Chapter 195 I Agree You Moved Her? (23)

So that later, An Sishui's arrogant and willful personality completely changed...

She knew very well that if she continued like this, it would be herself who would suffer.

In fact, this also made her play with Lin Xi in high school.

The two girls were arrogant and unruly when they were young, but because of different things, they restrained their personalities.

An Sishui came back to her senses and dared not think about it anymore.That period of time was the day she cared about the most in her life, and it was also a day she never wanted to experience again in her life.

Finally, her eyes fell on the phone again, staring at the ambiguous photo, smiling wryly for a long time.

night, already deep...
The situation on Lin Xi's side... is simply a comparison!

Just when Lin Xi was about to feed Gu Nianchu the medicine mouth to mouth, she seemed to suddenly think of something, raised her head, looked at Wangcai, with a devilish smile on the corner of her mouth.

Wangcai sensed that something was wrong, and just as he was about to fly out through the door, Lin Xi said, "Wangcai, where do you want to go?"

As Lin Xi spoke, Wangcai was suddenly restrained, and Wangcai stopped in mid-air, not daring to move.

Next, Wangcai seemed to have anticipated what Lin Xi would say, so he quickly said, "Lin Xi, don't ask, I can find a way to feed the medicine!"

Lin Xi looked at Wangcai with a look of "you are so good", and then patted Wangcai on the head: "Then why are you so dazed, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Wangcai flew over, and Lin Xi put the water glass in his hand on the bedside table, waiting for Wangcai to feed Gu Nianchu medicine.

He said yes, but it was actually Wangcai who used spiritual techniques to guide the water into Gu Nianchu's mouth.

Lin Xi didn't need to worry about it at all, Wangcai had already fed all the glass of water and medicine that Lin Xi had brought into Gu Nianchu's mouth.

Finally, after the medicine was finished, Wangcai thought he had nothing to do, so he was ready to go out.

But when he saw Lin Xi sitting on the bed, squinting his eyes and smiling at Wangcai, Wangcai suddenly felt a little bit of danger.

"Lin Xi, you..." Before Wangcai finished speaking, Lin Xi slapped him on the bed.

"You can feed Gu Nianchu by yourself, but you still want me to come out. Wangcai, what do you mean?" Lin Xi looked at Wangcai, looking harmless to humans and animals, but what he could say made Wangcai My heart trembled.

"If I wasn't smart, I'm afraid you would have seen me talking to Gu Nianchu." Lin Xi continued, narrowing his eyes, looking at Wangcai flying in the air.

Wangcai didn't expect Lin Xi to guess all his thoughts so quickly. Wangcai felt that if he was alone at this moment, his clothes would have been soaked in cold sweat.

"Lin Xi, listen to me... I really didn't mean that." Wangcai struggled to his death, refusing to admit his thoughts.

Wangcai was still stubborn, looking at Lin Xi: "Lin Xi, you have to trust me, after all, the two of us get along day and night now!"

Lin Xi listened to Wangcai's explanation calmly, and waited until Wangcai finished speaking alone, Lin Xi said, "Hey~Wangcai, I'm going out to sleep today, you are here to take care of Gu Nianchu, if you have anything to do, you can solve it yourself! "

After finishing speaking, Lin Xi slapped Wangcai again, and patted Wangcai on the soft quilt. Regardless of whether Wangcai agreed or opposed, she left the room and walked to the living room.

She has already kept Gu Nianchu in her room today, in order to avoid the embarrassment of meeting for the first time, she should go to sleep outside today.

(End of this chapter)

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