Chapter 106 Because It's You, So I Will (15)

Lin Xi paused for a moment, carefully recalling what Lin Siran said.

Will father be afraid of the Cheng family?
Will Lin Aohui be afraid of the Cheng family?
If Lin Aohui wasn't afraid, why did he have to ask him to come back yesterday?
very good!Sure enough, he used her, Lin Xi, as a weapon again?
The corner of Lin Xi's mouth twitched: "Mayor Lin, I didn't expect that your ability to tell nonsense has become more and more powerful recently..."

Lin Xi said "praise" without hesitation, and then looked at Qi Yuan.

At this time, Qi Yuan narrowed her eyes, as if she was about to make a move.

But at this time, there was a sudden sound of a car horn outside the door.

The sound of the whistle affected the conversation of several of them through the door...

Lin Xi frowned slightly?Did someone break into Lin's house?

She remembered that this car was not owned by the Lin family...

Who would be the one who broke in?
At present, no one knows that Lin Xi is in trouble at the Lin family.

Even Qi Yuan, who was about to stab him with a knife, gave a slight pause, but he didn't expect someone to come over at this time.

"Sir, you can't go in!" The people outside stopped the car, but it was of no use.

Gu Nianchu sat in the driver's seat, slightly undid two buttons of the white shirt, exposing the collarbone inside.

He sat impatiently in the car, looked at the people outside, and then a playful expression suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Then, he stepped on the gas pedal.

That's right, a group of people in front stopped him, but he stepped on the gas pedal.

The people outside were startled. The moment they saw that the car hadn't stopped, they all flashed to both sides tacitly.

Gu Nianchu glanced at them, and then drove his car to the main entrance of Lin's house.

Naturally, some people wanted to stop Gu Nianchu, so he didn't talk nonsense, got out of the car, and looked at those who stopped him.

Very good, they are all bodyguards of the Lin family.

"I'm Gu Nianchu." Gu Nianchu said slowly, looking at the bodyguards in front of him.

It's a joke, his Gu family used to do more of this kind of thing, and there are still quite a few bodyguards in the Gu family. I dare not say the whole world, as far as the bodyguards in the whole country, there is no one who doesn't know Gu Nianchu.

Gu Nianchu once trained this group of people, relying on what his family did before the Republic of China, naturally no one dared to provoke him.

The group of bodyguards were obviously taken aback, and they looked at Gu Nianchu carefully.

The person in the lead had obvious shock on his face, looked at Gu Nianchu, and asked uncertainly, "Brother Chu?"

Gu Nianchu nodded.

Then the group of bodyguards in front of them retreated, leaving a way for Gu Nianchu.

At this moment, Gu Nianchu was afraid that something might happen to Lin Xi, so he almost ran and quickly ran over.

This series of things happened in just a few minutes.

Several people in the room hadn't reacted yet, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one spoke.

This is the mayor's residence, and someone broke into it casually?
joke? !
Qi Yuan was the first to react. She looked at Lin Xi who was in a daze, clutching the fruit knife in her hand, and a venomous look flashed in her eyes.

All of a sudden, it was like Lin Xi had stabbed him.

Qi Yuan smiled happily, she felt that she would be able to kill Lin Xi this time.

Even when she raised the fruit knife to stab Lin Xi, she saw the disbelief and shock in Lin Xi's eyes.

And a fear and despair of imminent death.

But in the next second, the door was suddenly broken open by someone. Seeing that the dagger was about to stab Lin Xi's neck, the man shrank his pupils and sped up the speed...

race against death...

 Do you want to play a game?Sui Sui is in a panic, and if there are a few recommended votes tomorrow, there will be a few more chapters.If you can't finish it all at once tomorrow, update it in batches.


(End of this chapter)

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