Chapter 451

"Captain Arthur, what do you think of Chu's invasion this time?" Ximen Buhuo looked at the man with yellow hair and smiled.

Arthur picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then said slowly:
"The mainland has been in turmoil in recent years, and it is only a matter of time before the flames of war ignite. The only unexpected thing is that the flames of war started from the border of my Huangquan country."

Ximen Buhuo nodded: "This time the opponent must have come prepared, and the reinforcements requested from the capital will arrive in a few days. With the support from the capital, this time we have nearly a million troops stationed on the southern border Already!"

Arthur's face froze: "Millions of soldiers? Isn't this almost mobilizing nearly half of the national power? What about the guards in the other three directions?"

Simon smiled without confusion:

"What is Captain Arthur panicking about? The north of Huangquan Kingdom is the Tang Kingdom. They have long declared that they will not take the initiative to attack any country. To the east is the Kingdom of Shu, our ally, and to the west is a small kingdom of Yan.

As the defensive side, we have almost no worries. I really don't know what the reckless king of Chu country is thinking, and dare to attack us Huangquan country? "

After hearing the silver-haired old man's words, Arthur pondered, but still said worriedly:

"We know this situation, it is impossible for the Chu State not to understand, but even knowing that the attack is unfavorable, the opponent still chooses to attack, isn't there some reason that we don't know about?
Moreover, the opponent did not attack again after only launching an attack half a month ago, but they still stood still with thousands of ships... There must be something strange in this! "

Ximen Buhuo was silent for a moment, then nodded: "What you said is indeed reasonable... Alas, it's a pity that I'm old, and the mainland has been peaceful for many years, and there are very few ghostly advisers like that. Otherwise, we wouldn't wait passively for this Half a month."

Arthur nodded with the same emotion:

"In troubled times, capable ministers emerge. Years of peace have drowned all kinds of wizards and ghosts, but I think that once this war starts, countless military wizards will inevitably emerge in the near future! To be honest, I am looking forward to this day arrival!"


The eastern border of Yan State, Sunset City.

At this moment, the city is full of well-armed soldiers.

These soldiers were tall and strong, with fierce expressions, and they looked like well-trained troops.

Yan Country is a very weak country in the Glory Continent. If it wasn't for the poor land and little strategic significance, it would have been annexed by neighboring countries long ago.

After all, no matter how weak the Yan State is, it still has a certain degree of resistance, and several surrounding countries feel that the gains outweigh the losses if they mobilize troops for a little benefit.

However, these elite soldiers and generals who appeared in the city at this moment are definitely not what the Yan Kingdom can cultivate.

At this moment, at the head of the sunset city, there are these two figures standing majestically.

The one on the left wears a double-feather helmet, and the two long feathers are like the feathers worn by the Monkey King played by Liu Xiaolingtong.With a strong figure, he looks like a brave general!
Standing beside him was a smiling scholar holding a cattail fan.

The fierce general with two feathers on his head said: "Everything is as Mr. Fan expected. Huang Quanguo is just a bunch of useless people who have been locked up for many years, and there is no reliable military talent at all. I don't know that Chu Kingdom has already secretly formed an alliance with Yan Kingdom. Thousands of soldiers and horses are sent here every month. Just to gnaw down the old bone of Huangquan Kingdom!"

The scholar shook his cattail fan lightly, and said, "General Yingbu, please don't say a few words. Be careful that the wall has ears."

Ying Bu glanced at the scholar, and said with a smile: "Master Xiang Ta must be too cautious. Sooner or later, Yan State will be our Chu State's territory. You don't have to be so cautious when speaking in your own land right now?"

Xiang He shook his head: "Your Majesty the King knows this, so he let you come here with the General. For the sake of the King's hegemony, I ask the General to listen to harsh words."

Yingbo glanced at the other party. Due to the relationship between the other party and the king, he did not entangle in this topic any more. Instead, he turned his eyes to the east and asked:
"My one hundred thousand soldiers are ready, when will I attack and stab Huang Quanguo in the waist?"

Xiang He pondered for a moment, then said:
"In order to prevent the other party from being aware of it, our army has transferred soldiers scattered in various places into the city in batches in the form of ordinary people since a month ago, and at the same time transferred the residents of this city to other cities in batches, and gave generous rewards .

