Chapter 449

(not modified yet, please do not read)

Obviously, at that time, I was still thinking that when I became an old man and old lady, I would walk hand in hand with Gu Yusen on this road. If he couldn’t walk anymore, I could help him push the wheelchair. Jian, you can still carry me.

At that time, I really loved him.

Love him very much.

Not long after, Gu Yusen also caught up, and I knew that he would never let me go.

"Mo Qing!"

After running so far, the bodyguards could no longer see me. As soon as Gu Yusen came to me, my anger was wiped away, and I asked softly: "Is your car parked here? Bring it over here Well, those people will find out soon, I can't last long."

He was obviously taken aback, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "What are you talking about?"

I said, "Didn't you want me to rescue Gu Qing'er? If I hadn't gotten angry just now, it would have been impossible to trick those bodyguards into running out."

Gu Yusen took a step forward, apparently not expecting such a turnaround, "Ah Qing..."

"Okay." I took a step back calmly, "Go and drive."

I don't know why I wanted to save Gu Qing'er.

By the time I realized it, I was already sitting in the blood drawing room, listening quietly to Gu Yusen telling the doctor: "Only draw the normal amount of donated blood. If my wife shows any signs of discomfort, stop immediately." come down."

I closed my eyes, I just felt that it didn't matter.

How about drawing the normal amount of donated blood, and so what about drawing all the blood in my body, but it is the difference between early death and late death. In short, I will not live long.

Unlike usual, Gu Yusen didn't stay outside Gu Qing'er's operating room for blood drawing this time, but stayed by my side all the time, watching my blood flow from my body to the blood collection tube with reddish eyes middle.

I don't know what's wrong with him. Maybe it's because En's act of revenge moved him before, or maybe it's because my face is so pale that it gives him the illusion that I'm going to die here soon. Acted nervous to me.

If it was before, I must be very happy.

I was like a fool, thinking that as long as he has even a little love for me, then I will stay by his side and guard him.

But now, I just want to go home.

I just want to go back to my simple but lonely hut before I knew Gu Yusen, and spend the last time.

I don't want to stay by his side anymore.

Let me go back to when I didn't know him, okay?

The process of drawing blood this time was extremely long, obviously only 400ml, but I felt that it was as long as a century, and when it was finally finished, I stood up, and my eyes suddenly went dark.

Gu Yusen immediately reached out to support me, I didn't have the strength to push him away, I could only let him hold me carefully in his arms, his voice solemnly stuck to my ear, as if he was speaking to me, but also as if saying Listen to yourself, "Qing, there will never be a next time."

next time?

Of course there will be no next time, and my life will not be able to support her next time.

I finally pushed him away with my last bit of strength, I don't want his hug anymore, this man is no longer my Gu Yusen.

Maybe, never.

All this time, I was just kidding myself.

"I'm a little unwell and want to go home and rest."

"I'll accompany you."

"No need!" I said immediately, taking a huge step back, seeing his hands frozen in mid-air, I thought about it and said, "Go and accompany Gu Qing'er, I just want to sleep alone, sleep It'll be fine when you wake up."

"Ah Qing, you hate me, don't you?" Gu Yusen asked softly.In an instant, I felt as if I was hit hard by a pendulum that fell from the sky, and my whole body began to be in a trance.


I nodded slightly, then suddenly shook off his hand heavily, and ran upstairs to the bedroom.

Before Gu Yusen could react, I had already picked up a suitcase that I had packed a long time ago, passed him who was stunned, opened the door and walked outside.

There were a lot of bodyguards standing outside the door, and when they saw me coming out, they immediately became vigilant, but when they saw that I was still carrying a suitcase, they couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Mo Qing, what are you doing?" Gu Yusen immediately chased after me and grabbed my wrist, his voice was very deep, and there was a slight tremor.

"Can't you see it?" I smiled coldly, "I want to leave."

"Gu Yusen, I have been married to you for two years, and I have never done anything sorry to you, but how did you treat me?" Thinking of all kinds of things, I just found it extremely ridiculous, "You said you loved me, so you said that If you want to marry me, I believe it, and just like a fool, I married into the Gu family and married you."

