Chapter 510

After watching the sky for thousands of years, the moon sank into the sea of ​​clouds, and the positions of the stars and souls changed.The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and then a beam of white light like silk seemed to be seen in the faint clouds.

After the rain, the fragrance is fragrant, the spring water is trickling, and it is quiet and peaceful.

"Yun'er, run slowly, be careful of falling..." Not far from a beautiful woman, I saw an exquisite little doll, young, with red lips and white teeth, a pair of red phoenix eyes, wearing a peach pink pear flower skirt, playing and chasing after her. Butterfly.

"I know, mother~" After speaking, the girl found a broken bamboo in Kusama, although it was broken, it was still green and full of charm, so she wanted to reach out and pick it up.

The moment the delicate little hands grabbed it, the situation changed, the girl let out a scream and then her eyes turned black and she fell forward. Knocking on the broken bamboo, a white light suddenly appeared and then disappeared in a flash.

"Ma'am, Miss Yun has a high fever and has been in a coma for many days. The old man has little knowledge, and there is no medicine to cure him. I can only depend on fate... I'm afraid I might hurt my brain when I wake up..." After finishing speaking, the old doctor carried the medicine box on his back I want to say goodbye to leave the house.

Mrs. An looked at her daughter on the carved wooden bed, her small hand was still holding onto the broken bamboo, she was lying quietly as if she was falling asleep, but she couldn't wake her up, her heart ached suddenly, her beautiful eyes were red and swollen, she didn't know I have cried several times: "Sir, is my Jun'er really like this, my Jun'er... Jun'er..."

The old doctor paused for a while, and said: Madam, don't be so sad, maybe there is still a way to save, but the fate is very small... Madam can find Mr. Xiao in Jingdu.After finishing speaking, the old doctor withdrew and left.

Mrs. An thought, although Jun'er was not her own daughter, she was protected by her husband who died on the battlefield.Although she is the second young wife of the general's mansion, she has no children. For these reasons, she left the Ye Mansion in Kyoto, mostly because her own family has taken care of her for these years.

Thinking of the situation where the husband died in battle, the baby was protected under the body, the cute and agile appearance. "Xinyin, tidy up, let's go to the capital to find Mr. Xiao."

Xinyin, who was beside her, looked at her girl's color and knew nothing: yes.

"The capital is still lively." Xinyin said.Mrs. An was silent.

The carriage moved slowly.

The ancient capital of Luocheng, the first of the ten cities of Tiancheng Kingdom.The An family, the five major families in Kyoto, ranks third, with Qin at the top, followed by Qiao, followed by Mu and Bai.The Ye family is only one of the few small families, not even ranked in the name, thanks to Ye Lige, the second young master of the Ye family, it is revealed that Ye Ernian has little promise, and his skills can be compared with the young master of the Qin family , It is a pity that he died strangely, and his body was stolen during the vigil, which can be described as sad and hateful.

"This trip is only for Yun'er to wake up, let's stay in the inn for now." Mrs. An looked at Ye Yun and said softly. "Why bother, girl... the old lady has been looking forward to the girl's return, I..."

"Xinyin, you don't need to say more. I know that I'm married to Lige. Even if I haven't... the bridal chamber... I'm already Lige's person. When I come back this time, don't let my mother know that Yun'er is mine. Daughter, I will not marry anyone else either." Xinyin stopped talking.The carriage slowly and finally stopped.

It was night, Ye Yun's eyelashes trembled, as if he would wake up in the next second, and it was still quiet after a while, but Ye Yun's doll was in the sea of ​​souls at this moment, and among the three souls and seven souls, the soul of life became more and more vigorous. It emitted colorful rays of light, but half of it was missing when you looked carefully. The two souls of heaven and earth returned to their positions, and the seven souls protected the whole body like branches and leaves.

Ye Yun was watching all this in surprise, and found that his remnant soul had awakened, and was no longer in the broken bamboo. He had somehow entered the girl's soul sea, and that colorful life soul was actually the other half of his divine soul!Suddenly, the sea of ​​souls became chaotic, and Ye Yun was sucked in by the other half who was several times weaker!
The mind and soul are united, and the dream ends.When Hu Ying saw Yin Ling huddled in the corner, she immediately felt happy, and the joy in her heart made her notice Yin Ling's wriggling lips.

Ever since this little slut was brought to Xiao's house, she had noticed the gorgeous and complicated clothes of the visitor. This kind of clothes were definitely not worn by ordinary people, but based on the dark patterns on the inside and outside of the clothes, she could be sure, This kind of fabric is not even available to many high-level hermit nobles-at that time, she was jealous.

She sold the clothes the next day, but the amount of money surprised her, and she felt a little jealous.

When negotiating the price, she didn't miss the desire in the buyer's eyes, but she was shocked when she knew the other party's bid, with many zeros behind it.

Now this little bitch doesn't even dare to speak to her, which made Hu Ying very rare to open her mouth: "Speak, move your lips, what do you want to do?"

Yin Ling raised her head in surprise, then lowered her head in fear, and said in a low voice, "I...I want to go out and have a look..."

Hu Ying's face, which was covered in make-up, was almost pink with a smile: "Then you go." Now the little bitch has to get her permission to go out, so what if she goes out once?

Yin Ling, who understood Hu Ying's psychology, smiled, but she was very excited on the surface, and her voice stammered: "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

Yin Ling, who had received Hu Ying's verbal pass, went out immediately, holding a red Grandpa Mao in her palm.

The first thing Yin Ling has to do is wash his body.

She was not afraid of Hu Ying sending someone to watch her, because Hu Ying never thought of what she would do.

Walking into the "Xianghe Bath", Yin Ling chose the single-room bath, and after paying the money, she walked into the bath. Through the mirror next to her, she clearly saw the contempt of the money collector just now.

Yin Ling couldn't help chuckling.

Everyone in this world will not judge you because of human behavior, but decide right or wrong by the most superficial skin - so kind people deserve to be bullied, while wicked people are always the best sought after.

How ridiculous.

After wiping off the decorations on her body to fool the Xiao family, Yin Ling straightened up, stretched her back, and saw herself in the mirror.

The most striking thing is the pair of extremely divine peach blossom eyes, but they are not pure peach blossom eyes, they will not be too watery like ordinary peach blossom eyes, but the lines are more smooth and enchanting, and the eyelashes are curled up like small cattail fans Yes, every time you blink, it will vibrate slightly, making the whole pair of pupils extremely beautiful and charming, and it seems that half of your body is softened just by looking at it.

With a pretty nose, rosy jelly-like lips, and white skin like white jade porcelain, no one can't help but pounce on it and take a bite.

Black crow's long hair was wet after washing, and it stuck to the collarbone that was wrapped in a bathrobe. The straight visual impact caused people's nose to bleed. It was obviously not seductive, but it was full of seductive and sinking colors. gas!

In fact, she is not short, a pair of flat shoes is enough for 1.7 meters, but she deliberately hunched her back in order to deceive the Xiao family. She looked at most 1.6 meters that way, and with the help of the black soil, it was unbelievable It's the same person.

Yin Lingben just looked at it casually, but she was also stunned. She thought that she was not from the Xiao family, and her appearance should not be bad, but she didn't expect that after a few years of maintenance, she would be so beautiful!
However, this is also a convenience. Who doesn't like good looks in this era?
So when Yin Ling walked into the original lobby, everyone cast their gazes, some were amazed, some were envious, some were admiring, some were inhaling, and there was even the sound of swallowing saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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