Chapter 490

Doesn't it feel like a dream after waking up?She tried her best to recall the face of the man in the dream, but she couldn't recall anything, only that sentence was deeply engraved in her mind.

That sentence: "Su Jingyi! You owe me this!" There seemed to be boundless coldness in these words, and Su Jingyi couldn't help shivering just thinking about it.

For some reason, Su Jingyi always felt that this man was very familiar, yet strange.She always felt that she knew him, but she couldn't remember who he was anyway.

Thinking about it made her brain hurt.Touching her forehead casually, she was so frightened that she hurriedly withdrew her hand, it was so hot.Su Jingyi smiled secretly, no wonder she had such a strange dream, it turned out she had a fever.

Turning on the bedside lamp, Su Jingyi found the antipyretic medicine in the drawer and took it.He glanced at the clock on the wall again, at [-]:[-] in the morning, pulled the quilt over his head, didn't think about anything, and continued to sleep.This time, Su Jingyi slept soundly, she did not dream again.

The annoying phone rings tirelessly over and over again, and Su Jingyi is finally woken up reluctantly.

"It's so early, what are you doing?" Su Jingyi asked An Jinrou impatiently as she looked at the white streak just pulled out of the window.

"Honey, haven't you checked the WeChat group? Mr. Guo sent an emergency notice saying that there will be a major event in the company to inform everyone today. Let our department ensure that all staff are on duty, and pay attention to appearance and dress. It sounds very serious. Now Everyone in the group is talking about this, so get up and have a look and reply to Mr. Guo."

"What? I don't watch it. I had a fever last night, and now I'm so sleepy, let me sleep again." Su Jingyi hung up the phone after speaking, threw the phone on the bedside table and continued to sleep.

The phone kept ringing on the bedside table, the sound of new WeChat message notifications, the sound of the phone vibrating and rubbing against the bedside table, making Su Jingyi really unable to sleep peacefully, so she had to take the phone over to look at it.

There are more than 300 unread new messages in the large group of departments, and the number is still increasing rapidly. It's only [-]:[-]. It's so noisy so early in the morning. What are you all doing?

Su Jingyi just wanted to see what happened from the beginning.The phone rang again, this time it was Mr. Guo's call.

After working in the company for more than three years, this is the first time Mr. Guo called her so early.Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Su Jingyi hurriedly picked up the phone before she had time to think about it.

"Jing Yi, I have something to tell you. The leaders of the group will be attending this morning's meeting. You should go early today and prepare in advance. There is also the annual sales report of our business department and various tasks of the year. You will make a report on the achievement of the goal and the assessment in several aspects. After the morning meeting, the group leaders will hold a separate management meeting for the business department executives, and then you will make an annual summary report."

This account was originally some very ordinary and simple work, but Mr. Guo's voice was particularly deep.

"Mr. Guo, is there something wrong?" Feeling that Mr. Guo was unusual, Su Jingyi asked cautiously.

"There may be a big personnel change in the company. The leaders of the group will come to issue a notice tomorrow. We just have to be ourselves and prepare psychologically in advance." Mr. Guo's voice is very weak, and there is no sadness or joy.

After hanging up the phone, Su Jingyi lost all sleepiness.Big personnel changes?I have been doing very well in the unit, so I won't be fired all of a sudden, right?

Thinking about it, Su Jingyi couldn't help laughing, she really has persecution paranoia!In the North District Business Department of Chengshun Group, if even her, Su Jingyi, was going to be fired, wouldn't it mean that the entire North District Business Department would also be fired?

The next morning, everyone from the Starry Night Gang arrived at the main gang hall.The elder walked slowly to the front. There were 4 seats at the front, and these seats were all new, specially made for Mei, Jin, Ling, and Xuan.

The elder looked at the people below, and said slowly: "Boys and girls of the Starry Night Gang, today, there will be an important announcement. I am old and can no longer be the leader of the gang, so I will give up the position of the leader of the gang today. Give it to four people, they are Mei, Jin, Ling, and Xuan."

The four of them came up to the front and bowed to everyone.The elder nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "The four of them are very good, and they are very suitable to be the leader of the Starry Night Gang. Therefore, I decided to give the gang to the four of them, one person and one team, and Mei will be the chief leader. Listen to the four of them."

The elder gave the leader cards to the four of them: "From now on, they are your new leader: Ye Mei, Yejin, Yeling, and Yexuan." (The name of the leader must be preceded by "Ye")
None of the people below resisted, and no one wanted them to be the leader, but they shouted together: "The leader of Yemei, the leader of Yejin, the leader of Yeling, the leader of Yexuan." The elder was very satisfied with this result, and smiled Side nod.Mei, Jin, Ling, and Xuan bowed deeply three times to the people below, and showed the leader card in their hands to the people below.

When the ceremony was over, they returned to the room and began to chat.

Jin: "Oh my god! It's a surprise that we actually became gang leaders!"

Ling closed his eyes and meditated. . .

Xuan: "Hey! I never thought that this day would come. Unexpectedly, the title of gang leader would also be our turn."

Mei: "Can we really do it? The Shadow Trace Gang is our worst enemy. They are so powerful. If the gang is in our hands, can we defeat them?"

Everyone was silent.Ling opened his eyes: "This is a good question. I heard that the Shadow Trail gang will start attacking us again in a few days, and the tactics have been sent over."

Everyone pondered. .

Mei: "Ling, are you sure it will be a few days? Then we still have time to prepare. Since the elder handed over the gang to us, we must protect the gang and defeat the Yingji gang."

Ling: "That's right, we have to defend the gang, let's start lining up tomorrow!"

Mei, Xuan and Jin: "Okay!"

night. . . . . .

Mei stood on the balcony, looking up at the sky.The stars are shining brightly in the sky, and the moon is shining brightly.Ling walked towards Mei slowly: "What's the matter? Are you in a bad mood? I remember that you like to watch the starry sky when you are in a bad mood."

Mei smiled: "You really know me! But I'm not in a bad mood today, I just want to come out and take a look. I don't know if I will have time to watch it in the future. Or, if I have a chance to watch it."

Ling looked at Mei, and the bright moonlight shone on Mei's face, making her look very pretty. "Yes, I will definitely watch it later."

Mei moved her eyes and looked at Ling: "Are you so sure?"

Ling touched Mei's head: "I will definitely, I will watch the stars in the future, I will accompany you, I will accompany you to watch the stars for a lifetime, okay?" The two just stared at each other like this, neither of them spoke, just watched with.What a warm sentence!Mei listened, her heart warmed, she smiled and nodded.Ling, will you really stay with me for the rest of your life?
Feelings heat up. . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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