Chapter 437

(Not modified yet, please do not read.)
"Okay, I got it!" Lin Jiayi had a smart mind. When Lu Yao said this, she also understood a little. Chu Minghui was an insignificant stranger in her heart. Lin Jiayi responded and said: "Father called in the morning." Call me, Chu Minghui's father, Chu Tian, ​​is insane and has been sent to a mental hospital for treatment."

"Well, I see. Is there anything else?" Lu Yao was understandable about such a result. He still had one other matter to deal with at this time, so he asked.

"Lu Yao, you have to take care of yourself. Recently, my eyelids are constantly twitching, and my heart is not at ease. I always feel like something is going to happen." After Lin Jiayi said something, she didn't wait for Lu Yao to answer. Hang up the phone directly.

Lu Yao stared blankly at the phone that had been hung up, then a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, put the phone back in his pocket, and walked quickly towards the blue sky apartment.


"Hello classmate, could you please go to dormitory 308 and find Huang Ruoyun for me? I need to find her for everything!" Lu Yao stopped a female classmate who was about to enter the door, standing in the female dormitory of building No. [-] where Huang Ruoyun lived. Said very politely.

After hearing Lu Yao's words, the girl suddenly showed a trace of disdain and disdain on her smiling face, looked Lu Yao up and down, and said lightly: "No!"


"Stop talking, I don't want to hear you making up nonsense here. I've seen a lot of prodigal sons like you who don't do business all day long and only know how to pursue beautiful women. There are not five people who look for Huang Ruoyun every day downstairs on the [-]th floor. Ten is no less than twenty, which one didn't make up a lot of lies to deceive people, you want me to be fooled, there is no way!" The girl directly interrupted Lu Yao's explanation, her mouth was like a machine gun, Talking non-stop.

For a moment, Lu Yao felt that he was really speechless by this cute girl, and stood there with an embarrassed face. The girl was even more proud when she saw that Lu Yao had nothing to say With his hands behind his back, he looked like a teacher educating students.

"Talk about you male students, it's fine if you don't study, and you harass Huang Ruoyun every day. Go and see, the trash bin at the door of our dormitory is full of things sent by you guys. Really It's outrageous." The female classmate kept talking more and more, but he didn't say anything too much for the sake of Lu Yao's sincerity, unlike the one she met downstairs in the dormitory a few days ago. Ugly, he is still a very narcissistic guy. He didn't say a few words, but the other party was full of foul language. In the end, she directly called the security guard of Lantian Apartment to drive the boy away.

Just when the girl was talking happily, suddenly Lu Yao saw a familiar figure walking out from the door of the dormitory building. When Lu Yao saw her, she also saw Lu Yao, and said to Lu Yao in surprise: " Lu Yao, what are you doing?"

"Student Su Anran, I'm here to find Ruoyun." Lu Yao asked the other party with a smile.

"Why didn't you call Ruoyun when you came to see Ruoyun? Don't you have her phone number?" The person who came was Huang Ruoyun's good sister in the same dormitory, Su Anran, the young man in his dream.

"I called, but her cell phone was turned off all the time, and I couldn't reach her, so I went down to the dormitory to look for her." Lu Yao also said helplessly.

"Oh, look at my memory. The calling card of Ruoyun's cell phone burned out suddenly yesterday afternoon. The new card has not been reissued yet. I am using my old calling card for the time being. She hasn't come back yet. You Try calling this number." Su Anran suddenly said apologetically, and reported a series of numbers for Lu Yao to write down.

"Thank you, I have nothing to do, I'll go first." Lu Yao and Su Anran greeted each other and left.

The girl who preached to Lu Yao for a long time before also knew Su Anran, she knew that she and Huang Ruoyun were in the same dormitory, she also heard the conversation between Su Anran and Lu Yao, and knew that she should have wronged Lu Yao, so she was a little embarrassed Yes, but she suddenly became curious, why this boy has such a good temper, and what is his relationship with Huang Ruoyun?

Girls are generally very curious. Generally, they must get to the bottom of what they are curious about, otherwise they may not be able to eat or sleep well. She looked at Su Anran and Lu Yuanyuan's back, lightly Gently patted Su Anran on the shoulder, and asked softly: "Student Su, what is the relationship between this boy and Huang Ruoyun?"

"You said Lu Yao, he is Huang Ruoyun's boyfriend, the real boyfriend!" Su Anran looked away, without any scruples about other girls passing by, and said loudly.

