Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 332 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 332 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (38)

Hearing Gu Nianchu's question, Qin Huai chuckled, as if she was not ready to answer, she looked at Gu Nianchu and said, "Gu Nianchu, how did I know, these are all my skills. In short, the channels through which I learned about things are formal."

Gu Nianchu naturally heard the meaning of Qin Huai's words, Qin Huai is not going to tell himself.Not reluctantly, he nodded.
In the hotel room, Lin Xi, who had already taken off the necklace, received another warm text message.

Wenxin said that she was flustered and wanted to come to the hotel to find Lin Xi, so she asked Lin Xi to pick her up at the hotel entrance.Lin Xi quickly replied her a hello.
So, Lin Xi walked down quickly, and within a few minutes, she had already appeared in the lobby of the hotel.

After getting off the elevator, she subconsciously looked around, trying to see if Wen Xin had arrived.

However, instead of seeing Wen Xin, I did see two old acquaintances.

Gu Nianchu and Qin Huai?

At first, Lin Xi thought it was her eyes that were dazzled, so she quickly rubbed her eyes, only to realize that the two people sitting in the corner were indeed Gu Nianchu and Qin Huai.

Shouldn't Qin Huai be with Brother An Lin?Why did Qin Huai appear here?

Lin Xi frowned, and moved towards the two of them, trying not to be discovered.

She saw Gu Nianchu's serious eyes and Qin Huai's smiling face.No matter how it seems, these two people seem to have something to do.

Then, Li Xiaoni suddenly took out her mobile phone in a daze, and quietly took a photo of Qinhuai River and Gu Nianchu.

It just so happened that what was photographed was Gu Nianchu's serious face and Qin Huai's smile.

The two really look like a couple, very similar.

What happened to Qin Huai?Does she not want Brother An Lin?How could she meet Gu Nianchu here behind An Lin's back?

At first, Lin Xi thought that Qin Huai was a good person, but he didn't expect how long it took for Gu Nianchu to be on the list?

Lin Xi was slightly disappointed. At any rate, this person was also Wen Xin's older sister, the daughter of the Qin family.

Lin Xi said that she didn't understand Qin Huai at all, An Lin was such a good man, and he took good care of Qin Huai, why Qin Huai came to meet Gu Nianchu.

Also, how could Gu Nianchu agree to meet Qin Huai?

At this time, Lin Xi felt that there were mixed feelings in her heart, which was very unpleasant.Even she herself couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in right now.

In short, he was worthless for An Lin, disappointed for Qin Huai, and speechless for Gu Nianchu.

I don't know why, Lin Xi always felt a pain in his heart when he looked at Gu Nianchu.

She knew that her current state was not suitable for her to stop. She hurried to the side and waited for the arrival of warmth.


Qin Huai is here?Do you dare to come here?

Lin Xi let out a slight breath, not knowing what to do now.

Five minutes later, Lin Xi's cell phone vibrated again, and it was still a text message from Wen Xin.

"Lin Xi, I'm here. I'm at the hotel entrance. Have you come down?" Following Lin Xi's words, a young and beautiful girl walked in again outside the hotel door.

As soon as she entered, she looked around, as if she was looking for something.

It wasn't until she saw Lin Xi that her gaze was completely frozen, and she hurriedly ran to Lin Xi's side, and gave Lin Xi a bear hug!
"Sister Lin Xi!" Wen Xin smiled and said, hugging Lin Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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