Chapter 171 It's Not Your Turn To Teach You (24)

Lin Xi called Wangcai in her heart, and asked if Joey was eavesdropping outside or overheard it just now.

Wangcai didn't answer right away. Lin Xi felt that Wangcai's body seemed to be trembling. It looked at Joey with some fear: This Joey is not simple...

After a while, Wangcai answered Lin Xi, but his tone was still trembling: "Lin Xi, Lin Xi, I, I don't know. I didn't see her, and I didn't even catch her breath..."

Lin Xi's heart seemed to miss another beat. Such a person, even Wang Cai didn't catch her breath, so how powerful this person is.

Although Wangcai is so stupid, among the Linghe clan, it is still one of the best.

Things are difficult, and this time, even Wangcai has lost its effect on Joey.

"Miss Qiao, you listened to the corner so calmly, and you still have the nerve to come in and say it after listening?" Mo Liunian said, he couldn't bear to see Joey and An Sishui staring there.

Joey chuckled, not taking what Mo Liunian said seriously at all.

"Miss, it's not good for you to talk about others behind your back like this." Joey said with a smile, and there was no trace of irritation in her voice.

An Sishui smiled: "What? Are you afraid that others will say it? If you don't have one, what are you afraid of?"

An Sishui is also eloquent and can speak very well.

Now that Joey has fallen in love, it can be regarded as a highlight of the crew.

"Afraid?" Joey read these three words silently, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Am I afraid?"

Joey spoke word by word, looking at An Sishui with a smile on his face.

An Sishui paused, and Joey's forceful, unrelenting aura hit her heart.

Seeing that An Sishui stopped talking, Joey smiled: "Okay, I won't bully my little sister. Fleeting Years, I'm here to find you."

Mo Liunian's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Joey, the corner of his mouth curled up, but no smile could be seen in his eyes.

"Looking for me? Why is Joe so busy looking for me?" Mo Liunian said, lazily picked up a melon seed, and stopped giving Joey a look.

"Yes to the line." Joey said three words slowly, making Mo Liunian unable to advance or retreat.

If you refuse, Mo Liunian will be buried by public opinion; if you don't refuse, God knows what will happen to Joey here.

"You seem to have forgotten. In this play, our characters are a couple. Maybe this afternoon's filming is our intimate scene?" Joey smiled and reminded Mo Liunian very "kindly" .

"Joy, you seem to have forgotten that unfamiliar actors won't start with intimate scenes first." Mo Liunian also smiled, stopped eating melon seeds, looked at Joey, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth .

"Liu Nian, have you forgotten who you filmed your famous drama with?" Joey looked at Mo Liu Nian and said calmly.

What Joey said, but the almost flawless expression on her face made it impossible to guess Joey's mood and what she was thinking.

"Forgot." Mo Liunian said lightly, saying two words.It seemed that he was not going to save Joey any face at all.

But how could Mo Liunian forget that in his famous drama won by Wen Xin, the heroine was Joey.

Because of a drama, he and Joey became popular, and were also named the best on-screen couple on the Internet.

However, after Ye Qingqing won the Best Actress, she changed...

(End of this chapter)

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