Chapter 476

I took the few packs of medicine and left carefully, and saw Su Die, who was a little pale, leaning against the door curlingly, looking at me intently.

I couldn't help but get worried, and reluctantly nodded to her with a smile. I finally met the most famous dancer by the West Lake, and she was indeed a beautiful woman.

Staring at Su Die's winking eyes, she is a butterfly dancing among thousands of flowers, and she is just a touch of the setting sun near dusk. She lowered her head slightly and touched my slightly raised belly subconsciously. Human life is arranged by God, so I used to be a good wife, and I will be a good mother in the future.

Su Die's face became paler and paler, like a ghost in the world, floating in front of me, her voice was soft and faint.

She said: It turns out that a person's life is determined by his mother's life. Sister, why are your lives so different from mine.

She also held a few packs of medicine in her hand, which were completely different from mine. The same little life, once in the belly of a woman in a brothel, would not allow him to see the light of day. She said:
Sister, do you want to know who this child belongs to?
The words "sister" made my heart tremble, and my brain was buzzing. I staggered and almost fell to the ground, but was gently supported by the other party. I slowly raised my head, my face pale.

In Su Die's gorgeous clothes, you can faintly see from her neck, there are many beautiful flowers blooming in every corner, making me dizzy with their charm.

This is the flower tin painted by Que Chen. Every flower is like a demon with a bloody mouth, baring its teeth and claws, trying to devour me.

Su Die stood quietly at the pharmacy, watching me break free from her hand, flee in a hurry, and then fell to the ground, uttering a scream.

Accidentally bumped into the doorpost of the pharmacy, with such a violent impact, accompanied by screams of pain, shocking blood spread quickly on the ground.

When Du Haoyu arrived, I was already lying in a pool of blood, I quietly closed my eyes, unwilling to open them, unwilling to face the facts.

I thought I'd just die like that, that's all, but I'm still alive.

When I opened my eyes, I had already returned to Mo's house. I saw Que Chen's handsome and fair face, and I looked nervously and worriedly at Du Haoyu beside me.

Du Haoyu whispered a few words in Que Chen's ear, looking at me with a hint of melancholy in his eyes, after that, he turned and left.

I found out later that what Du Haoyu said was: Mrs. Ling will never be able to have children in the future, please take care.

In the spring of the following year, Mo Quechen married Chunmanlou's top dancer, and her title was a concubine.

When Su Die entered the door, naturally there was no formal grandeur, but the limelight overshadowed me back then, because in her hands, holding a clean and beautiful child, sleeping soundly.

When Su Die entered the door, she was wearing plain clothes, she was neither ostentatious nor proud, she bowed down to me politely, and said sincerely: I, Su Die, will never forget my sister's kindness to Su Die.

I wanted to smile at her, but found that the smile I squeezed out was so rigid that it almost froze.

It's not that I don't hate Sudie, it's just that I lost it, and I only know the state of mind of being a mother, so I said to Que Chen: Let Sudie's mother and son come in.

Sure enough, Su Die gave birth to a son, looking at Que Chen's joyful face, he took the child dotingly, the three of them enjoyed themselves happily, staring at me.

"Well, my head hurts so much, where is this?" Gu Mosheng looked at the white wall in front of him, momentarily at a loss.

"Nurse! Nurse! She's awake!" Beside him, a luxuriously dressed man hurriedly rang the bell beside him.

Nurse?What kind of profession is this?Hiss——Suddenly, a strange memory was inserted into Gu Mosheng's mind.

Ma'am, I'm reborn!

This is a place called Earth, where people don't practice cultivation and live on something called money.And her original owner's name is Gu Mosheng, she is the young lady of a noble family, because she is the only girl in the whole family, and they even treat her like a treasure. The person who rang the bell just now was the original owner's biological father, Gu Ke.

"Xiao Sheng, you've finally woken up, you're so worried about me!" Lin Ziye, the original owner's biological mother, was crying beside Gu Mo Sheng's bed.

Gu Mosheng, who had just sorted out the memories of the original owner, immediately accepted this identity.Since heaven gave her a chance to live a new life, why didn't she cherish it?This can also be regarded as her personality, she can always accept the cruelty of reality or the warmth of reality.

