Chapter 104 Because It's You, So I Will (13)

"Lin Xi." Qi Yuan looked at Lin Xi calmly, her gaze changed again, as if she was looking at a dead person.

Lin Xi gritted her teeth desperately, looked at the hideous Qi Yuan in front of her, and resisted the feeling of wanting to tear her apart.

"You are very smart, you should know what we will do." Qi Yuan continued to speak, her tone was unusually flat, as if she was talking to a dead person.

Lin Xi frowned slightly, looked at Qi Yuan, and suddenly smiled mysteriously: "But, you don't know what I'm going to do."

She squinted her eyes slightly and looked at Qi Yuan in front of her without any trace of fear.

"What do you mean?" Qi Yuan couldn't help asking, and lost her position if she was not careful.

Lin Xi's aura may be strong, not angry but powerful, coupled with the terrible birthmark on her face, it makes the guilty Qi Yuan even more frightened.

"You really think I don't know anything?" Lin Xi raised her eyebrows and looked at the three people as if they were mentally retarded.

She, Lin Xi, is best at psychological tactics, and she is very accurate at guessing other people's minds.

Even if you are in a difficult situation at this time, you should not panic, you must stop calmly, and let Qi Yuan mess herself up.

Lin Aohui, who had always known Lin Xi best, didn't say a word at this moment, but just looked at Lin Xi.

He didn't expect Lin Xi to grow so much after that day.To be exact, after that day, Lin Xi almost recovered her pre-6-year-old character.

"So what if you know?" Lin Siran was the first to react, looked at Lin Xi, and said nonchalantly.

With so many of them, would they be afraid of Lin Xi?
joke!How to say that among them, one is the mayor, one is the mayor's wife, and the other is a young lady who was spoiled and spoiled since childhood.

Could it be that the aura of the three of them was inferior to that of one Lin Xi?
Lin Aohui looked at Lin Xi, with a flash of firmness in his eyes.

He knew that he could no longer soften his heart this time, and this time, Lin Xi had to be dealt with calmly.It is best if the person who does it does not know it.

"Lin Xi, you shouldn't have come back today." Lin Aohui looked at Lin Xi regretfully. Although she was his own daughter, at this moment, he resolutely chose to deal with her.

But at this time, Lin Xi calmed down, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at the three people.

The smile bloomed bigger and bigger, and finally laughed outright.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Lin Xi looked at Lin Aohui and said indifferently.

"Tell me, what do you want to do with me? Kill people to silence me?" Lin Xi guessed and looked at the faces of the three people.

"Qi Yuan, why are you still so childish after all these years?" Lin Xi looked at Qi Yuan and couldn't help but said.

Qi Yuan shrank her pupils and looked at Lin Xi.

With a face full of disbelief, Lin Xi seemed to know everything.Yes, she seemed to know the truth back then.Knowing all the nasty things I did back then.

She did all these things without anyone noticing, and Lin Aohui didn't know about it. Could it be that Lin Xi knew about it?
No, Lin Xi cannot be allowed to go on like this, she must kill Lin Xi today.

Yes, she must kill Lin Xi today.

Kill people and silence them, only the dead can't speak!

A trace of cruelty flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes, looking at Lin Xi, she wished to cut her into pieces.

At the same time, she gripped the fruit knife in her hand...

Lin Xi must die!

 good night!
(End of this chapter)

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