Chapter 454

(not modified yet, please do not read)

After repeatedly confirming that the meaning of Bai Yuze's words was to ask him [only] to pose with that piece of fur, President Wen shook his head again and again, and did not agree with anything.

What is going on with his dream?
Not only is there no lower limit, but even logic is gone.

According to normal logic, shouldn't Bai Yuze be in charge of [only] posing with the fur, while he is in charge of painting?

What?You said his painting skills are only at the level of a kindergarten class?
Is this the point?

In short, when there should be logic, there is no logic, and when there is no need to be so logical, there is logic... President Wen began to doubt the rationality of his dream.

It's strange to say that as soon as he thought this way, Bai Yuze in the dream said obediently: "Brother, don't you know how to cooperate? Then let me demonstrate it to you first."

He undid the first button of his coat.

President Wen: "...just wait!"

He got up quickly, walked to the door of the office in two steps in three steps, and locked it with his hands.

Then he took a look at the floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall behind the desk, even though he knew that this special glass could only be seen from one side, and it was already the beginning of the lights outside... He still pulled the curtains tight without hesitation.

After completing these major events, President Wen scolded Bai Yuze with a straight face: "You, you worry about the occasion in the future! What should you do if others see you?"

Bai Yuze: "..."

Bai Yuze suppressed a smile: "Okay, I will pay attention to it in the future. Is it okay now?"

President Wen walked to the sofa and sat down with the same hands and feet. His back was straight, his face was cold and firm, and his momentum was firm. His right elbow was lightly placed on the armrest of the sofa, and his legs were naturally separated. Take a rather domineering pose.


It was long overdue.

It's clearly his dream, but what does it look like to be turned against the guest?

He glanced at Bai Yuze calmly, completely ignoring his burning earlobe, and said in a very powerful and deep voice: "Okay, you can start."

Bai Yuze: "..."

This succubus is rarely choked and speechless, huh?What's wrong?Why did Mr. Wen mutate?
But it was only a moment of being at a loss, and the tried and tested succubus quickly gave his own response.

He threw himself into Mr. Wen's arms like a frightened little white rabbit, his cheeks flushed and his eyes watery: "Why are you so bad, you have learned to bully people, haven't you?"

Mr. Wen hugged him subconsciously, unable to continue to act like a big boss, he only felt that he was wronged: how did he become a bully?Obviously this little villain wants to set an example for him!
Feeling extremely refreshed at the same time, he thought coldly: You also have today!I should have done this long ago!
It has to be said that the scene chosen in this dream is very beneficial to President Wen Da.

Unlike the high school campus, it will remind people of the youthfulness and ignorance of the year.It's not like in Bai Yuze's bedroom, which is the home of other people's homes, where the fragrance and warmth are too overwhelming, which can disturb people's minds too much.

This luxurious and cold president's office has been Wencheng's absolute domain since the day the city grew stronger. It is the king's palace he built with his own hands. It is the most steadfast and powerful battlefield for him as a man, a man with great ambitions. .

President Wen frowned lightly, straightened the little rabbit whose arms had softened into a puddle of water, and sat upright, and taught him in a very principled way: "Since you have said it, you must do it, don't think that you can hide away by being coquettish." gone."

Bai Yuze put his arms around his neck, and continued to cry: "Then I don't want to take it off myself, unless you come to help me."

President Wen: "Not good——"

Bai Yuze had already pulled his right hand and put it on his fragile Adam's apple, and the first button of the shirt was down, and he begged again: "Please, brother."

President Wen slid his right hand twice.

Just when the little rabbit in his arms couldn't help showing a little joy, the corner of his mouth grinned, a cruel light flashed in his eyes, and he moved his hand away: "Hey, take it off yourself."

Bai Yuze: "..."

Isn't this different from the script he envisioned? !
It turned out that it was not an illusion.

Mr. Wen, who is like an idiot, has really mutated!

Bai Yuze tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, he licked his lips, his eyes were still watery, he twitched his nose, and grabbed the pure black rectangular fur from Mr. stood up in his arms.

He stared at Mr. Wen's eyes with resentment and resentment, and started his performance.

The clothes on his body slipped off one by one, but the fur covered his key parts tightly throughout the whole process, and there was a rhythm between his gestures, jade white and streamer black complementing each other, just like purity and charm. A combination of angels, half demons.

President Wen didn't realize that his breathing had become rough.

Bai Yuze suddenly exclaimed.

He raised his smooth right arm and touched the top of his head.

