Chapter 145 Taking a Paper Crane as a Pet (14)

Lin Xi looked at Wangcai and twitched his mouth: "Wangcai! Should we settle the score?"

Wangcai looked at Lin Xi suddenly, and his heart trembled. Looking at Lin Xi's smile, he knew that it was definitely not that simple.

What Wangcai thought was really good, the next second, Lin Xi opened his mouth to detail Wangcai's crimes.

"Wangcai! Look at you, you have nothing to do with following me and infringing on my privacy. Let me tell you, if you were a human being, you would have to go to jail!" Lin Xi frightened Wangcai seriously, but her heart was still happy God.

When Cheng Feng heard Lin Xi's words, he was about to cut off contact with Wangcai when he stopped, and continued listening.

I couldn't hear it, and found out that this little niece is so black-bellied, so suitable for my taste!

Wangcai was also taken aback by Lin Xi's remarks.When he was tracking down before, he tracked down a few prisoners. He heard that all those prisoners ended up in jail and lived a life that was worse than life and death.

Wangcai trembled as soon as he thought about his own behavior, obviously he believed Lin Xi's words.

Lin Xi saw that Wangcai was caught, and smiled slightly: "Also, Wangcai, it would be a pity if such a rare species like you were sent to jail."

"Not only that, Wangcai, you just touched my head!" Lin Xi said exaggeratedly, obviously...just touched the ends of my hair.

Wangcai looked at Lin Xi in disbelief: Nani?When did it touch Lin Xi's head?

At that time, he just jokingly touched the end of Lin Xi's hair!
Wangcai couldn't express his suffering, so he could only listen to Lin Xi's nonsense...

"According to the law, this can be regarded as the crime of intentional wounding. Generally, the court will make the defendant compensate for mental damage and medical expenses." Lin Xi said exaggeratedly, looking at Wangcai, still threatening it.

Wangcai had already fallen for Lin Xi's way, so he didn't have time to worry about whether he had touched Lin Xi's head or the end of Lin Xi's hair.

Cheng Feng listened quietly to Lin Xi's words, with a sly smile that no one had ever seen before.

This Lin Xi was indeed exactly the same as her mother's personality when she was a child.

Moreover, it is quite similar to my current personality!

Wangcai was already shocked by Lin Xi's subsequent rhetoric. It looked at Lin Xi incredulously, and slowly disbelieved in his heart.

"I... I really committed so many crimes?" Wangcai thought in his mind like a fool, looking at the world in disbelief!

Lin Xi smiled and nodded.

"Having committed so many crimes, in addition to the death penalty, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment..." Lin Xi continued to scare Wangcai, and Wangcai's face turned pale... No, Wangcai was originally white!

Wangcai didn't dare to say a word. Just now, Lin Xi said that it violated the right to privacy and the right to safety of women, and it was a special species...

A lot of nonsensical words made Wangcai unable to say anything.

After a while, Wangcai's voice rang in Lin Xi's mind: "What should I do? Lin Xi, I don't want to die, and I don't want to go to jail!"

Lin Xi was waiting for Wangcai's words, and she said with a very familiar look: "Wangcai, in our human world, the people who usually name people are the elders of that person. Otherwise... ..."

Lin Xi spoke slowly, looked at Wangcai, and smiled wickedly.

Hearing Lin Xi's words, Wangcai was startled, and already understood what Lin Xi meant.

This is Lin Xi, do you want to accept it?
(End of this chapter)

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