Chapter 447

(not modified yet, please do not read)

Fu Sinian leaned over to pick up the document on the ground, glanced at it casually, and smiled, "I don't know that if Mr. Gu knew his favorite grandson, he would casually sign the transfer of shares for a woman. Book, handing over half of the Gu Group's country to others, will you be so angry that you will have a heart attack on the spot."

Equity transfer letter.

Most of the Gu's Group.

If it is now, I don't know what Fu Sinian's purpose is, and I am a complete fool.

He actually took advantage of kidnapping me to threaten Gu Yusen and ask him to sign the equity transfer agreement of the Gu Corporation!And such a ridiculous request, Gu Yusen actually agreed!

In this world, who is crazy?
"It's not something you should worry about. I've already got what you want. Let me go." Gu Yusen obviously didn't want to say any more, but fixed his eyes on the rope that tied me up, and there was a flash of distress in his eyes .

"What's the rush?" Fu Sinian threw the equity transfer letter aside, "Equity is one thing. I managed to kidnap this woman. How can I not watch more dramas I want to see so easily?" Let people go?"

Gu Yusen frowned, "What do you mean?"

Fu Sinian raised the corners of his lips and said nothing, but snapped his fingers slightly. As soon as the sound came out, two tall and burly bodyguards walked in from outside, each holding a thick wooden stick in their hands.

I didn't expect Fu Sinian to invite someone at all, and I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

The corners of Fu Sinian's lips curled up into a cruel arc, "President Gu has never tried to live in the lower class since he was a child. How does it feel to be beaten to the knees?"

"Of course, you can just walk away, but..." Fu Sinian looked at me, and when he met my trembling eyes, he quickly moved away, "Her, I may not be able to guarantee your safety. gone."

Gu Yusen smiled, "Since you know what can restrain me, why don't you do it directly, do you think I will refuse?"

Hearing this, Fu Sinian gave him a wink, and the two bodyguards immediately raised the electric baton, aimed at Gu Yusen's head, and smashed it down with all their might.

A viscous liquid resembling blood slowly flowed down his forehead, Gu Yusen let out a muffled snort, and before he had time to wipe it off, without any time to catch his breath, another stick fell down suddenly.

The electric batons came down one after another, and the hands of the two bodyguards became more and more ruthless.

As the breath in the dark night became heavier, the sound of the electric baton hitting the bone became heavier and louder. Suddenly, an electric baton was directly swept on his knee, and I heard a faint "click" sound of bone breaking, and then my eyes widened. He watched Gu Yusen stagger and almost fell to the ground.

"Gu Yusen!" I finally couldn't help shouting out.

At the same time, a black pistol fell out of him.


The originally weird and bloody warehouse fell silent instantly.

Although the Gu family came from a military family, no one expected that Gu Yusen would come here with a gun. The two bodyguards were afraid that Gu Yusen would pick up the gun and shoot them down. , never fell again.

Fu Sinian slightly curled his lips, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he put one hand on my neck carelessly, and kicked the pistol in front of Gu Yusen.

His eyes were full of hatred that couldn't be resolved, and he said as if he was watching a good show: "Mr. Gu, don't say I'm embarrassing you. If you leave one arm here, I'll let her go."

"You have been in a coma for half a day." Fu Sinian took out the desserts in the bag bit by bit, "I bought a lot of desserts, if I remember correctly, these are all your favorites before, Ah Qing, do you want to eat them first? What do you want to eat?"

I didn't speak, just looked at him calmly.

He paused, looked at the ropes tied to my body again, and said softly: "Time is too urgent, I can only find this kind of rope to tie you up for now, it will definitely hurt, bear with it."

"Why?" I asked.


I asked, "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you." Fu Sinian said.

"Are we really boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked.

Fu Sinian seemed to think about it for a while before saying, "It's sort of."

What does it mean?
I was silent for a while, because I really didn't know what to say.

I originally believed in him wholeheartedly, thinking that at least there would be a family member who cared about me before I died, but now, this family member has tied me here in a big way. In this world, what else is there to trust?