Now this sunset city is full of our troops!but……"

Having said this, Xiang He paused for a moment, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said slowly:

"It's not time to start yet. The news that this side is ready has been conveyed to the king. As soon as the feint attack over there starts, we will start to do it here."


Fallen Leaf City.

Fallen Leaf City is a fairly large city in the Tiger Falling Province.There are usually a lot of businessmen coming and going, but now that the border war has started, the number of merchants has dropped a lot, but it doesn't seem empty.

Because one-third of the population of Liangyuan City has been transferred here.As for the other two-thirds of the population, they were transferred to the other two big cities connected to Liangyuan City.

In the early morning of that day, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the northern sky of Fallen Leaf City. This black shadow quickly enlarged, and soon showed the trace of the other party. It turned out to be a boy and a girl sitting on a flying carpet.

The flying carpet landed 500 meters outside the north gate of Fallen Leaf City.

Because of the war, the security of a city on the border like Fallen Leaf City is more than ten times stricter than usual. This kind of flying in the sky is rare, but it is very likely that they are very high-level Glory Warriors, but even so, They did not dare to have any conflict with the army.

The army is the symbol of a country's force, and conflict with the army is no different from treason.

It's fine when there's no war, no one cares about those Glorious Warriors fighting with some low-level soldiers, but now that the war broke out, the status of the army will be raised to an unprecedented level.

Just as Peasley got off the flying carpet, his right leg gave way and he fell to the ground.

Ning Xuan exclaimed, and quickly reached out to support the young man, put the other's hand on her neck, and said worriedly:

"My lord, I'm almost home anyway, and I've inquired about the news along the way. All the people in Liangyuan City have been resettled in the other three big cities, so don't rush on the road, let's adjust your breath first."

Peasley looked back at Ning Xuan, and said lightly, "You don't understand."

Then he broke free from Ning Xuan's support, quickly put the [Super Speed ​​Flying Carpet] into the system, and then ran towards Fallen Leaf City with his weak body braced.

But within two steps, he suddenly felt that what he had done to Ning Xuan just now was a little too much.During the past half a month, he was completely between rushing and adjusting his breath, and Ning Xuan had to take care of him and exhausted Mu La to help him control [Speedy Flying Carpet]. She was the hardest one. that person.

Although I am extremely worried about my parents, I should also cherish those around me.

Thinking of this, he immediately prepared to apologize to Ning Xuan, but the moment he turned around, he was horrified to find that the person who was still caring about him just now fell to the ground unconscious!
"Xuan'er!" Pisley yelled in panic, his figure trembling slightly, and he used [Zen Zong Step] directly, and the next moment he came to Ning Xuan's side, and held her frail body into his arms.

"Xuan'er! How are you?" Pisley gently shook the girl's body, but the girl was still unconscious.

Peasley transported his little mula into the opponent's body to nourish the opponent's limbs and bones.

After Mulla entered the opponent's body, he was surprised to find that the girl's veins were in a state of spasm, like flowers that had been exposed to the hot summer sun, completely exhausted.

Apparently during this time, Ning Xuan was also desperately helping him on his way, even when Mu La was exhausted, she was still persevering with perseverance...

A trace of strong guilt rose in Peasley's heart.He didn't rush into the city anymore, but picked up Ning Xuan and found a flat place to sit down, let Ning Xuan lie in his arms, and kept warming the girl's body with a wooden pull.

In fact, he really didn't need to rush this way. After all, he had learned on the way that there was only one war, and it hasn't been fought yet.The people in Liangyuan City have been transferred in advance, and no casualties have occurred, and the parents and the others have many forces secretly protecting them, so they must be safer than ordinary people.

Thinking of this, the guilt towards Ning Xuan deepened in his heart, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in his arms.

Peasley hurriedly looked down, but saw Ning Xuan's long eyelashes fluttered twice and then slowly opened.

The boy's worried heart finally let go, with a smile on his face, he said softly: "Are you awake?"

An embarrassing expression appeared on Ning Xuan's face, and she just said, "I'm sorry, my lord, Xuan'er has dragged you down."

