Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 347 There is so much tenderness in this world, not as deep as hers

Chapter 347 There is a lot of tenderness in this world, not as deep as her affectionate glance (3)

"Uncle Cheng, tell me the truth, is there something wrong at home?" Lin Xi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him solemnly and asked.

Uncle Cheng looked a little embarrassed, and after pondering for a while, he said slowly: "Miss Lin, it's not that I won't tell you. It's just that this is an internal matter of the Cheng family. You don't know yet."

Lin Xi expressed her understanding: "But Uncle Cheng, after all, my mother is Cheng Fengrao after all. Besides, my uncle Cheng Fengyue has rarely contacted me recently."

"Wangcai—that is, a spirit crane. He went to Cheng's house recently and hasn't come back yet."

"So, I wonder if something serious has happened to the Cheng family?"

Lin Xi took a deep breath and analyzed slowly.

After hearing Lin Xi's analysis, Uncle Cheng suddenly admired this little girl in his heart.But his face was silent.

"Lin Xi, it's not suitable for you to know. I'll take you back to the hotel first!" Uncle Cheng still didn't reveal any information about the Cheng family, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Lin Xi was helpless, she had already said so much.Unexpectedly, people are still unwilling to say a word.

"Uncle Cheng, is my uncle seriously injured? Also, is this birthday party really organized by uncle alone?" Lin Xi asked again without giving up.

Uncle Cheng paused, unexpectedly, Lin Xi even guessed that Cheng Fengyue was injured.Uncle Cheng smiled helplessly, young master, I didn't have to tell Ms. Lin this time, but Ms. Lin guessed it herself.

"Yes." Uncle Cheng rarely answered Lin Xi, "Miss can go back this time."

Lin Xi nodded, already satisfied.She knew that it would not be easy for Uncle Cheng to tell herself these things.

"Alas..." Uncle Cheng sighed softly, "Your mother will soon be 19 years old. In a blink of an eye, you are so old."

Uncle Cheng suddenly expressed emotion, and Lin Xi also paused.

correct!After her birthday, it is the mother's memorial day.


Without saying a word all the way, Lin Xi was sent back to the hotel by Uncle Cheng.

After saying goodbye to Uncle Cheng, Lin Xi returned to her room.

It's not too late, just after nine o'clock.

After playing all afternoon, Lin Xi was a little tired.She rubbed her temples and looked ahead.

But she was shocked suddenly.

Gu Nianchu?
Just now she saw a figure very similar to Gu Nianchu, and suddenly entered the elevator.It seemed that she was afraid of being discovered by Lin Xi.

Lin Xi frowned, and looked at the elevator again.

She thought she was hallucinating.

But the elevator should have just closed, and the number still shows "1".

Lin Xi lowered his eyes, he left quietly, and now he reappeared, why is he unwilling to have a proper talk with her.Even if it's just a meeting!

Lin Xi waited for a few minutes before the elevator finally came down.

She got on the elevator and went to the ninth floor.

She passed by Gu Nianchu's room.It seemed to be pitch black inside, and no one seemed to have been there.

Lin Xi lowered her head in disappointment, came to the door of her room, opened it, and walked in.

Before going into the bathroom in time, Lin Xi closed the door, leaned against the door, and shed tears.

She walked along the door and slowly squatted down.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when she couldn't see Gu Nianchu.

Lin Xi looked at the empty room, as if she suddenly thought of something.He stood up and walked into his bedroom.

The chandelier above her head was drawn by her once.

Could this person also be Gu Nianchu?

 Continue at night ==
(End of this chapter)

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