"Ah! It turns out that Huang Ruoyun has a boyfriend. How come no one has ever heard of it!" The girl was shocked by Su Anran's answer.

Su Anran's voice was a bit loud, and the girls passing by heard it. Although they didn't know who and where the boy Su Anran and the female classmate were talking about, they were also very surprised by the answer.

Not to mention that many of them live in the same dormitory building as Huang Ruoyun, even those girls who don't know Huang Ruoyun have heard her name before, she is the number one beauty among the freshmen of Xijing University, and the goddess in the hearts of all boys in the school , Even students from some nearby schools came here to see the beauty.

But no one mentioned that Huang Ruoyun still has a boyfriend. From this moment, the news spread from the entrance of the No. [-] female dormitory building of Lantian Apartment to all the nearby universities, as if it had wings. In the ears of those who have been paying attention to Ruo Ruoyun.

Many people stopped and looked at Su Anran and the girl who had preached to Lu Yao before, discussing something in a low voice. Su Anran was quite satisfied with this reaction. She took everyone's attention and was distracted by the news. Attracted, he quietly passed through the crowd and walked towards the south gate of Lantian Apartment.

"Ruoyun, you silly girl, I can only help you with this little favor, the future will depend on your own efforts!" Su Anran whispered in her heart.



Lu Yao didn't know that going downstairs to the girls' dormitory at No. [-] this time would bring him a lot of trouble for the next period of time. After leaving No. [-] downstairs, Lu Yao told him what Su Anran told him from among the boys. After searching for a series of phone numbers, a number was dialed out.

"Lu Yao, is that you? How did you know my phone number?" As soon as the call was connected, Huang Ruoyun's overjoyed voice came from the other side.

"Well, it's me. I went to look for you downstairs in your dormitory just now, and I happened to meet Su Anran, and she told me." Lu Yao also said with a smile in his voice: "I called you yesterday afternoon I can’t get through, and I’m a little worried.”

"Really?" Huang Ruoyun was really happy, he didn't expect Lu Yao to be worried about himself, and said happily: "My mobile phone card is broken, I sent it to be repaired yesterday afternoon, and after it was done, the train station picked me up , came back a little late."

Did Huang Ruoyun really go to the train station to pick him up?Could it be that Wei Wuguang didn't just make it up yesterday, they did know Huang Ruoyun's whereabouts, could it be that they really planned yesterday's kidnapping at the train station, but why didn't they succeed in the end?
"Lu Yao, Lu Yao, are you listening to me?" Huang Ruoyun asked anxiously, unable to hear Lu Yao on the other end of the phone for a long time.

"Well, I'm listening, Ruoyun, did you pick someone up at the train station yesterday, did you get it?" Lu Yao asked with concern.

"My elder brother has come to Xijing. I'll pick him up at the train station. He was picked up smoothly. He's off to do his own business today. I'll wait for him at his hotel!" Huang Ruoyun said immediately.

"Your elder brother?" Lu Yao had never heard Huang Bingtian and Huang Ruoyun mention that Ruoyun had another elder brother, so Lu Yao asked casually.

"Yes, my eldest brother is a child of my uncle's family. He is the eldest of our generation. He went to Xijing to do some business. He visited me by the way and brought me some things. What's the matter?" Huang Ruoyun didn't know Lu Yao Why did he ask this question, but he could hear that Lu Yao was a little puzzled, so he explained.


"Then get busy first, let's talk when we're done!" The two chatted for a while, and Lu Yao was relieved to see that Huang Ruoyun was safe and sound, and hung up the phone after saying goodbye to the other party.

Every time Huang Ruoyun talked with Lu Yao, she basically waited for Lu Yao to hang up first before hanging up. When she heard the beeping busy tone on the phone, she held the phone in her palm and pressed it to her heart, with an excited smile on her face. He fell down on the big bed behind him.

This series of questions spread rapidly in Lu Yao's mind like weeds sprouting in spring. The more he couldn't solve it, the more he wanted to figure it out.

Lu Yao patted his head lightly with both hands, and found that it was very painful. All this really happened, not a scene in a dream, he was indeed still alive, but immediately, Lu Yao realized a new thing, That is, his arms that were originally broken by that mysterious boy have recovered as before, and the wounds in his body have completely disappeared.

What's going on here, the owner of that voice not only killed the mysterious boy, but also healed himself. Could it be that he came here specially to help him?

"Are you awake?" Just as Lu Yao was trying to recall the scene at the last moment when he fell down, Li Jiang's voice that suddenly disappeared rang again in Lu Yao's sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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