I remained silent and didn't want to ask him what he wanted to do by tying me here. Anyway, I'm only a half-dead person, and I just thought I was fooled by someone. As for the rest, he can do whatever he wants.

It's just that I never expected that Fu Sinian's intention was not only to put me here to make trouble.

His voice was a little heavy, and he persuaded again: "Ah Qing, you'd better eat some, otherwise, when your complexion is too bad, Gu Yusen is likely to lose his temper."

For a moment, I thought I had heard it wrong, and suddenly raised my eyes, "What did you say?"

Gu... Yu Sen.

"Fu Jingnian, what on earth are you going to do?" After all, I couldn't maintain my calm just now, and my whole body became excited.

Is he crazy?It doesn't count if you tied me up, but you even notified Gu Yusen?

Fu Sinian looked at me fixedly, "Ah Qing, you really haven't changed at all, whether it was before or now, only Gu Yusen can stimulate all your emotions and desires."

What he said clearly meant something, but unfortunately I don't have time to worry about that at the moment, all I care about is, "Fu Sinian, what is your purpose?"

"I have no purpose." Fu Si said young, "I just want to destroy everything he cherishes, so that he can't live or die."

After hearing this sentence, I just thought it was extremely absurd, "I am not his treasure, there is no point in kidnapping me."

"No, Ah Qing, you underestimate yourself too much."

As soon as the words were finished, the sound of a siren suddenly came from outside the warehouse. Fu Sinian said with a gloomy gaze, "Look, he's here."

The door of the warehouse was originally open, and by the moonlight, I saw a limited-edition luxury car slowly stop, the door was pushed open suddenly, a slender leg stepped into my sight, and the visitor was full of aura , handsome as a god.

It's Gu Yusen!

He actually came.

In the dark night, I met his eyes, and it seemed like a long century had passed for a while.

When I left the Gu family, I had already prepared for the rest of my life not to see him again, but I didn't expect that now, it's really a trick of creation.

Gu Yusen fixed his eyes on my pale face and my neck and wrists that were reddened by the rope, his eyes gradually dimmed, and his breath became heavier.

He didn't ask me why I was tied up here when I just came out for a walk, and he didn't ask me why I promised him never to have any contact with Fu Sinian, but now I'm only ten centimeters away from this man distance.

He just looked at me silently for a while, then looked away, and threw a document in his hand directly in front of Fu Sinian.

"This is what you want." Gu Yusen said calmly, "Let him go." It was a man, as tall as jade, wearing a black coat, standing at the airport where people were coming and going.

He flipped through the phone with one hand, and tapped on the suitcase with the other hand. Whenever someone passed by, he would take a look, as if he was waiting for someone.

I was surprised how such an inexplicable picture flashed in my mind, but when the man who was waiting for someone at the airport slowly turned his head, my head was in extreme pain at that moment, as if it was about to explode.

"Gu Yusen!"

I was so shocked that I almost blurted it out. Fu Sinian's expression changed instantly when he heard the name, and he couldn't help but hold me a little harder, which made me hurt, "Ah Qing, what are you talking about?"

I hugged my head and panted slightly, and looked at Fu Sinian with the same loss of expression, with a blank look in my eyes, "I just remembered something, a very vague thing, I saw a man waiting for someone at the airport with a suitcase, and That man is Gu Yusen."

When did this happen?

Why does the scene of Gu Yusen waiting for someone at the airport suddenly appear in my mind?
Have I met Gu Yusen before?

"Before I lost my memory, did I already know Gu Yusen?" I suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked Fu Sinian in a murmur.

Regarding my identity, Gu Yusen concealed it from me, there is no doubt about it.

And before this, I never thought that Fu Sinian would hide something from me about the memories before I lost my memory.

"Really? Did I know Gu Yusen before I lost my memory?" I asked again, with an urgent tone.

This is really a very important question. It’s okay if I don’t think about it, but I just remembered it, and this picture is definitely not groundless. I don’t want to be like a fool. Which friends I have had, who I have loved, I don't know.

