Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 351 There is so much tenderness in this world, not as deep as hers

Chapter 351 There is a lot of tenderness in this world, not as deep as her affectionate glance (7)

"Just beg Nianchu." Gu Nianchu swallowed, looked at the ground, and said to Mr. Gu.

It's rare for Mr. Gu to see Gu Nianchu bow his head, and he lowered his head to go out to meet someone, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

Who will Gu Nianchu meet?a girl?Does Gu Nianchu really like this girl?If it wasn't a girl, who would it be?

"Okay." Mr. Gu nodded, and handed a bunch of car keys to Gu Nianchu, "Go, try to get to Gu's house before twelve o'clock."

Gu Nianchu took the key, nodded, and walked out slowly.

Gu Xietian seemed displeased that Gu Nianchu left just like that, and wanted to go up to stop him, but he didn't dare to move because of Gu Nianchu's eyes.

Yin Ya was fine at this time, she didn't speak, but a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes: Gu Nianchu, have you seen something?
It's not long before Gu Xietian's downfall.
When Gu Nianchu went downstairs, he easily found the car corresponding to the car keys given by Mr. Gu.

It's still a sports car, I want him to leave early and return early.

Gu Nianchu smiled mockingly, and sat in the driver's seat.

He called Lin Xi, but Lin Xi didn't say anything, but suddenly told him to meet at that beach.

Gu Nianchu agreed, and drove all the way to the beach.

On the surface of the sea, the light blue light has not been turned off, and it is still shining brightly.Because Gu Nianchu had told him that it was only twelve o'clock, and the lights were not allowed to be turned off.

So, now at the beach, the sea is still shining.

Lin Xi also arrived quite quickly, after Gu Nianchu arrived, Lin Xi followed.

Looking at the sea in the distance, Gu Nianchu seemed to recall some memories.

I was not very old at that time, maybe four or five years old.My parents brought me to the beach to play. At that time, the family of three had already quarreled, but this time we finally got together and could come out to play.

So little Gu Nianchu was very happy.

He didn't expect that his parents wanted to drown himself in the sea.

He remembered very clearly that Mr. Gu was also on the side at that time, watching Gu Nianchu sinking into the deep sea alone...

And then?
Then Gu Nianchu didn't remember, he knew that he was at Gu's house as soon as he woke up.

Yin Ya seems to have taken care of him for a long time without sleep.

Parents failed to kill their children, so they naturally fought against Gu Nianchu.I don't know why, but since then, the two of them have never had any murderous intentions towards Gu Nianchu.

It seems that I dare not.

But Gu Nianchu didn't know what terrible thing happened that day.


A four or five-year-old child was designed by his parents in every possible way, and everyone still looked on coldly, which made Gu Nianchu completely disappointed in Gu's family.

He began to stay away from the Gu family, relying on himself for everything.

When Lin Xi came, she only saw a sports car parked outside.Although she had never seen Gu Nianchu drive this car, she still vaguely felt that this car belonged to Gu Nianchu.

She knew that Gu Nianchu was inside.

She didn't rush in, just at the door, taking a deep breath.

Thinking about what he was going to say to Gu Nianchu later, Lin Xi couldn't help trembling.

Looking at the cool sea in the distance, Lin Xi suddenly pulled out a silly smile from the corner of her mouth.

A boy is willing to do so much for himself, maybe he has a good impression of himself?
Lin Xi suddenly had an intuition, that is: Gu Nianchu likes herself.

Finally adjusted his state, Lin Xi walked in.

 Seven chapters, try my best~ Recommended tickets, subscribe~~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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