Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 339 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 339 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (45)

Both of them are the proud sons of heaven, so their temperaments are naturally not bad.In addition, their clothes are very noble and elegant, so on the way they walked, many people's eyes have already looked at them.

Gradually, someone in the crowd who knew Gu Nianchu whispered, "Look at that man with no expression on his face, he is Gu Nianchu, and the Gu Group was managed by him, so it grew slowly."

"Ah! He is the president of the Gu Corporation! I didn't expect Lin Xi's friends to hide everything!"

"That's right, the presidents of big companies are all here to attend Lin Xi's birthday."

In the crowd, there was only one woman, with a slight smile on her face, listening to them talking about Gu Nianchu.

It's Ye Qingqing, she naturally knows that after tomorrow, the matter between him and Gu Nianchu is already a certainty.

Another voice suddenly came from the crowd: "Then who is the person next to Mr. Gu?"

The crowd fell silent all of a sudden, no one really knew what Ji Mochen's identity was.

Gu Nianchu's aura was too indifferent, he seemed to reject people thousands of miles away, and he didn't even look at these people.It's just that his gaze quietly fell on Lin Xi.

After realizing that Lin Xi wasn't looking at him, he withdrew his gaze.

"What are you looking at me for? Cutting the cake?" Gu Nianchu came, but there was no sound.So, he opened his mouth to remind secretly.

In this way, the group of people also remembered that today was Lin Xi's birthday, and they all sang happy birthday together.

"Happy Birthday!"

Amidst the singing of the crowd, no one knew who put the crown on Lin Xi and matched it with her skirt, like a noble princess.

Lin Xi smiled, and from the corner of her eye she would shine on Gu Nianchu's body from time to time.

It was Lin Xi's birthday and he didn't like blowing out candles, so everyone had to save this link and let Lin Xi cut the cake.

Lin Xi's hands trembled slightly, the cake that was cut out was not so neat.

She frowned slightly, she was also considered a perfectionist, now seeing such a cake, she felt slightly depressed.

"Let me come." Gu Nianchu suddenly said, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he directly took the knife from Lin Xi's hand, and then cut the cake.

He cut a piece for Lin Xi, put it on a small plate, inserted a small fork, and handed it to Lin Xi.

He who has always talked less, said again: "Lin Xi, happy birthday."

After Lin Xi took the small plate, he took out a small box and handed it to Lin Xi: "Birthday present, let's go back and look at it tonight."

After speaking, there was a slight smile on his face.

Lin Xi took the box, still a little bit in disbelief, thinking that she was dreaming.

She didn't know it was not a dream until she ate the cake and the sweet taste of the cake exploded in her mouth.

Gu Nianchu gave her a gift and said happy birthday to her.

It was obviously an ordinary move, but Lin Xi was excited for a long time...
Next, it will be much more lively.

They ate the cake one by one, and even started to smear the cream.

After a while, Lin Xi's face was smeared; after a while, white cream was smeared on his forehead.

Lin Xi couldn't get tired of it, so she naturally began to rub other people with cream.

Gu Nianchu sat aside, holding a glass of wine in his hand, taking a sip from time to time.

All his eyes fell on Lin Xi.

But at this moment, someone interrupted him.

 I'm back~ I found that there are comments in the comment area that the system deletes by itself == little cuties, remember not to post too many numbers when posting book reviews, and don't have too few words~
(End of this chapter)

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