Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 113 Thanks for meeting, regardless of gains and losses

Chapter 113 Thanks for meeting, regardless of gains and losses (5)

Lin Xi opened her eyes and saw three people beside her - An Lin, An Sishui and Qin Huai.

Although she remembered that she had seen these three people before she fell into a coma, she couldn't explain why these three people were by her side after waking up.

Lin Xi frowned slightly, and began to wonder who she was with before she passed out.

She tried hard to search for her own memory, and finally, she settled on a handsome face - Gu Nianchu!

Lin Xi rubbed her swollen head, she clearly remembered that she was in the Lin family, and was almost stabbed to death by Qi Yuan, but Gu Nianchu suddenly rushed out and saved her...

Then she was sent to the hospital...

Lin Xi only remembered a general idea. Lin Xi remembered vaguely what Gu Nianchu said on the road. She only knew that Gu Nianchu seemed to have said something, but she couldn't remember what he said specifically...

Unable to remember, Lin Xi didn't think about it again.She looked at the three people beside her in confusion, and blurted out: "Why are you here?"

"Lin Xi, you don't know, you scared me to death. Gu Nianchu suddenly called my brother and said something happened to you. We all came here quickly." An Sishui complained, looking at the awakened Lin Xi.

The corner of Lin Xi's mouth twitched into a comforting smile, and she looked at An Sishui: "It's okay, Xiao Shui, I just had some trouble at the Lin family..."

But at this time, Lin Xi was absolutely sure that it was Gu Nianchu who sent her here.

"It really is the Lin family." An Sishui spoke slowly, uttering such a sentence.

"What?" Lin Xi frowned slightly, knowing that there was something wrong with what An Sishui said just now.

"We guessed what happened to you just now, and we guessed the Lin family." An Sishui opened his mouth and told what Qin Huai had just analyzed.

"Lin Xi, you have been wronged a lot in the Lin family, right?" An Sishui looked at Lin Xi distressedly.

Lin Xi smiled and shook her head, but in her eyes, a tear was rolling in the socket.

How could Lin Xi not feel sorry for her father who wanted to die alone.

But she is used to bearing silently by herself...

An Sishui, who had always understood Lin Xi, naturally saw Lin Xi's thoughts, smiled at Lin Xi, and stopped talking.

"Lin Xi, when are you going to return to Cheng's house?" Qin Huai said suddenly, looking at Lin Xi seriously.

Lin Xi paused slightly, turned her head to the side, and thought about it carefully: "I don't plan to go back for a while..."

"But if you don't go back, your face..." Qin Huai spoke again, but Lin Xi completely understood half of what he said.

Because the so-called "birthmark" on her face was not born with it, it was completely man-made.

And this matter, the Cheng family can definitely find out.

"I want to find out about this matter myself." Lin Xi smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and touched the birthmark that changed her fate.

Without this birthmark, Lin Xi would not be what she is now.

Qin Huai glanced at Lin Xi distressedly, and thought secretly in his heart: As expected of the daughter of the Cheng family, she has such courage.

Lin Xi doesn't have any backstage right now, and she still wants to find out the truth by herself.This idea alone is enough to make many people praise it.

However, both An Sishui and An Lin listened in a daze to the conversation between Lin Xi and Qin Huai.

Even so, neither of them said anything to ask what it meant...

(End of this chapter)

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