Chapter 199 I Agree You Moved Her? (27)

Joy didn't know how long she had been in the air, and the clothes on her body were tossed so badly by her that they could barely cover three points.

The more she struggled, the more her clothes were torn, but she couldn't help it.

So, when the hanging wire was finished and Joey was put down, what she was wearing could no longer be called clothes.

As soon as she landed, some men on the ground became more daring, looking at Joy's body and the large area of ​​skin she had exposed due to her struggle.

Under the sunlight, Joey's skin was still as white as jade.

Many men's timid eyes fell on Joey.After all, an upright beauty who usually appears on TV, but now she appears in front of her almost naked...

Who doesn't want to take a good look at this kind of opportunity.

Joey's face was pale, and she protected her body, but it was because of her action that more skin was exposed.

Joey's manager winked. Seeing Joey coming down, he quickly went to get a long coat and put it on Joey's body. While comforting Joey, he sent Joey to a chair beside him.

Joey was really frightened this time, his face was pale, and he didn't say a word. After a long time, his face still didn't recover a trace of blood.

"Director Wang, what's the matter with your clothes here? Are they made of paper?" The little manager's words were ruthless, looking at Director Wang without leaving any room for it.

After hearing this, Director Wang was also embarrassed for a while, not knowing what to say.

After a long while, Director Wang assured me: "I use my character to guarantee the quality of my clothes here. Ms. Qiao, what happened this time..."

Director Wang glanced at Joey in embarrassment, as a symbol of asking for the client's opinion.

"I don't care. What happened this time must be investigated." Joey's complexion had recovered a lot, but he was still trembling when he spoke, as if he was really frightened by what happened just now.

"Okay, Ms. Qiao, I will definitely comply with your request." Director Wang said, the immediate priority is to get rid of this matter first.

Otherwise, Joey will not look good if he goes to court.

Director Wang thought secretly in his heart.

Next, Joey seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Xi's position: "My clothes were chosen by Lin Te's assistant!"

Joey pointed at Lin Xi, and Lin Xi felt a leak in his heart, as if he had noticed something.

For a moment, the eyes of everyone in the arena fell on Lin Xi, and people's discussions sounded around.

"It's this woman who spent the whole morning with Film Emperor Mo in the clothing room yesterday."

"What? Stayed in the clothing room all morning? Could it be that she deliberately destroyed the clothes that Miss Qiao was going to wear?"

"It's possible, and when Miss Joy invited us to eat lobster yesterday, Miss Lin's temper was a little off."


Everyone speculated that it was Lin Xi who specially destroyed the clothes in order to make Lin Xi look ugly.

Then Joey's agent said something amazing: "Not only that, when Miss Joey was hanging on the top and couldn't get off, the friend next to Ms. Lin was still laughing."

"I suspect that this matter must have something to do with Miss Lin."

People said so much, without giving Lin Xi and An Sishui a chance to explain.

The two of them had no choice but to say nothing to refute so many people.

Lin Xi smiled wryly, naturally seeing that Joey did it on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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