Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 322 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 322 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (28)

Gu Nianchu seemed to understand something and smiled.Park the car on the side of the road at random, look inside through the window.Anyway, he couldn't get in by himself this time.

Sure enough, Lin Xi and Mo Liunian got out of the car.The two of them were not in a hurry to go in. Gu Nianchu could see what the two of them were talking about by judging the language of their lips.

Lin Xi asked Mo Liunian what he was doing here.Mo Liunian smiled mysteriously and told Lin Xi that you will know after a while.

Gu Nianchu looked at the two of them and raised the corner of his mouth.

Then I saw Mo Liunian talking there, and wondered if Lin Xi was listening, Lin Xi kept staring behind Mo Liunian without saying a word.

It was difficult for Gu Nianchu to understand Lin Xi's expression now, as if he couldn't understand what Mo Liunian said at all.

Gu Nianchu suddenly felt that Lin Xi seemed to be different.

She likes Mo Liunian, and Gu Nian has known about it since she was in high school.Almost every day, Lin Xi planned some encounters with Mo Liunian.

I still remember that at that time, Mo Liunian liked to play basketball.Even if Lin Xi was late, she couldn't help but watch Mo Liunian for a while.And when she watched Mo Liunian, she liked to sit in the middle of the fourth row.

Ever since he found Lin Xi sitting there, Gu Nianchu never touched basketball again.Every time Mo Liunian plays basketball, he sits in the middle of the ninth row.He never watched football games, and always watched Lin Xi.

Oh no!At that time, it was Cheng Mengmeng.

She liked Mo Liunian before, but now Lin Xi loves Mo Liunian.Gu Nianchu used to naively think that after so many years, Lin Xi's affection for Mo Liunian might have been exhausted.

For a moment, Gu Nianchu didn't want to bother Lin Xi and Mo Liunian anymore.His love is to see her happy.This is his greatest tolerance to her, and also his deepest love for her.

However, the two of them missed their youth, should they still miss the rest of their lives?

At that time, Gu Nianchu's favorite thing was watching Lin Xi burst into tears.He likes her like this and wants to protect her for the rest of his life.

He thought about it, meeting again would be a lifetime.

He suddenly felt a little regretful. He took up his pen and wrote those words on the letter: "I will meet you later, and I will be with you for the rest of my life."

Yes!At that time, he thought it was too early and wanted to meet Lin Xi later, but it was too late.

Two people, doomed to miss...
Gu Nianchu rubbed her eyes and saw Lin Xi's mouth suddenly showing a surprised smile, then she put her arms around Mo Liunian's arm, stood on tiptoe, and whispered into Mo Liunian's ear, not knowing what else to say.

Lin Xi's movements blocked her lips, making it difficult for Gu Nianchu to see what Lin Xi said.

But the posture of the two of them is unusually ambiguous, like a young couple in love, biting their earlobes at the moment.

After a while, Lin Xi had already left.Her face was so red that she didn't look like it.

The corners of Mo Liunian's mouth rose slightly, he stretched out his hand, touched Lin Xi's head, and said to Lin Xi, let's go in.

This sentence was very clear to Gu Nian at first glance.

He sat on the car seat weakly, looking at the two people who walked in together, Gu Nianchu felt a little uncomfortable.

On the surface, Gu Nianchu is fierce and ruthless, but not many people know that he is actually very fragile.He too was afraid of the night, and he was also afraid of evil spirits.

Looking at the two extremely close people, Gu Nianchu felt a slight twitch in his heart.

At some point, Lin Xi had already snuggled up beside Mo Liunian.

(End of this chapter)

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