There unexpectedly appeared a pair of cute, pointed black devil horns slowly, with a curved arc, no more than five centimeters at most, like carved from black jade, it looked really cute.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yuze touched his tailbone again, and a slender and long tail protruded from there. The tip of the tail was in the shape of a heart, and it was playfully breaking through the cover of the fur, swinging back and forth in the air.

He widened his eyes, and cried to Mr. Wen for help: "I, what's wrong with me? Brother, please help me to see why it's suddenly so strange..."

President Wen certainly knows why the little villain in the dream suddenly grew horns and a tail...

It's all because the little villain's wechat avatar had to be a q version of the little devil. Although the little devil was a modified version, he thought it was the little villain himself.With this material, it is naturally selected in the dream.Still the same sentence, dreaming, where does the logic come from?
"I feel that you are very proud?" Wen Cheng said coolly, "Because you became a good doctor after a long illness?"

Gu Linfeng on the other end made a "quack", like a noisy duck being strangled by someone's neck suddenly.

Wen Cheng cared about him and said: "See a doctor if you need it, don't believe the nonsense on the Internet, you are no longer the age to be stupid, learn to be more mature, brother."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gu Linfeng to fight back, he hung up the phone neatly.

Then turn it to mute and throw it aside.

The phone screen was on for a long time before it was finally completely calm.

But the owner of the mobile phone could not calm down for a long time.

He opened the webpage and searched for keywords such as "strong Yang vegetables", "strong Yang recipes", "kidney nourishing fruits and vegetables", and found that, as Gu Linfeng said, loach, shrimp, eggs, clams, mutton, okra ... Coincidentally, they are all listed in the list. In the column introducing the efficacy, the words used are such as "enhancing function", "tonifying kidney and nourishing deficiency", "improving motivation", "preventing premature ejaculation"...

The more I look at it, the more confused I become.

Not impossible.

Because these dishes are quite homely to be honest, if that idiot Gu Linfeng hadn't pointed it out, he would never have thought that these seemingly pure and innocent ingredients would have such effects.

Shouldn’t the classic Zhuang Yang recipe be old turtle soup, all kinds of whipped vegetables, venison and venison blood, Yangbao pork kidney…

President Wen angrily closed all the webpages, not forgetting to erase all search traces.

No, no, no, you can't be misled by a fool, it must be a coincidence.

Because there is no reason!

He is worthy!

Dragon. Fine. Tiger. Fierce!
Probably a man would have a strong sense of comparison in this regard. President Wen sat on his "throne", and thought about last night and the night before last. The more he thought about it, the more he became convinced that his performance was absolutely remarkable. .

"I'm really confused..." Thinking of the later, President Wen slapped himself on the forehead, "Why do you take this dream seriously?"

He hastened to do some psychological training for himself, he must strictly distinguish the difference between dreams and reality!But don't do inappropriate things in reality, let that boy who calls him "brother" think of him, he really thinks he is a perverted boss who has bad intentions and wants to hide the rules.

In order to get rid of these messy delusions, he devoted himself to his work again, and soon returned to calm.

I worked overtime until after nine o'clock before re-approving the previously rejected plan.

The luxury car drove into the night and quickly returned to his residence.

President Wen closed his eyes and rested his mind all the way. After recovering a little, he turned on his personal mobile phone again.

Regardless of the dozen or so missed calls.

He noticed that there were several new messages on the WeChat icon.

When I clicked on it, I found that two of them came from an unfamiliar account called [I want more]. The profile picture is a Q-version little devil with a pair of pointed horns on his head and a red cape wrapped around his body. A tail with a heart-shaped tip protruded from the cape, smiling wickedly.

Wencheng doesn't have many WeChat friends, so who is this [I still want]?

He already had a premonition in his heart, and he clicked on it quickly, and saw that the first of the two messages was [Brother, I'm home (~ ̄▽ ̄)~], and the second was a picture. It's a picture of him!The portrait only has a close-up of the head, and only the raised Adam's apple is drawn down.

Wen Cheng stared at the picture for a long time like a narcissist, his heart was pounding, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help pulling upwards: "Is this how I look in the eyes of that little villain?"