"That's right, I was born in an orphanage. I have no father or mother since I was a child. Unlike you noble sons and ladies from wealthy families, who have good manners and demeanor, it's true that I am a sparrow, but I never thought of changing. Cheng Fenghuang. You once said that you love me very much, love me, love my character, love me Mo Qing, but now, I finally know thoroughly that you don’t love me at all. All the sweet words before It's all lies, you just love my face, love my face that looks like Gu Qinger, Gu Yusen, you bastard, if you don't get Gu Qinger, just keep me by your side and be hers Substitute, it's been two full years, and you're just playing me like a fool!"

"Since that's the case, why am I still here? Go and sleep with your Gu Qing'er. From now on, you will follow your Yangguan Road, and I will take my single-plank bridge. Don't come to me anymore. You and I have nothing to do with each other! "

After I finished speaking, I was about to leave with my suitcase in hand. Gu Yusen's entire expression changed, and he clasped my wrist in pain, and said sharply, "Mo Qing, don't mess around with me, I might not let you leave, I won't You are allowed to leave!"

He seemed to be really angry, that's why he repeated a sentence dryly twice, how could he not be angry, after I left, there would be no one to save Gu Qing'er.

The arc of my sneer deepened, and I almost used my best strength to shake him off, "Why? Gu Yusen, I have endured enough for you in the past two years. Anyway, no matter what, even if I die in front of you today In front of Gu's house, I have to leave too!"

I threw the suitcase violently, and the bodyguard wanted to come forward to stop me, but was frightened back a few steps when I said "Get out of the way, I am no longer a member of the Gu family, you have no right to stop me" when I was extremely angry.

I pushed away the bodyguard and walked downhill towards the villa while trembling.

As I expected, even honest officials can hardly decide on housework. Although those bodyguards were ordered by Gu Lao to guard me, but seeing me and Gu Yusen arguing like this, how could they stop me.

I ran all the way, the air in my chest became thinner due to the rapid movement, I covered my chest with both hands, I just felt that the road was too long, the first time I came here, I was carried by Gu Yusen doting on my back When I came here to see the wedding room, I never felt that the road was so long.

So long that I can barely walk.I shook my head immediately, turned around and was about to leave, "I don't know, it's late, if you don't go to the hospital, go to bed early, I didn't sleep well last night, I'm sleepy now, I really want to go to bed."

It's not that I don't want to save people.

I just don't want to donate blood to Gu Qinger again.

Ever since she returned to China and used childish methods like cutting her wrists to commit suicide to attract Gu Yusen's attention time and time again, I don't know how many times I bought orders for their vigorous love.

I've done decent enough.

It can even be said to be stupid!

The child in her belly is gone. Although I am awkward, I feel sorry for her, after all, it is a living life.

But that's about it.

I won't live long, but I won't use my life to save hers.

Even Gu Lao said, I am Gu Yusen's wife, not a mobile blood bank, and whether Gu Qing'er lives or dies has nothing to do with me.

But I only forgot Gu Yusen.

I forgot that my whole life was going to be planted on him.

"Ah Qing, now is not the time to mess around." He held my wrist tightly, as if I were a vexatious child now, "Qing'er must have nothing to do, I know you blame me for being angry with you last night, but I have already I'm wrong, what else do you want?"

He has already admitted his mistake, what else do I want from him?

Is he admitting his mistake?He obviously didn't admit his mistake for beating me, he was just trying to trick me into saving Gu Qing'er, that's why he said it's okay to beat him or scold him, what happened last night, Ah Qing, I'm sorry.

But when I turned around at this moment, his eyes were filled with anxiety towards Gu Qing'er.

He was in a frenzy.

That's why a proud man like him ran back to "beg" me after leaving last night.

I used to feel sorry for me, but now I feel the same for Gu Yusen.

No, he is more pitiful than I am,
I was so sad that I was about to shed tears.

"Okay, so what if I'm willing to go with you to save people, you should know that last night, Grandpa gave an order, and there are all people outside, so it's impossible for me to go out."

Hearing this sentence, Gu Yusen's deep eyes froze for a little bit, the dense red bloodshot eyes made me feel distressed, I thought, if he is my Mo Qing's man, I will definitely take good care of him , will never make him so anxious.

