Chapter 137 Taking a Paper Crane as a Pet (6)

It's amazing, one or two can feel the atmosphere of the Cheng family!
Lin Xi looked at Gu Nianchu, pouted slightly: "What's going on?" She spoke slowly, slightly deceiving her head, and looked at Gu Nianchu.

Seeing Lin Xi in this state, Gu Nianchu's heart skipped a beat.

The sun shines through the window and sprinkles on Lin Xi's face, coating her outline with a layer of golden light. Coupled with her current posture, she looks even more charming.

"Cheng Fengrao." Gu Nianchu had never spoken much, and he spoke slowly after he realized it.Calm down his emotions, say three words.

These three words made Lin Xi's eyes flicker slightly: "What do you mean?"

Lin Xi didn't understand, she frowned slightly, she didn't understand whether Gu Nianchu said Cheng Feng was here, or Cheng Fengrao had something familiar here.

Gu Nianchu didn't say anything. After all, there were many things that had to be discovered by Lin Xi alone. Let Lin Xi find out by herself.

If he told Lin Xi everything, how would Lin Xi grow up?

The days to come are too long, he Gu Nianchu, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay with Lin Xi for a long time...

Gu Nianchu smiled wryly, and the time when he first met Lin Xi flashed through his mind, and he returned home that night.

Lin Xi lived in the guest room, and the piece of paper was placed on the table in the guest room.

He forgot all the above content, only remembered three words: "Brother Mo."

Before Gu Nianchu, he really didn't know who this brother Mo was, but now he seems to know.

"Mo Liunian", "Brother Mo", "Male God"...

This series is the most beautiful in Lin Xi's world.

All of Lin Xi's warmth is only for Mo Liunian.

No matter what response Mo Liunian made, or whether he would respond or not, Lin Xi gave without complaint or regret.

After all, Gu Nianchu can only be a supporting role?

At this moment, Lin Xi was completely unaware of all the thoughts in Gu Nianchu's mind. She was only thinking about Cheng Fengrao and the Cheng family's affairs, and had no time to care about others.

After Lin Xi asked that question, she didn't expect anyone to answer her question at all, and she was stunned by herself.

Lin Xi stared blankly ahead, in her mind, "Cheng Fengrao", "Cheng Fengyue", "ghost", "familiarity"... were all spinning in her mind.

Lin Xi's mind was a little confused, and he couldn't tell why.

"Lin Xi." Gu Nianchu said suddenly, suppressing the bitterness in his heart, his voice was still as cold as ever.

Hearing a cold voice calling himself, Lin Xi raised his head and said "Huh?" in a nasal voice.

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it." Gu Nianchu slowly spit out six words, looked at Lin Xi very seriously, and his tone was still so cold.

When Lin Xi heard these six words, she seemed to wake up suddenly, and there was a special light in her eyes.

Looking ahead, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I understand!"

Lin Xi's laughter spread to the three people's ears like wind chimes.

"How about we go back now?" Lin Xi stopped laughing, looked at the three people, and asked.

All three nodded without any objection.

After Gu Nianchu's words, Lin Xi really understood.

If she can't figure it out, it's best for her not to think about it. Anyway, it's a waste of time in the end.

It's better to take advantage of the present and do some meaningful things. Those annoying things that you can't think about, you will always think about them in the dead of night...

(End of this chapter)

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