"Mom, okay, I'm fine! Don't believe me, look!" Gu Mosheng seemed to struggle to get up, but was stopped by the nurse who just came in: "What's going on? Parents It’s raining, why are you still in the rain?” The nurse didn’t want to continue talking, because the family’s property was too big, so she didn’t want to say more.

Gu Ke was a little embarrassed by what he said, but at the same time he was a little surprised. He is a girl who is spoiled by him, and she is so arrogant every day. Seeing us as an old couple, it’s as if she hasn’t seen her. She really dislikes us. If you were born in the countryside, if you were in the past, you would have hated it to death. What happened today?
The nurse checked Gu Mosheng's health and left after making sure he was fine. Only the family of three stayed in the VIP ward.

"Shengsheng, are you hungry? Do you want to call Mama Song to make you some millet porridge?" Lin Ziye couldn't help asking concerned when he saw that it was lunch time.

Song Ma was the nanny of the Gu family, and Gu Mosheng said after hearing this, "I'm much better now, why don't we go home and eat."

In fact, Lin Ziye was also very surprised before, wondering what happened to this precious girl, and then hearing what Gu Mosheng said, she couldn't help asking: "Shengsheng, why have you changed so much?"

Gu Mosheng also knew what Lin Ziye was wondering about. After all, Mayor was very arrogant before. Besides, the reason why Mayor was hospitalized was also because he fell in love with a scum who seemed to want to steal Gu's family property. Had a quarrel, and thus ran away from home in the heavy rain, resulting in illness and death.

However, Gu Mosheng didn't want to pretend, in her last life, it was because of her ignorance that made her already poor family even poorer, so her only father committed suicide. In this life, she will honor her parents well!

"Dad, Mom, I have thought a lot more clearly during this period of illness. I was too indulgent before. I'm sorry, let's go home!" Parents.

"Okay, okay! Sheng'er has finally grown up!" Gu Ke was very excited, and immediately went through the discharge procedures.

"Come on, let's go! Sheng'er!" Lin Ziye was very moved after hearing the words, and left the hospital while supporting Sheng, who was still weak.

Rumble ---
"Finally Huang Tian paid off, my old lady, I am finally going to experience the last thunder disaster, hahahahaha!" Gu Mosheng's white clothes were covered with blood, which made her face shaved by a sharp weapon produce a kind of Poignant.

"Demon girl! Don't even think about cultivating to a positive result!" Behind him, an old man over sixty years old took out a yellow talisman, muttering something in his mouth, and after a while, a red magic sword was pulled out of the old man's hand.

"Hahahahaha! It's a joke! Say I'm in collusion with the devil, old man, what are you holding in your hand?" Gu Mosheng smiled wildly, and continued: "It's just because I'm a genius in cultivation, how could I It's like murdering me when I'm going through calamities, but there's no way, I'm lucky and fateful, it's just scratching my face." Gu Mosheng smiled narcissistically, and then became very annoyed: "You scratched my face, how can I pay for it!"

The old man didn't expect Gu Mosheng to have such a personality, so he paused for a while, and then said: "Bah! What nonsense! Who doesn't know that you are a demon girl, and your face value can only be regarded as skin. He also said that I colluded with the devil, the crime is unforgivable, and I will take my life!" The old man said that the magic sword in his hand seemed to be off the string, and rushed straight out.

Some people even said that she was ugly with the bottom of her bones!Although it's really not good, but it's still Xiaojiabiyu, right?Do you know how important a face is to a girl!Thinking about it, Gu Mosheng suddenly became furious, and also fought with the old man.

"Good job, ugly! Smelly! Old man! I only fight with you and me when I am weak! Do you have any face, huh?" A bloodstain from a fight.

If it wasn't for crossing the robbery, she would hit a hundred, and that would be nothing!But the rule of crossing the catastrophe is: You must use your weakest ability to carry the catastrophe. It can be seen that Gu Mosheng has been fighting with that old man for so long, but he still hasn't fallen.

(Well, as the author, I really want to remind you that you still have a thunder disaster that you haven't experienced yet! (???`))

Rumble rumble ---
This thunder calamity was much more ferocious than the previous one, and thousands of thunder calamities gradually merged into an incomparably huge red-purple lightning, rushing down towards Gu Mo Sheng's head.