Fu Si's long silence made me feel flustered, I took a deep breath, reached out to open the door, "Sorry, I can't go abroad with you, even if I do, I have to find my memory first... "

"Ah Ching."

Fu Sinian suddenly reached out to grab me, I turned around, but saw that he took out a bottle of spray from nowhere and sprayed it at me, I subconsciously blocked it with my hand, but it was too late and I still smelled too much gas When I entered, my mind became dizzy for an instant, and my eyes went dark. Before I fainted, I only saw Fu Sinian's gloomy face that kept secrets.

I woke up in pain.

My whole body was in pain as if it was about to fall apart, and every movement was painful. I opened my eyes in a daze, only to see the darkness in front of me, only the faint moonlight shining in.

Through the little moonlight, I could vaguely tell that I was locked in a warehouse. I said it was because my whole body was tied up, and the thick ropes were tied extremely tightly. No wonder, whenever I moved, I would feel pain. Can't breathe.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, getting closer and closer step by step.

Suddenly, the warehouse door opened, and I saw a figure standing at the door stunned for a moment, but he didn't show too much shock after all. It was Fu Sinian.

He and I looked at each other, my calmness finally overwhelmed him, he moved his gaze away from me, and walked towards me with very heavy steps.

When he walked in front of me, I realized that he had a lot of food in his hand.

Once, I thought that as long as I loved him, even if he was a substitute, he would be moved by me. Just relying on such a humble thought, no matter how much he hurt me and humiliated me, I still relied on the dream-like beauty before. Memories persist until now.

Thinking about it now, I am also a joke in Gu Yusen's eyes.

Although Gu Qing'er had betrayed him before, she did not hesitate to slit her wrists and committed suicide in the past year, which is enough to prove how much she regretted the decision to break the appointment. Apart from the hurdle of Gu Lao, there is nothing they can't overcome .

In fact, he doesn't need me anymore. The reason why he keeps me by his side is that I am so pitiful. He tricked me into the Gu family and fell in love with him foolishly. If I don't want me now, I won't even have a family Nothing, can't go anywhere, so pitiful.

"Ah Qing." Seeing that I really came as promised, Fu Sinian was obviously pleasantly surprised, holding the steering wheel with one hand and driving, and gently covering me with the other, "I will take good care of you."

I whispered: "My current body, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to you, what I'm most afraid of is causing trouble to others."

So, I was not happy at all.

Fu Siqing sighed softly, "I'm not someone else, I'm your boyfriend, your closest person."

I didn't speak, just frowned slightly.

I really want to think about everything related to Fu Sinian, so during the days when I was locked up in Gu's house, I bombarded him with text messages one after another, and he answered almost everything, but I Every time I just think about it according to the answer he gave me, my head will hurt like it's about to explode.

I have no impression at all.I was dumbfounded, I didn't expect him to pay so much attention to me, he even knew exactly how many mouthfuls of food I ate.

It's just that I longed for his gaze so much, that's already a thing of the past.

I didn't want to drink the soup, but I didn't say it directly, I just said: "I don't look good, probably because I've been bored in the house for a long time these days, can I go out for a walk tomorrow?"

"Okay." His voice was unbelievably gentle, "Where do you want to go? I'll push off work tomorrow and take you out..."

"I want to be alone!" I blurted out.

I think it was probably because my rejection was too obvious, as soon as I said this, he froze.

"I just want to go out for a walk alone. I won't go too far, it's just nearby." I said again, with a light tone, "Go and do your business, you don't need to accompany me."

I feel very hateful, a person I loved so much before, I forgot nothing about a car accident; I also feel very pitiful, a person who had no connection before
"Yeah." Fu Sinian glanced at me and said, "I make appointments with the best medical teams abroad, and your illness will definitely not be cured in a short while, if nothing unexpected happens
"Ah Qing, what's wrong with you?" Fu Sinian noticed something was wrong with me, and immediately stopped the car on the side of the road.

I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak, as if a picture flashed in my mind, I endured the severe pain, but I could only see an extremely blurred figure.

(End of this chapter)

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