His eyes are strong and sharp, his thin lips are tightly pursed, and there are still some small drops of water on his face, full of masculine charm, he feels much more handsome than himself!
Wen Cheng typed a few words: 【When did you draw it? 】

The other side replied in a second: [Brother is finally off work? 】

I also want to: [I drew it when I just came back from you. Unfortunately, the model is not with me. I'm missing some feeling. 】

Wen Cheng: [It's already great, you drew me so well. 】

I also want to: [It can be better!But you don't have time to come and model for me. 】

Wen Cheng: [Who said I'm not free? 】

I also want to: [Brother, can you dedicate yourself to art? 2333, I think with your figure, the kind of painting without clothes must be awesome! 】

Wen Cheng: [...Then I don't want it. 】

I also want to: [Hmph, sooner or later I will let you ask for it! 】

Wen Cheng: [It's getting late, go to bed early. 】

I also want to: [Are you going to sleep?Well, I wish my brother a sweet dream! 】

Bai Yuze's trip to the subway went quite smoothly.

Because he was wearing his old clothes in a very wicked manner, black clothes and black trousers, and an ordinary peaked cap, the lower half of his face was covered by a mask, and he was holding a piece of clothing commonly seen in costume dramas. The wooden lunch box, walking on the road to ensure that no one is too lazy to look at him.

The place where he lives is only five stops away from Chengyu headquarters, and the whole process took an hour and 10 minutes including the time to prepare the meals.

Stepping into the Chengyu Building, Bai Yuze consciously went to the front desk to register under the vigilant watch of the security guards.

The front desk was quite busy, and there were several boys wearing helmets and vests queuing up one by one. When it was his turn, he glanced at him and asked strangely, "You also deliver food? Why aren't you wearing a uniform?"

Although the company provides a restaurant for employees, sometimes there are not enough meal tickets, sometimes you want to change the taste, and sometimes you miss the meal time, so there are takeaway boys from time to time. Those who write about Meituan, in short, look like an organized and disciplined professional team. Compared with others, Bai Yuze is like a shabby Sanwu product, which is suspicious no matter how you look at it.

But it was this shabby Sanwu product, who took a step forward under the gaze of the young lady at the front desk, covered his eyes with the brim of his hat, and said very calmly: "I am delivering meals to your president, and I have made an appointment before."

The lady at the front desk: "... Huh?"

She was afraid that there was something wrong with her memory, so she hurried to read the memo she had written earlier.

What did the president say more than an hour ago?

"A gentleman surnamed Bai will come to deliver my food later, there is no need to check, just let him come up."

The lady at the front desk is in the stage of falling in love with her boyfriend, so she is very experienced in the process of spreading dog food and eating dog food. When she put down the phone call from the president, she firmly thought that the voice of the president was very wrong, and she was just being given a meal , so rippling, could it be that "Mr. Bai" is his sweetheart?
Well, given that countless beauties have been crushed in front of Young Master Wen over the past few years, rumors that he may like men have spread to every corner of the company, but there has never been a reliable gossip... even looking at the cold picture of the president... Feng, seems to plan to be a single dog for the rest of his life.

The current reception is cool!
The young lady at the front desk thought silently.

She will soon be able to witness the sweet affair of a pair of dogs and men!

Oh my god, come here to deliver a love meal, isn't it a cute person. Wife accepts it?
During the waiting time, every minute and every second was so difficult.

But... the lady at the front desk quickly looked Bai Yuze from head to toe, because she couldn't see the face at all, she only saw two big characters on this "Mr. Bai": poverty.

So, is this plot "the domineering president and the cleaning boy", or "you think too much, this is a pure takeaway boy"?

Bai Yuze: "Did he not explain it? Then I'll give him a call?"

The lady at the front desk quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no, please go to the top floor directly from the direct elevator over there. I wish the president a pleasant meal."

Bai Yuze turned around and went to take the elevator.

The lady at the front desk didn't give up looking at him a few more times, and the more she looked at him, the more she felt that although Mr. Bai was dressed a little poorly, he was really in good shape!And walking so out of place in the bright and bright office building, I don't feel stage fright at all, and even give people the feeling of being quite leisurely.

——Could it be that she has blamed idol dramas for so many years?
Bai Yuze didn't know that someone was imagining that he was a "stubborn and special" cleaning boy who lost his wits to the domineering president. The elevator was running very fast, and it stopped firmly on the top floor of the building with a sound of [Ding].

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

President Wen's voice sounded immediately: "Come in."

Bai Yuze pushed open the door and walked in.

President Wen didn't look up, and was focusing on flipping through a thick document, as if he didn't care who came.

Bai Yuze walked in, and suddenly said, "Hey, you took it down."

President Wen was taken aback, and turned the file around.

(End of this chapter)

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