Chapter 62
Hearing that the book was about to be endorsed, a group of kids immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.Although the Glory Continent is a world that advocates martial arts, literary combat is also valued.Because there are many people who specialize in ingenuity and resourcefulness, with a three-inch tongue, they can influence the direction of a battle or even a war.

Of course, these people are often not much weaker in martial arts.

But for the vast majority of children, let them practice mula.
They may be able to accept things that are more practical, but if they are to endorse them, it will be terrible!

But Dong Shi didn't care whether they liked it or not, and directly took out a special ballpoint pen from [Void]. There was a small hole on one side of the ballpoint pen, which turned out to be a projection device.

When Dong Shi put the article to be recited on the blackboard with a special projector, the little kids were stunned.But when Peasley saw the title of the article, he couldn't help laughing.

Because this text is Zhuge Liang's famous "Teacher List"! !

"Being a teacher is a real name, who is worthy of a thousand years."

When Peasley memorized this article, he didn't spend too much effort.Because at that time he still loved the Three Kingdoms very much, and he still admired Zhuge Kongming.

Although it was later called "Three Kingdoms"

influenced a lot...

Dong Shi glanced at everyone: "This is a world-famous masterpiece written by the dean of our college. It doesn't have many words, only about 800 words in total.


"Eight hundred characters are not many? I can't even recite eight hundred characters!"

"My God, I'd rather go down and run twenty laps, at least I can improve my physical fitness!"

"Hey, you can memorize it or memorize it. Do you think it's so easy to run twenty laps? Maybe the teacher will make something wrong!"


Dong Shi ignored everyone's whispers and continued: "I'll give you an hour now, and I don't need to repeat the consequences of not being able to recite it."

Dong Shi didn't give these children a chance to bargain at all, and looked up at the clock:
"It's [-]:[-], and at [-]:[-] I will start a random check. If you recite it, you can go straight to get out of class.

Of course, if you can't recite it, we can talk about it. "

Then Dong Shi walked in front of Pisley and Liu Qinghe, showing that touching but evil smile again.

Peasley immediately felt a tinge of unease in his heart.

"You two have to carry it too. If you don't carry it out, you will also be punished. But you can sit on your back, but they must stand on your back." Dong Shi said to the two of them rudely.

Hearing this, Peasley put on a bitter face, but his heart was filled with joy.Is labor-management high school's two-year Chinese class representative for nothing?

But Peasley's expression made Dong Shi very satisfied.However, Dong Shi noticed
, the little girl next to Peasley did not show the unhappy expression she expected after hearing her words.

On the contrary, the little girl showed a look of eagerness to try.

Dong Shi nodded secretly in his heart: "This year, there are really many interesting children..."

Afterwards, Dong Shi actually left the classroom under the surprised eyes of everyone.

But the children in the class did not dare to relax at all, and all looked at the fonts on the blackboard with high tension.

Fortunately, there are some unfamiliar words that have special markings similar to pinyin. Although they can't understand the meaning of the article, at least these little kids have no problem reading it.

To say that after Dong Shi left, the only person in the class who had nothing to do was Peasley.

Although it has been five years since he came to this world, this article has left a deep enough memory in his mind that he can memorize it silently after reading it twice.

He looked at the door of the class, but felt very helpless.

Although these five-year-old children's intelligence developed early, and they are Honor Warriors, their intelligence is not low.

However, it is almost impossible for the vast majority of children to memorize such an 800-word "External Teacher List" in an hour.

Obviously, Dong Shi was deliberately making things difficult, and wanted to give Class Nine a blow to them.

But Peasley doesn't care about it, and he has nothing to fear.Except for Liu Qinghe, who was a little worried, he didn't care about the others.

This hour was not wasted by Peasley, he closed his eyes and began to practice after thinking about the target of the next kiss to no avail.

Peasley firmly believes that if he can grasp every second, then he will be stronger every second than the previous one.

An hour passed quickly.Because Pisley was sitting in the corner, no one except Liu Qinghe noticed that he was actually practicing Mula when he was so nervous.

But when the hour was approaching, Peasley had woken up automatically.

Then after Dong Shi walked into the classroom.He started roaring hysterically, pretending to be reciting with great difficulty, and frightened the little loli beside him.

Dong Shi put away the special projector, and the words engraved in the students' minds on the blackboard disappeared instantly.

Although the voices in the class were unusually noisy, Dong Shi's fluttering words reached everyone's ears: "Okay, one hour is up."

One second the class was boiling like boiling water, but the next second it was like a swamp


Dong Shi's tigress-like majestic gaze swept across everyone's faces.

Almost all the students looked panic-stricken, and of course there were a few who seemed calm, but she didn't know if they were trembling in their hearts.

"As the leader of the first class, you come first." Dong Shi looked at Ximen Qianqian and smiled.

A trace of panic flashed in Ximen Qianqian's eyes, but she stood up calmly and began to recite:

"The first emperor's business was not halfway established, but the middle road collapsed. Today, three points are lost, and Yizhou is exhausted. This is really a crisis of life and death..."

In the first half of the article, Ximen Qianqian recited it smoothly, but when she recited the sentence "The first emperor did not regard his ministers as despicable, but humiliated himself, and paid attention to his ministers in the cottage", he gradually began to get stuck.

To be honest, Peasley was surprised that he could memorize it to such an extent.It's a miracle that a five-year-old can memorize this level in an hour.

He believed that Dong Shi's heart at this moment must not be so cold and calm on the surface.

It's a pity that Ximen Qianqian is still completely stuck on the sentence "As for the consideration of profit and loss, and the faithful words, then Youzhi, Yi, and Yunzhi are also".

Peasley secretly sighed that when he recited this sentence back then, he had to memorize it for a long time all night before forcibly remembering it!Ximen Qianqian can do this step in an hour, which is quite remarkable.

However, this did not affect his determination to kill her.

"If you can't recite it, go outside the classroom and wait."

Dong Shi said something coldly.

Ximen Qianqian stomped her feet unwillingly, but she didn't dare to challenge the old woman for the time being, so she had to swallow her anger and walk out of the classroom as a target.

Then Dong Shi called a few more at random, basically wherever she went, the suffocating feeling followed.Those who couldn't recite it and were called out were deeply relieved.

For a while, the atmosphere in the classroom was a little too depressing.

Dong Shi enjoyed this feeling very much, but when she walked in front of Peasley who was picking her nostrils with her little finger, this enjoyment was suddenly interrupted.

"You, stand up and recite."

Dong Shi said coldly.

Being named by Dong Shi, Peasley deliberately pretended to be scared, but in fact he was very happy in his heart.

It's like the teacher has a problem, and no one else knows, but only one person knows.

That person is very eager to be a teacher
I can ask myself to answer, and then I stand up casually, say the answer lightly, and then enjoy the superiority of being looked up by other students.

Peasley is like this person at the moment, he has long wanted to be spotted by Dong Shi, and then come out to pretend to be a fake.Fortunately, his wretchedness successfully attracted Dong Shi's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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