Chapter 177 I Agree You Moved Her? (4)

However, behind the two of them, Gu Nianchu stood there and listened to their entire conversation.

He felt chills in his heart. He knew how much Lin Xi loved Mo Liunian, but he never thought that Lin Xi loved Mo Liunian to such an extent that no one could shake him.

"Mr. Gu, look..." A person next to him, holding an umbrella for Gu Nianchu, asked after seeing something wrong with Gu Nianchu's eyes.

Gu Nianchu seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, looked at the people around him bewilderedly, and then returned to that indifferent look of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Don't worry about me, if you have something to do, go back and deal with it first." Gu Nianchu said slowly, and looked at the person holding the umbrella for him.

It's not easy for the person holding the umbrella to say anything, after all, Gu Nianchu is his immediate boss.

Gu Nianchu sneered at himself in his heart, why was he so stupid and couldn't let Lin Xi go.

Obviously Lin Xi already has her own heart, but she is still like this...

"Tell me, why am I still not as good as him?" Gu Nianchu murmured, the voice was so low that the people around him couldn't hear it.

What responded to him was naturally silence.
After the filming was finished, things went pretty smoothly this afternoon, especially the scenes in Mo Liunian, which were extremely exciting, and they were usually shot in one pass.

"It's getting late, how about this? Let me invite you all to eat lobster. There is a restaurant near here that has very authentic lobster." The director was trying to organize people to pack things, when Joey suddenly said such a sentence.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but stare blankly, looking at Joey.

Only then did someone speak piecemeal: "Then please trouble sister Joey."

The few people who spoke were all people who had a good relationship with Joey. Hearing that they all spoke, more people expressed their thanks to Joey.

Finally, Joey turned his head to Lin Xi and Mo Liunian: "Lin Xi, King Mo, do you want to eat?"

Joey's voice was very gentle, and it was really pleasant to hear. When she spoke like this, many people around her felt numb.

Lin Xi smiled. Joey's acting skills are not only shown in acting, but also in his daily life. His acting skills are even better.

Lin Xi really admired Joey for being able to speak so calmly after so much trouble.

"Lin Xi, try it. There is indeed a restaurant nearby that serves very authentic lobsters. Anyway, it's Joey who pays for it, so don't cheat her." An Sishui whispered in Lin Xi's ear with a smile.

The price of a lobster is not cheap, and if a few of them eat it, they may eat up Joey's monthly salary...

Lin Xi curled her lips into a smile. Although she didn't know what Joey's purpose was, after hearing An Sishui's black-bellied thoughts, Lin Xi nodded: "Miss Qiao treats guests, and Lin Xi will be honored."

When Mo Liunian saw that Lin Xi had said that, he naturally nodded.

He looked at the corner of Joey's mouth, and there was a faint playful arc.

Joey Quan pretended not to see it, so he called his agent directly and asked her to buy some lobster and send it over.

In the crew, a group of people temporarily formed a large table, and nearly 20 people sat together, talking and laughing.

Joey didn't say a word, seeing so many people happy, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Not long after, her manager arrived, followed by several people, not only carrying lobsters, but also milk tea.

(End of this chapter)

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