Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 349 There is so much tenderness in this world, not as deep as hers

Chapter 349 There is a lot of tenderness in this world, not as deep as her affectionate glance (5)

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Gu Nianchu didn't answer Mr. Gu's words, but just pointed to the computer next to him and asked.

Mr. Gu opened his eyelids and looked at the computer over there with a look of indifference.

"Oh? That!" Mr. Gu looked at Gu Nianchu with a smile on his lips, "Your father said that all your success is due to that computer, so I smashed it."

Mr. Gu said it lightly, but Gu Nianchu still made up the picture automatically.

His irrelevant father was speaking sarcastic remarks about himself to Mr. Gu again.Mr. Gu seems to be helping Gu Xietian, but he is actually mocking him.

Gu Nianchu nodded, not seeming to care.

"Grandpa, I'm back now too. Aren't you okay?" Gu Nianchu looked at Mr. Gu and asked.

"It's not me. Your parents have something to talk to you about. Tonight, you should go home." Mr. Gu looked at Gu Nianchu as if there was nothing I could do.There was a hint of encouragement in his eyes, and he didn't know what it meant.

Gu Nianchu looked at the so-called parents unexpectedly.They let him go home?I remember that four years ago, Gu Xietian and Yin Ya asked Gu Nianchu to go home, saying that they had some business to discuss.

Back home, Gu Nianchu was beaten up by two people.It is said that Gu Nianchu took away everything that Gu Xietian should have, even Yin Ya was restrained.

So, after that beating, Gu Nianchu never went back.

This year, Gu Nianchu is already 26, how could he be beaten by two people so easily?

go back?

Then he will go back!
Just as Gu Nianchu was about to agree, the text message notification sounded suddenly.

He lowered his head, took out his mobile phone, and saw that it was a text message from Lin Xi.

"Where are you now? Why did you leave so early?"

Gu Nianchu made an apologetic gesture, walked aside, and replied to Lin Xi:

"In the company, there is something at home, which is being dealt with."

After replying, Gu Nianchu looked at Gu Xietian coldly: "Okay, I'll go back."

After Gu Nianchu sent it out, waiting for Lin Xi's reply, she didn't care to listen to what Gu Xietian and Yin Ya had to say.

But after 3 minutes, Lin Xi didn't come back.

Just when Gu Nianchu thought Lin Xi would not return, his phone rang.

Gu Nianchu said sorry, walked out with the mobile phone, and connected the call.

Lin Xi's soft voice sounded: "Gu Nianchu, did I interrupt your handling of things?"

Gu Nianchu smiled, thinking in her heart: How could you bother me, I wish I could be bothered by you for the rest of my life.

"No." Gu Nianchu suppressed his smile, and his tone was still light, "Calling so late, what's the matter?"

"Hmm..." Lin Xi seemed a little speechless, and hesitated for a while.

Gu Nianchu patiently held up the phone, waiting for Lin Xi to tell him.

"Gu Nianchu, I want to tell you something." Lin Xi said nervously, afraid that Gu Nianchu would not agree.

"Now?" Gu Nianchu was a little puzzled.

The girl hummed lightly, but didn't speak again.

"Where are you?" Gu Nianchu asked.

Lin Xi paused, then subconsciously answered, "Hotel."

"No, no, you don't need to come to me. I have something to do in the city later." Lin Xi seemed to understand something, and said quickly.

Gu Nianchu wanted to say something more, but suddenly thought that he would discuss the wedding with the Ye family tomorrow, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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