"It's over! Terrible! I've been waiting for this moment all my life! I'm not reconciled!" Gu Mosheng spat out a mouthful of blood unwillingly. "In that case, I want to bring the whole world to be buried with me! Just kidding, I'm a so-called witch!" For some reason, Gu Mo Sheng burst out with a power that had never been seen before, and he yelled angrily at the sky , sad and long.

"Help! Help!" The old man knelt down and said.He didn't know that this witch, who was famous all over the continent, had such a terrifying side.

Alas, it was too late, time and space began to distort, the air became thinner, and natural disasters began to burn and destroy the continent of Shenzhou.

Gu Mosheng feels that she has never done such a crazy thing in her life, and she has always regarded her life as a treasure, because she lived a life of poverty, so there is such a person as a witch in the world
But, it hurts.

Is she really going to die like this?

She is not reconciled, she has worked so hard, and it is so in vain.

She, dying?
After taking a bath, I went to the balcony to check, but Haiyuan was not there.I went to the study to check, but he wasn't there either.I went to the back garden to check, but it wasn't there either.I hurried to the back mountain and saw the smoke rising not far away, so I quickened my pace and pushed open the old door. Han Yuan likes to come here very much. He said that he has good memories here. I asked What is your fondest memory from many times?Most of the time he just patted my head and didn't make a sound.After entering, I happened to see Han Yuan filling a cup of soup.I took the hot soup in his hand and quickly put it on the table, and immediately blew on my fingers.

Hanyuan is perfect in my heart. Before that, there was a person who took care of my daily life.Later, it was because of me, um... probably because of me, she was driven down the mountain by Han Yuan, and she has been taken care of by Han Yuan since then, Han Yuan sat down opposite me, quietly watching me A good meal.

"Han Yuan, bring Shuchun back, don't you need to bother so much!" After speaking, Yan Ji felt that her proposal had no momentum at all, so she straightened her waist. "You want her back that much!? Han Yuan just looked at me like this, with questions and... anger in his eyes.

"No...not that much, you don't have to be so tired when she comes back."

"She won't come back, and I'm not tired either!"


"Okay, let's eat and leave later." After Han Yuan finished speaking, he continued to eat, and now he saw that I didn't move my chopsticks for a long time and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Han Yuan, I..."

"What's wrong with you?" He continued to eat without even looking at me, as if he knew what I was going to say.

"Can you go slowly, we just came back, I want to go..."

"Go to Taoli!?" Han Yuan is always like this, he knows my life very well, knows what I think, and knows everything.But I still ask every time: "How do you know?" After asking, I find it a bit silly.

"Want to eat honey brew?"


"Now is the dawn of spring, and the world that has just been washed by Guanyin's pure rain is the cleanest. When people's joy is at its peak, peaches and plums are probably busy collecting joy. For brewing, then your favorite honey brewing !"

That's right, the reason why Taoli was appointed by the Queen Mother as the wine master is because his wine is divided into joy, sadness, hatred and forgetting. Among his unique wine making methods, joy is the most sought after.But once Tao Li told me seriously that in fact, what everyone is chasing after is afraid of forgetting.

"Hey~ he's a busy man, and he doesn't see people often. I finally came back, but he disappeared. Doesn't he still have a lot of stock in his wine cellar? Next time I see him, I have to be in his wine cellar." Tie a string to your beard."

Speaking of Taoli, he is a dead old man who is already desolate and has a childlike innocence.I like his life very much, he is leisurely and comfortable, and was named "Royal Wine Master" by the Queen Mother.Specially in charge of the wine in the banquet where the Jade Emperor came.But there is no banquet where all the Jade Emperors attend.So leisurely, and authoritative.The most important thing is that he makes good wine.

I met him at a banquet in the Heavenly Court——The Prince’s Reception Banquet. At that time, I was about eight or nine hundred years old, and I looked like a mortal child who was eight or nine years old. It was the second time I came to the Heavenly Court. Although I was young , but do not admit life at all, carefree.The children brought by other people's fairy families all walked behind the adults respectfully.I am different, I walk ahead without any shyness, and when I see something novel, I will definitely touch it.

(End of this chapter)

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