Peasley stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's tender face twice, and said with a smile:

"Fool, your body is so weak that you are still holding on. If your body hadn't reached its limit, your instincts had turned on self-protection and you passed out. Would you still continue to hold on now?"

Ning Xuan was silent, her face darkened a bit, and said in a low voice: "Young Master is already in such a hurry, Xuan'er just doesn't want to cause you any more trouble."

Hearing this, Peasley's face sank, and he stretched out his hand to pinch the girl's little nose forcefully, causing the girl to cry out in surprise.

Peasley didn't let go until the girl begged for mercy.

Seeing Ning Xuan holding her red nose and looking at herself resentfully, Pisley's gaze softened again, and he said slowly:

"Everyone will meet many people in his life, but it is really difficult to find someone who is willing to care about and love himself unconditionally.

But I am very lucky, I was able to meet my parents when I was born, I met Xiaohe and Shi Qing when I went to Zhanshi Junior College, and I met you before leaving Shangguo...

But you seem to be not so lucky, you seem to only meet me in fifteen or sixteen years, right? "

Ning Xuan blushed, then nodded shyly.

"Since this is the case, you should rely on me more. After all, I am the only person you can rely on. Being dependent on someone you love is also a kind of happiness, you know?" Pisley said seriously.

The blush on Ning Xuan's face deepened, but her heart was sweet, and she responded delicately: "Xuan'er knows I was wrong."

Then the girl was about to get up, but was pushed back by Pisley.

"Sleep well for a while, we'll go to the city after we've had enough rest, it's not too late."

Ning Xuan looked at the gentle smile on the boy's face, hesitated for a moment, then nodded obediently, then buried her face in the boy's arms, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"It seems that I am really tired..."

Peasley sighed softly, gently stroking the girl's soft blue hair.

He did not continue to practice while taking advantage of the present, but slowly adjusted his breath while opening his status bar:


Rating: 50
Experience: 285/500
Mullah Grade: Platinum Level [-]

Fragment of the Book of Heaven (2/12):
[Red Moon]: You can have the power of the strongest king within 1 minute. (After the effect ends, it will immediately enter a weak state. Mula's power cannot be used within 10 days, and all skills related to Mula cannot be used. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: Available.)
[Spirit Mountain]: Sacrifice any piece of equipment to unconditionally kill one and the level of the equipment
Comparable to any creature.Skill range: within 100 meters. (The target strength must be below Xingyao. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: available.)
Attack: 605 (+40)

Defense: 660 (+110)

Critical Hit Rate:
20% (+5%)

Evasion rate: 20% (+10%)
HP: 1680/1680
Energy: 850/850
Prestige: 923/1000 (Dihua Zhixiu: Get 10 Kirin Coins and 1 experience point at midnight every day.)


[Tianmu]: Active skill, you can check the status of opponents whose level is not higher than your own level 20, and can see through any object for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 10, level: 12)

[Qi Poison Blade]: Active skill, emits a strong poisonous gas blade from the hand, which can make the attacked lose 5% of the remaining HP every second within 1 minutes. (Energy Consumption: 15, Level: 9)

[Zen Step]: Active skill, increase your own movement speed within 30 seconds, and can create 8 afterimages that can be controlled for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 25, level: 15)

[Sea Heart Technique]: After 3 seconds of guidance, it can restore 20% of the maximum blood volume of oneself including teammates within 50 meters. (Energy Consumption: 100, Active Skill, Level: 7)

[Tiger Might Fist]: Active skill, increase to 20 times fist strength within 3 seconds. (Initial level: black iron low level, current level: 10)

[Diamond Shield]: Active skill, increase defense power to 20 times within 3 seconds. (Initial level: Black Iron Intermediate, current level: 9)

[Yunteng Technique]: The body turns into a swimming snake and turns into a cloud into the sea.Active skill, it can fly at the fastest speed of 100 meters per second for 100 seconds within a height of 100 meters. (Energy Consumption: 50, Level: 10)

[Phantom Sound Art]: Active skill, can be used on enemies within 20 meters, making the opponent stunned for 3 seconds. (Level: 4)



(End of this chapter)

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