"Gu Yusen." I looked at him, suddenly choked up, "I have always wanted to ask you a question, why did you marry me? Do you love me?"

When I asked this question, the whole space seemed to be silent, so quiet that only my and his breathing could be heard.

Gu Yusen obviously didn't expect that I would ask this question, and a flash of emotion that I couldn't understand at all flashed in his eyes, and he said after a while: "Now is not the time to ask such a question."

"Then when is the time to ask?" I couldn't help but raise the volume, "It's been two years since I came back from Gu Qing'er, I've been thinking about this question almost every night, and I want to know the answer every moment, but it's just a sentence It's just the answer, tell me clearly, is it that difficult?"

Gu Yusen raised his eyes sharply.

What he was holding was my wrist, and what he was looking into my eyes was so affectionate that I almost thought he would blurt out the next sentence, "Ah Qing, I love you."

But the reality is far from being so beautiful. Before I got the answer, I would occasionally dream, but now I can no longer. He destroyed all my walls in the past two years with every word.

"I love Gu Qing'er, from beginning to end, from beginning to end." I didn't expect him to come back, he should be by Gu Qing'er's side all the time, and now coming back suddenly at such a time really makes me sad I wonder.

Not to mention that his face was so pale that I couldn't help but think of something, and my heart couldn't stop sinking.

The moment our eyes met, we were relatively speechless when we thought about what happened yesterday.

After a while, Gu Yusen took a deep breath, stroked my cheek with his slender hand, and asked me, "Ah Qing, does it still hurt?"

Maybe it was the slap yesterday, or maybe it was his indiscriminate slander, the moment my skin touched the temperature of his palm, I backed away in great reaction.

But he suddenly hugged me, buried his head in my neck, like a child who lost a toy, and said in an extremely hoarse voice: "Ah Qing, my child is gone."

My heart trembled. Before this, I had never imagined how it would be for someone like Gu Yusen, who has everything he wants, to be in pain, but now, he just said a word, a short A few words, but I seemed to faintly hear his extremely suppressed crying.

His child is gone.

He said.

And that, not me and his kids.

He has obviously forgotten that a long time ago, we were together under the moonlight, on a snowy night, he embraced me in his arms, his tone and eyes were extremely gentle, "Ah Qing, if we have children in the future, no matter the boy The girls are all named Gu Muqing."

I clearly knew why he chose this name for the child, and my sweetness was about to overflow, but I still smiled silly, and asked knowingly, "Why?"

"You don't know?" He pressed the tip of my nose.

"I do not know."

He saw through my cunning, but he didn't expose it, he just smiled and kissed my lips, and the words whispered between his lips and teeth, spoiling me so much that I was dizzy.

"Because, Gu Yusen loves Mo Qing so much."

Recalling the past and thinking about this moment, I felt like a knife was stabbed in my throat, blood was seen on the knife knife, and the knife stabbed my throat.

At this moment, how he expected me to comfort him, said: "It's okay, don't be sad, as long as Gu Qing'er takes good care of her body, will there be more in the future?"

"Did the test report come out?" After all, I couldn't comfort myself, I just asked this sentence to make myself less embarrassed.

He took a deep breath, "This is the end of the matter, it's not important to pursue these."

"I know you are angry with me. If you are wronged, I will stand here. You can return the slap." Gu Yusen let go of me while talking, and I saw his eyes turned It was covered with blood, "But Qing'er has not been rescued yet, she is still lying in the hospital dying, she needs blood..."

Although he didn't fully say what he said, I already fully understood what he meant.

Gu Qing'er needs blood.

Lots and lots of blood.

And this is the reason why he came to me, and even asked me to repay his slap!
what is this?
Give a candy and then slap the routine.

He first asked me if my face hurts, and then he treated me like a fool and dragged me to save him, Gu Qing'er, right?

I really didn't expect Gu Yusen to come up with such a trick. After being played by him like this, my whole brain was buzzing and hurting, and the pain was so painful that it was about to explode.

I pushed him away calmly, trying not to sound so trembling, "Then why don't you go to the hospital? She must need you very much now."

How could Gu Yusen not see that I was pretending to be stupid so clumsily, he looked at me faintly, and he didn't even want to give me a way out, "Ah Qing, you know what I'm talking about."

(End of this chapter)

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