Chapter 435

After all, I can also be regarded as the other party's recommender, as long as the other party has a little conscience, they will naturally not refuse to repay him.

Even if the opponent's official position soars in the future, it will be a force that is closely related to him at that time. If we build a good relationship at this moment, there will be countless benefits for the future.

Thinking of this, the anger on his face has completely disappeared.However, in order to maintain his majesty, he did not show flattery, but said indifferently:
"In the future, if your Excellency becomes prosperous, don't forget that I gave you a chance."

"That's natural. The kindness of Mr. Dianke, I will never forget it in my life." The young man bowed slightly to the middle-aged man.

After leaving the palace, in order to avoid embarrassment, Pisley rejected Cao Dianke's invitation and bid farewell to him.

However, he was not in a hurry to leave this place. It was a rare trip to the capital, and the lord agreed to his request, so he was relieved. Naturally, he wanted to take Ning Xuan for a stroll in the city.

Walking on the street, Ning Xuan still kept a little distance from the boy, so as not to interfere with the other party's mission.



"Do you think the lord will really help us?"

Peasley looked down at the girl, smiled and shook his head:

"Since His Majesty has agreed to my task, he will definitely complete it. After all, you are not joking. It is just whether he is you even need to ask?

The leader of a country must put the interests of the whole country first.If I am useful to him, he is sincere, if I am a threat to him, he will sincerely try to get rid of me, there is no doubt about it. "

"Do you really want to be an official in court?" Ning Xuan asked worriedly.

"Of course I don't want to! The officialdom is the most chaotic and darkest place in the world, how could I want to be in it! It's just..." At this point, Peasley suddenly fell silent, and it took a long time before he continued, "It's just for the sake of the superior." For cultivation resources, I need to join them first and work for them for a few years. Of course!"

Having said this, the bright smile returned to the boy's face:

"You don't have to worry too much. I have the power of a king. If you feel that you can't stay in the court, you can just leave. If I want to leave, no one can stop me."

Looking at the smile on the boy's face, Ning Xuan didn't smile, but just gave a soft "hmm".

"No matter where the young master is, no matter what the young master wants to do, Xuan'er will stay by his side and never leave."

Peasley looked at the other's cheek, feeling warm in his heart, couldn't help but reached out and rubbed the other's head, but Ning Xuan was taken aback.

"My lord, didn't you say that you can't have skin-to-skin relationship?"

Peasley smiled: "It's not that you can't have skin-to-skin contact, but you can't have skin-to-skin contact. Besides, I just touched your hair and didn't touch your skin. Don't worry, my task time has not been refreshed~"

Hearing this, Ning Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the young man with a faint smile, and continued shopping happily with him.

At night, in the room of the inn, Peasley, who was practicing, suddenly heard the sound of orderly steps on the street and the sound of the horn blowing.

Many houses were lit up again because of the sudden sound, and countless people poked their heads out of the windows, wanting to see what happened.

Peasley also retreated from the cultivation state, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that Ning Xuan was already standing in front of the window looking out.

"What happened?" Peasley came to Ning Xuan's side and asked warmly.

"A large-scale transfer of soldiers, I don't know what happened." Ning Xuan replied.

Peasley's heart tightened, and he quickly poked his head out to look at the street.

I saw that the originally spacious street was already filled with densely packed soldiers.

However, the movements of these soldiers were uniform, and they looked like they were well-trained.

However, what made Peasley even more nervous was that the soldiers were moving in the south!
"Xiangnan...could it be!" Pisley couldn't be nervous, he quickly turned his head to look at Ning Xuan and said, "Let's go, let's go to Cao's Mansion!"

In the dark night, a group of black shadows stepped on the golden clouds and flew from the inn towards the direction of Cao Mansion with a whistling sound.

From a distance, he saw the huge mansion. He didn't knock on the door, but rushed straight into the mansion.

However, not long after entering the mansion, there was a sound of tearing the air in midair, and then Peasley narrowly avoided a knife that glowed blood-red in the night.

"Who is here, dare to trespass on Mr. Dianke's mansion?!"

The dull man's voice remembered, and then the blood-red knife returned to the top of a tall tree.On the top, stood a pitch-black figure, and the voice just now was from the other party.

Peasley said loudly: "I'm Li Baba! I'm in a hurry to find Mr. Dianke!"

The man heard the young man's voice: "It's you?! What's the matter with Mr. Dianke so late? Also, can't you knock on the door if you have something to do? It's a serious crime to break into the residence of an important official!"

Although Peasley was extremely anxious, he also knew that he had to speak clearly with the other party in a friendly manner:

"It's really my fault to break in without permission. It's just that I was in a hurry and lost my sense of proportion. Please forgive me."

After hearing the boy's apology, the man's voice softened a little, and then continued: "If you have anything to ask, you can ask me first, I don't know, and then I will let you see Mr. Dianke."

"It's like this. I saw a large-scale movement of soldiers in the city towards the south. What's the reason?"

The middle-aged man in the dark was silent for a moment, and said: "If I guess correctly, there are nine out of ten that Chu State launched an attack on our country..."

"What!?" The answer that Peasley was most afraid of hearing came out.Before he rescued his sister and found Liu Qinghe, did the war break out after all?

He asked with a trembling voice: "Is your news reliable?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "I guessed what I said. But things should be close to each other. We Dianke are civil servants, regardless of military affairs. So now the only ones who know the accurate news should be His Majesty and those gangs General.

But you don't have to worry too much, go back and wait, there will be reliable news tomorrow morning at the latest. "

Peasley returned to the guest room in a state of desperation, and Ning Xuan kept comforting him, and then Pisley regained his composure.

"Young master, don't worry. Get a good night's sleep and recharge your energy. If the news is accurate, we'll go back immediately. Don't worry too much, sir. It's useless, and our border gates are also guarded by heavy soldiers. It won't be so It was easy for Chu to invade."

(End of this chapter)

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