Chapter 154 It's Not Your Turn To Teach You (7)

Lin Xi was in a depressed mood, and couldn't figure out why when Gu Nianchu saw Ye Qingqing, he lied that he was going to deal with work matters.

It's really easy to be misunderstood by Gu Nianchu doing this.

Lin Xi didn't know why, but she always felt that something was stuck in her heart, oppressing her emotions and making her breathless.

Why can't she figure it out?Why would Gu Nianchu do this.Lin Xi was upset for a while, looked at the room, but didn't say a word.

After a long time, Lin Xi's frowning eyebrows slowly returned to normal. Suddenly, her eyes fell on Wangcai who had never spoken after she entered the room.

Feeling Lin Xi's gaze, Wangcai was unconsciously angry and frightened. He trembled slightly, and flew into the air timidly, in a state of defense.

"Lin Xi, what are you thinking again? Don't look at me like that!" Wangcai said, couldn't help but fly a little higher, looking at Lin Xi.

Ever since Lin Xi came, Wangcai felt that Lin Xi was in a very bad mood, so he tried his best to reduce his sense of existence...

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Lin Xi still noticed it...

Lin Xi grinned, which made Wangcai feel a little creepy.

"Wangcai, am I your master?" Lin Xi asked with a smile, and there was no trickery in her eyes.

But Wangcai really knew what Lin Xi was thinking, it flew back a little and looked at Lin Xi.

"You are indeed my master..." Wangcai said slowly, carefully considering every word, fearing that he would accidentally fall into Lin Xi's trap of words.

"Hey." Lin Xi smiled, the crisp laughter was so scary to Wangcai's ears.

"Then help me see what's going on in the next room?" Lin Xi said, looking at Wangcai with a look of "everything is easy to discuss".

Wangcai breathed a sigh of relief, which startled her, thinking that Lin Xi was planning to trick her again.

"Okay." Wangcai replied.

Lin Xi smiled and nodded, watching Wangcai fly out.

Wangcai flew to the door without opening the door, just walked through.

Lin Xi looked at the door after door, and suddenly felt that Wangcai was so stupid...

Just go through the wall directly!

Lin Xi sighed helplessly, what kind of crane is this, so stupid?
Then, Lin Xi focused and listened to Wangcai's voice.

Wangcai seems to be in flight now, and there are rustling sounds from the surroundings from time to time. In addition, Wangcai is not flying slowly, and there is also a soft sound of wind.

Then, she felt Wangcai enter the room, and Lin Xi heard Gu Nianchu's voice.

"I don't know what I just said, did Miss Ye understand everything?" Gu Nianchu said, his voice was as cold as ever.

It's just that Lin Xi heard a trace of unknown emotion from this voice.

Lin Xi closed her eyes, and the scene of Gu Nianchu's room appeared in her mind.

Lin Xi was about to continue listening when there was a knock on the door.

Lin Xi had no choice but to give up listening to what they were saying, and quickly walked to the door and opened it.

Outside the door is the hotel staff, who came to deliver dinner.

I don't know who said good night to Lin Xi, after Lin Xi asked the staff.

The staff didn't answer either.

Lin Xi knew that he knew this person himself.

So Lin Xi brought in the dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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