Chapter 192 I Agree You Moved Her? (20)

"Wangcai, you're amazing!" Lin Xi couldn't help but praise Wangcai, and finally he was able to straighten up and walk properly.

At this point, there were not many people in the hotel lobby, but fortunately, no one noticed Lin Xi at all.So, Lin Xi was very relaxed, and went to the elevator with Gu Nianchu.

The two of them waited for the elevator together, and soon they went in.There was no one in the elevator, just a few of them.

Lin Xi took a long breath, thinking that she could finally relax.She was just about to let go and move her joints, but suddenly she heard Gu Nianchu's cold voice: "Don't touch me!"

With this cold drink, Lin Xi suddenly let go of Gu Nianchu, and put all his weight on Wangcai.

Wangcai let out a cold sweat, why does it always feel that the person Gu Nianchu just said is himself.

Facts have proved that Wangcai's idea is correct.

Lin Xi let go, Gu Nianchu seemed even more angry, and his tone was a little colder than before: "I told you not to touch me!"

Lin Xi looked at Gu Nianchu in disbelief. The man closed his eyes and frowned slightly.

Then Lin Xi raised his head again and glanced at Wangcai above: "Wangcai, did he see you?"

Wangcai was also trembling and couldn't explain clearly: "Lin Linxi, it's better to support him." After finishing speaking, he involuntarily put Gu Nianchu's weight on Lin Xi's body again.

Lin Xi had no choice but to support Gu Nianchu.

Looking at Gu Nianchu's face again, the expression on his face has eased a lot.

Lin Xi helplessly supported Gu Nianchu, just in time, the elevator had reached the ninth floor.

After getting out of the elevator, I walked a few steps to Gu Nianchu's room.

However, when she got to the door, Lin Xi suddenly found out in embarrassment that she didn't have the room card for Gu Nianchu's door at all.

She had no choice but to touch Gu Nianchu's jacket pocket, only to find that there was nothing there.

She didn't dare to touch anywhere else, after all, the relationship between him and her was still very pure.

Except for that night of course...

In desperation, Lin Xi had no choice but to send Gu Nianchu to her room.

After working for a long time, he put Gu Nianchu on his bed.

Lin Xi looked at the man on the bed, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said to Wangcai: "Wangcai, you stay here to watch him for a while, I'll go in and take a shower."

After walking all the way with Gu Nianchu in Lin Xi's arms for so long, a dense layer of sweat had already appeared on her body, causing her clothes to stick to her body, making her very uncomfortable.

So Lin Xi took a pajamas and went in to take a shower.

Wangcai was obedient, and stayed here peacefully, watching Gu Nianchu.

Wangcai felt that this Gu Nianchu was indeed very different.I can see it, even feel it, and even when Gu Nianchu's consciousness is weakest, I can't let myself touch him.

It's really strange.

But that day, Wangcai fell from Gu Nianchu's eyes, but Gu Nianchu didn't react at all, as if he didn't see Wangcai at all.

Wangcai sighed deeply. He really couldn't figure out the reason. Of course, with Wangcai's brain, he probably couldn't figure it out either.

Suddenly, Gu Nianchu who was on the bed frowned and muttered something.

Wangcai noticed that something was wrong, so he hurried to see what was going on with Gu Nianchu.

However, as soon as he touched Gu Nianchu's body, he heard Gu Nianchu's indifferent voice: "Didn't I tell you not to touch me?"

The cold voice made Wangcai feel a burst of terror.

It looked at Gu Nianchu for a long time before slowly opening its mouth.

 Recommended ticket~monthly ticket~little fairies, check if there is a guaranteed monthly ticket~ Tomorrow is the last day of the update event.

(End of this chapter)

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