Chapter 159 It's Not Your Turn To Teach You (12)

Wangcai shook his head helplessly: "You know you're still going?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi smiled mysteriously: "Wangcai, you just need to follow me. Everything else depends on me."

After Lin Xi finished speaking slowly, one person and one paper crane had already arrived at the door of the room.

"I can't guarantee that no one will see you, so you should be more careful when you go out." Lin Xi explained to Wangcai earnestly before opening the door.

After all, no one is sure if something similar to Gu Nianchu will happen like yesterday...

Wangcai nodded to show that he understood, and then gave Lin Xi a look that you take care of.

Lin Xi smiled and thought to herself, what could happen to me...
Outside the door, Mo Liunian had been waiting for 10 minutes.But he knew that as a girl, Lin Xi still had a lot of things to deal with in the morning, so he didn't rush, but waited quietly.

In Mo Liunian's hand, he held Lin Xi's favorite food and a cup of porridge.

This is the breakfast he bought for Lin Xi.

Finally, the door was pushed open by Lin Xi, and Lin Xi saw Mo Liunian leaning against the wall.

Mo Liunian's appearance was lazy and arrogant, without his usual gentle and jade-like appearance.

Lin Xi saw that he was holding breakfast in his hand, and the sharp-eyed Lin Xi also found out that those few things were all things she liked to eat.

A warm current ran through Lin Xi's heart again, and she was slightly moved.

Not surprisingly, Mo Liunian handed the things in his hands to Lin Xi, and said softly, "Eat quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold."

Wake up in the morning and hear the voice of a male god, this is the best alarm clock.

Lin Xi felt like a spring breeze, and more than half of her drowsiness had been relieved.

"Thank you, Movie Emperor Mo." Lin Xi took the breakfast from Mo Liunian and smiled slightly.

"I'm free this morning, and Joey is coming to the set today. I'm afraid of any accidents, so I went with you to choose clothes." Mo Liunian smiled, and didn't care about Lin Xi's thank you.He just opened his mouth to explain why he was here this morning.

Lin Xi nodded and said again: "Thank you."

This time, she was really moved.

She didn't dare to look up at Mo Liunian, for she was afraid that if she was not careful, she would burst out all the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time after seeing Mo Liunian.

If Lin Xi looked up, he would not miss Mo Liunian's eyes.

It was so gentle that it was outrageous, looking at Lin Xi was like looking at her most precious thing.Special care, special tenderness.

Before he knew it, there was something called love in Mo Liunian's eyes...

Lin Xi didn't see it, and Lin Xi would never see it again.
Since Mo Liunian is a public figure, Lin Xi and Mo Liunian did not get off the elevator together.Afraid that the paparazzi would accidentally capture something, Mo Liunian couldn't clarify.

So, wearing a cap and a disposable mask, Mo Liunian walked out of the hotel very low-key, and sat in the passenger seat of a car.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi also came out. Without stopping for a moment, she walked to the front of the car and sat in the back seat.

A few minutes later, Lin Xi and Mo Liunian sat in a car together.

"Then when we got to the set and saw us getting out of a car, how do we explain it?" Lin Xi was still a little worried, afraid that Mo Liunian's reputation would be ruined because of him.

"We belong to the same company." Mo Liunian smiled and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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