piece: Mysterious Map.

【Heavenly Spirit Milk】: It can greatly increase your cultivation speed.Remaining: [-]/[-] pot.

[Announcement to Heaven]: Similar to the existence of a flare, as long as it is fired towards the sky, it will explode and send an invisible distress signal within a radius of 100 miles.As long as there are powerful people from the Tang Dynasty within this range, they will definitely rescue the signal at the fastest speed.

[Blowing fan]: Xingyao is low-level, can blow opponents away to a certain range, even the king has a certain effect.

[Tianzhu flower stem]: The flower stem without petals.

Colorful snail (small seven): black iron advanced.

【Abstinence】: Do not have any skin contact with the opposite sex within 24 hours, and the counting time will restart after one contact.

Task requirements: 10 days.

Amount of tasks completed: 0 days.

Remaining task time: 29 days and 16 hours.

Mission completion rewards: experience +100, reputation +50, free draw once.

Penalty for not completing the task: experience -200. "

After reading his mission, Peasley froze all over.

Nima, what kind of mission is this time!
Ten days without any physical contact with the opposite sex, how can Peasley, who has already enjoyed the pleasure of men and women, accept it?

However, the task issued by the system must be accepted no matter how unacceptable it is.

Seeing the stiff expression on Peasley's face, Ning Xuan asked with a light smile, "What's the matter, what kind of weird mission is it?"

Peasley looked at Ning Xuan sadly, and said, "The task this time is...not to have skin-to-skin contact with women for ten 24 hours."

Ning Xuan's face suddenly became weird: "There is such a perverted task?"

If we talk about before, Ning Xuan still has a little doubt about the system that Pisley said.But now, she can be sure it's true.

Because based on her understanding of her man, she wouldn't endure not touching her for at least ten days in order to lie to her.

In fact, in her mind, Peasley was a bit wicked.But this badness was within her acceptable range, but it made her like this boy even more.

As the saying goes, "Men are not bad, women don't love", a man who is too honest may not be liked by girls, and a man who is a little more lively and cheerful is relatively more likely to be liked by girls.

Of course, there are no absolutes, some things still depend on fate.If a boy is too bad, he will become a scumbag, there is no doubt about it.

Ning Xuan let go of Pisley's arm, and took a step back to keep a step away from the boy.

"Since this is the mission, let's start early and end early." Ning Xuan smiled with her eyes narrowed.However, in the eyes of the young man, the figure of the young girl seemed a bit lonely.

Peasley cursed the system secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.However, the reward this time is a bit richer than the previous one, with 50 more experience points added.

He is now level 50, and he is still more than 51 experience points away from level 300.

At level 51, it is equivalent to the strength of the low-level diamond that has just been promoted, and Peasley is still looking forward to this.

At that time, although there is still a huge gap between Mulla's strength and the Diamond Warrior, the system power will already allow him to compete with the Diamond's low-level Glory Warrior.

In addition, the completion of the last task also rewarded a chance to draw a free lottery.

Peasley hasn't drawn a lottery for a long time. After all, one draw needs one hundred unicorn coins, that is, one blue dragon coin.

Although Peasley now has thousands of Qinglong coins, but

He didn't want to waste his money on something that was a little more uncertain than gambling.

After all, the chance of getting something good will not exceed [-]%, or even lower.

But now there is a chance for a free lottery, and Peasley will naturally not let it go.

Seeing his thoughts move, 【Infinity Store】appeared in front of him in the shape of a slate-like nine-square grid.

He doesn't need to use his hands to click, but he can choose with his mind.

But this time, he turned his head and asked Ning Xuan which one he should choose.

Ning Xuan had heard about the lottery in Pisley's [system]. She thought about it and said, "Just choose the one in the center."

Peasley nodded, and with a thought, the square in the center of the Jiugongge suddenly turned into a black hole, and then a piece of parchment flew out of it, directly materializing in Peasley's hands.

Ning Xuan leaned over to take a look, and then burst out laughing.

Because four large characters were written on the paper: "Thank you for your patronage."

In this regard, Peasley is not disappointed, after all, this is not the first time this situation has been encountered.

That's why he didn't draw the lottery.Although good things like the colorful snail "Little Seven" may be drawn in the lottery, most of them will still be like this, with nothing drawn, or some things that have no special use.

