Chapter 152 It's Not Your Turn To Teach You (5)

Lin Xi was slightly disappointed. These relics of her mother were very simple, a set of black leather clothes with a special symbol and some strange characters.

There is no doubt that these are probably symbols of the Cheng family.

Lin Xi helplessly picked at her mother's belongings a few times, and finally, her eyes stopped on the black card left by her mother.

On the surface, that black card looks like an ordinary bank card, but Lin Xi keenly discovered that this black card seems to be sharper than an ordinary bank card.

Lin Xi looked at the black card for a long time before slowly picking it up.

This is a black card with a special symbol on it, and some letters that Lin Xi doesn't quite understand.

The corner of the black card is extremely sharp, like a small blade.

Lin Xi looked at the little paper crane over there again, and walked over.

Without any hesitation, Lin Xi cut her finger with a corner of the black card.

All of a sudden, fresh blood came out, and there were more blood beads all of a sudden.

Lin Xi made a backhand, and the blood dripped onto the paper crane.

I thought there would be traces of blood on the white paper, but within a few seconds, the blood seemed to be absorbed by the paper crane, and no trace of blood could be seen.

If it wasn't for the vague smell of blood on the paper crane, Lin Xi really thought that the blood just now had dripped elsewhere.

Lin Xi put the cut finger into her mouth, sucked it slightly, and then watched the change of the paper crane without blinking.

As expected, after 1 minute, the paper cranes glowed with dots of golden light.

Unlike the faint white light at that time, this time it is a noble golden light.

The golden light around the paper crane made it look like a golden phoenix rather than a paper crane.

Lin Xi guessed that this was a success, she looked at the black card that still had her own blood stains on it, and smiled slightly.

Then, he took out a piece of paper and wiped the black card clean.

When she looked over again, the paper crane had come back to life and was flying low in the air.

"Lin Xi, Lin Xi!" came Wangcai's cheerful voice, flying happily in the air.

"Lin Xi, I didn't expect you to be so fast!" Wangcai said incredulously, and spun a few times in the air.

Everywhere it passed was a faint trace of gold.

"Nonsense!" Lin Xi said bluntly, then seemed to think of something, and froze all of a sudden, "Wangcai, can my uncle still hear this time?"

Wangcai was so happy that he didn't notice Lin Xi's strange place, and shook his head: "Lin Xi, he will definitely not see it this time!"

Lin Xi felt relieved, looked at Wangcai, and resisted the urge to photograph him.

After Wangcai finished the fun, it stayed in the air solemnly, looking at Lin Xi: "Lin Xi, don't you think that thing about Director Wang is a bit strange?"

Wangcai asked, and Lin Xi was startled by his solemn voice.

Lin Xi looked at Wangcai in disbelief, with an expression of disbelief: "How do you know Director Wang?"

Only then did Wangcai remember that he hadn't explained to Lin Xi yet, so he hurriedly said, "Although I have no aura, I can still detect the news from the outside world. So I know everything that happened in your room just now!"

Lin Xi was taken aback again, so Wang Cai could clearly see his appearance in front of the male god just now.

(End of this chapter)

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