Chapter 140 Taking a Paper Crane as a Pet (9)

Ye Qingqing's appearance was just a small episode.

Although she, Ye Qingqing, is the actress, very few people know that she is out shopping today.The scene with Gu Nianchu just now was not photographed by the reporters and paparazzi.

"Mr. Gu, are you going back to the hotel now?" The driver in front stepped on the gas pedal carefully, looked at the indifferent Gu Nianchu through the rearview mirror, and asked.

Gu Nianchu glanced coldly, and said a single "hmm" in his nasal voice.

For some reason, Lin Xi always feels that Gu Nianchu is more indifferent now than before.

Lin Xi shook her head without thinking much.
Soon, the four arrived at the hotel.

Mo Liunian is the best actor, and generally speaking, his roles are mainly concentrated when the filming of a film is almost finished before starting to film his scenes.

So now Mo Liunian only needs to read the script, and it's not a big deal.

Lin Xi also stopped asking about Mo Liunian's filming. Once she got to the hotel, after saying goodbye to a few people, she went back to the room and took out the laptop she had just bought.

The computer stores the files she needs for her work.

Lin Xi clicked on the page she had edited in the company and glanced at it.

These are the ten stars she needs to manage, all of them are big names.

At present, it has been written, one Mo Liunian, and two singers, Han Cheng and Han Nuo.

For the others, Lin Xi only wrote a little bit.

She has a slight headache, and this is not an easy job.

Not only her professional knowledge must be used, but also the preferences and personalities of these stars must be combined.

So, it's not easy to write.

Lin Xi rubbed her temples, wanting to close her eyes and go to sleep.

However, as soon as she closed her eyes, that sense of familiarity came over her face.

Lin Xi woke up suddenly, opened her eyes, and looked around.

The walls of the bedroom are all white. Looking around, there is nothing but pure white.

Lin Xi felt that she was too tired, so she thought about closing her eyes and going to sleep.

But suddenly, a white light floated in front of his eyes.

That smear of light was so weak that if you didn't observe carefully, you wouldn't be able to see it at all. If Lin Xi didn't see it clearly, she would have thought it was her own hallucination.

It was as if something flashed by at an extremely fast speed, faster than the human eyeballs could capture the picture.

what?Lin Xi thought secretly in her heart, and began to look around.

Now that she has confirmed that there are strange things around, Lin Xi will not give up and start looking for them.

As soon as Lin Xi started to search, it seemed that the thing had sensed Lin Xi's intentions and hid its aura again.

But as soon as Lin Xi felt that sense of familiarity was much weaker, she instantly felt that something was absolutely wrong, and it was definitely not as simple as she imagined!
Lin Xi cheered up and searched in the room, and even stared at the ceiling for a long time.

In the closet, in the suitcase, under the pillow... Lin Xi searched everything that could be found, but in the end, she still found nothing.

Lin Xi was slightly disappointed, a trace of tiredness flashed in his eyes.

She sat down on the bed helplessly, closed and rubbed her eyes, her mind was full of chaos.


Somewhere in the room, the little paper crane that Cheng Fengyue folded looked at Lin Xi sitting on the bed with closed eyes and resting his mind in horror, with his head tilted slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Then, it flew up and flew in front of Lin Xi, motionless, as if looking at Lin Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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