Instead of this, it is better to use the money in more real places.

There are a lot of vendors on the stone bridge. It is morning now, and there are many vendors selling breakfast and breakfast. Of course, there are also vendors selling snacks, weapons, and all kinds of strange things.

Peasley and Ning Xuan wandered around casually, occasionally stopping to inquire when they saw someone they were interested in.

Because Peasley now has a little money, he has gradually lost the concept of whether it is expensive or not. As long as the price is not too high, he will not bargain or even feel that it is expensive.

However, Ning Xuan is a virtuous girl, and she has a much deeper understanding of prices than Peasley.So as long as the vendor owner quotes a price, Ning Xuan can immediately know whether it is expensive or cheap.

This may be a natural ability of women, which men cannot match.

As he walked, Peasley noticed that besides some ordinary people, there were quite a few Glory Warriors setting up stalls on the stone bridge.

These Glory Fighters occupy this superior position, and they dare not have ordinary street vendors within three meters around them.

Ordinary people are more in awe of the Glory Warrior, because if they are a little careless, they may be suddenly obliterated by a Glory Warrior with covert means.

Compared with ordinary street vendors, Peasley stayed longer at the stalls set up by Glory Fighters.

It's just that these Glory Warriors are generally at the black iron and silver level, and most of the things they sell are relatively low-level.

After shopping for a long time, Peasley didn't find anything that moved his heart.

However, when they were strolling to the middle of the stone bridge, Peasley's eyes inadvertently fell on a piece of iron on the right stall. With just one glance, he saw that the piece of iron seemed to be the same as the piece of iron he had obtained before. Somewhat similar.

The piece of iron that he had obtained was infused with the powerful Mullah and showed an illusory map. There was a red dot on the map. Although he didn’t know what it was, Peasley was still very curious. .

Just because the map is incomplete, it is impossible to determine where the red dot is.

And if you want to know where that point is, you need to get a more complete map.

Peasley walked to the small stall, which was supported by a small rectangular table, and the table was filled with various weapons, magic weapons, talisman papers and other things.

The owner of the stall was an old man who looked to be in his 70s or [-]s. The old man was wearing a yellow Taoist robe and his face was covered with wrinkles, but his small eyes were piercing. He was looking at Pisley and Ning Xuan with great interest.

Seeing the young man walking towards him, the old man's eyes lit up and he smiled and said, "Do you need anything, little brother?"

Looking at the old man in front of him, Peasley's heart trembled slightly.From this old man, he faintly felt a not weak aura, probably about the strength of gold.

In the Glory Continent, the Golden Warrior is definitely an existence that can be valued everywhere. There is no need to worry about money at all. There will be various big families serving delicious food, drinking and fun. Set up a stall here.

Of course, there are also some people who have some good quality equipment and want to sell it to someone who knows the goods if they don't need it. Such a situation is not impossible.

As for sending things to the auction house, people may not necessarily be fancy, even if they are fancy, they have to pay a percentage of the income as the profit of the auction house.

So although Peasley was surprised, he didn't think too much about it.

He pointed to a palm-sized blade-shaped dart with the strongest breath on the long table and asked, "What grade is this, and how do you sell it?"

Seeing what the young man pointed at, the old man's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he introduced with a smile:
"The name of this thing is [Hunting Soul]. It is low-grade gold, and it is a kind of hidden weapon. It contains a strong poison. As long as it can cause damage to the target, it will pour the poison into the target's body in an instant.

If it is due to negligence, even a gold-level opponent can be seriously injured, and if he cannot detoxify in time, he will undoubtedly die.

And this object can be reused, as long as the hidden weapon can be recovered and filled with poison again.

How about it, are you interested, little brother? "

Peasley pinched his chin: "I'm really interested, but how about the price?"

"This thing is complicated to manufacture. In order to achieve the effect of injecting venom into the opponent's body when it hurts the opponent, there are extremely complicated pathways inside it. To carve such pathways, a platinum-level honor warrior is required to be able to use Hei Yanhuo. do it.

The things that the Platinum Warrior makes are naturally extraordinary.So this [Chasing Soul] costs five hundred unicorn coins. "

"Five hundred unicorn coins?" Peasley deliberately showed surprise, but he was not very surprised. "Although this thing can be used many times, most of it is not disposable."

(End of this chapter)

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