Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 353 There is so much tenderness in this world, not as deep as hers

Chapter 353 There is a lot of tenderness in this world, not as deep as her affectionate glance (9)

"Gu Nianchu." Lin Xi suddenly became serious and called Gu Nianchu's name.

Gu Nianchu thought that Lin Xi wanted to ask him what he meant by what he just said, but he racked his brains, but still couldn't think of any good reason.

"Gu Nianchu, are you interested in me?" Lin Xi suddenly asked, asking a very nonsensical question.

She looked at Gu Nianchu and met his gaze.

Gu Nianchu did not expect that Lin Xi would suddenly ask such a sentence.

He paused for a second: "You?"

Then, he seemed to react suddenly, as if he had heard a big joke: "Heh! Will I fall in love with you?"

Gu Nianchu's tone was suddenly indifferent, his eyes were like a knife, piercing Lin Xi's heart one by one.

His eyes were full of frost, looking at Lin Xi, as if looking at an unrelated person on the street.

"Gu Nianchu, don't be joking, I'm serious." Lin Xi swallowed, looked at Gu Nianchu whose face suddenly turned pale, and smiled.

"Are you kidding?" Gu Nianchu smiled, looked at Lin Xi, and walked towards her step by step.

Every time Gu Nianchu took a step, Lin Xi took two steps back.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Gu Nianchu's face was very pale, and his eyes were filled with disgust and impatience.

Lin Xi was frightened and did not dare to say a word.

"Miss Lin, I thought you were different from other women at the beginning, and you can't just give some money to have sex. I feel that you are quite special!"

"Later, I helped you again and again because a few friends wanted me to help you. After all, they are my friends, right? I can't stop helping you?"

"Also, don't think that some of the opposite sex treat you better, you just think they like you. Don't you think you are a bitch like this?"

This was the first time Gu Nianchu uttered such a long sentence. He looked at Lin Xi, and the indifference in his eyes surrounded Lin Xi.

Lin Xi suddenly felt a little cold, Gu Nianchu was cold, the seaside was cold, even her warm heart became cold.

"Don't you think you're a whore?"

This sentence has been lingering in Lin Xi's mind.

It seems that everything is Lin Xi's self-indulgent sentimentality.

Hahaha!In today's scene, Lin Xi is really the biggest clown.

She directed and acted on her own, and even bought herself out.

There seemed to be mist in Lin Xi's eyes, even in the dark night, Gu Nianchu could still see the crystal clear tears in her eyes.

But she endured it, her body was shaking unbearably, but she still looked at Gu Nianchu, trying not to let her tears fall.

Lin Xi looked at Gu Nianchu with resentment, intolerance, sadness, and pain.

"It's all in the same circle, the words are really so ridiculous..."?Before the last word was spoken, Lin Xi was interrupted.

"What nonsense, we won't be in the same circle in the future!" Gu Nianchu threw out such an inexplicable sentence.

This time, she saw the tears in Lin Xi's eyes finally falling down.

On her fair cheeks, there was a faint trace of tears.

"Okay, then I won't be mean." Lin Xi smiled and said, her voice was trembling, but if Gu Nianchu hadn't seen Lin Xi's tears, she wouldn't have known that the girl was crying.

"I'm causing you trouble." Lin Xi bit her lower lip, looked at Gu Nianchu, and spoke slowly.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have troubled you to solve so many things for me.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't trouble you to prepare such a surprise for me.

(End of this chapter)

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