Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 117 Thanks for meeting, regardless of gains and losses

Chapter 117 Thanks for meeting, regardless of gains and losses (9)

But I don't know, just because of such a sentence, how many things in the future have been changed...

Ye Qingqing got out of the car unwillingly. She knew that there were many reporters outside the car, waiting for the news in the dark.

So after she got down, her complexion returned to normal, even with a hint of joy, she looked at the assistant waiting for her under the car, and she smiled slightly: "There is no space in the car, let's drive by ourselves."

What she said was reasonable, and her tone was very amiable. For a while, the assistant didn't hear anything strange.

The assistant helped Ye Qingqing put her things in the car before walking to the car and sitting in the driver's seat.

Ye Qingqing also maintained a smile on her face during this time.

Even if she couldn't get off the stage in tears, as long as she appeared in front of the public, she had to smile.Otherwise, the image she has worked so hard to maintain for many years will be ruined.

Seeing that the assistant had gotten into the car, Ye Qingqing also sat in the back.

After getting into the car, Ye Qingqing's expression suddenly dropped.

The assistant didn't expect that Ye Qingqing's amiable look just now was just a fake, and the hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.

"What are you in a daze for? Follow up." Ye Qingqing said in a bad tone, looking at the dazed little assistant, she spoke forcefully.

The little assistant never expected that the legendary gentle and generous Ye Yinghou would be so bitter and mean.

The little assistant was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the bus had already started driving.

So she quickly followed.

Ye Qingqing is in a very bad mood right now. In front of so many people, Lin Xi can't get off the stage.

And this is the second time...

Obviously, her background and educational background are much better than Lin Xi's, but every time she competes with Lin Xi on the same stage, she is always the one who loses.

And this time, Gu Nianchu was actually involved?

Could it be that Gu Nianchu noticed something?

Ye Qingqing shuddered, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to be angry at Gu Nianchu.

But because of Gu Nianchu's irritable temper, if he gets angry, maybe he will kill her?

Ye Qingqing didn't dare to think about it, but she also had a hole card, a hole card that could suppress Gu Nianchu.
on the bus
What happened between Ye Qingqing and Lin Xi just now seemed to be just a small episode to the people in the car.

Because of the simultaneous existence of Mo Liunian and Gu Nianchu, the people in the car felt some invisible pressure. For a while, no one spoke.

Inside the car, it was eerily quiet.

There were four people in the back row, An Sishui sat next to Mo Liunian, scrolling through Weibo boredly, watching the news, pursed his lips and smiled.

From time to time, he quietly looked at Mo Liunian beside him.

Mo Liunian seemed to be very tired, with dark circles under his eyes showing slightly on that handsome face.

Mo Liunian sat on his seat, closed his eyes and meditated.

As for Lin Xi, sitting between Mo Liunian and Gu Nianchu, she always felt a little weird.Can't tell what it feels like.

On the left, the breath of Mo Liunian that I have been dreaming about in my dreams cannot be dispersed there.

On the right, a pleasant fragrance burst out, making her full of energy.

She was obviously wearing earphones and closed her eyes to rest her mind, but she always felt that these two people were looking at her.

But when she opened her eyes, Mo Liunian and Gu Nianchu were doing their own things, and they didn't even look at her.

Lin Xi couldn't say anything about this strange feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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