Chapter 360 His name, her thoughts (5)

After that, Mo Liunian kept asking An Sishui about Cheng Mengmeng.

He asked very cleverly, and every time he mentioned it unintentionally.After listening to it for so long, An Sishui didn't feel that Mo Liunian had any purpose.

Of course, An Sishui wouldn't think about it.After all, Cheng Mengmeng at that time really didn't look good.

In this chat again and again, the relationship between An Sishui and Mo Liunian is getting better and better.At least when they meet each other, Mo Liunian will talk to him and say hello.

But sometimes, when Mo Liunian met her, he was very indifferent.

If you like someone, don't go to him in the morning, because he determines your mood for the day.

But every time, An Sishui looked for Mo Liunian in the morning.Therefore, An Sishui didn't have the habit of sleeping late at all in the morning, and got up early to chat with Mo Liunian.

Later, An Sishui finally figured out something and decided to confess his love in the past.

At that time, the summer vacation was just over, and An Sishui successfully entered high school.Mo Liunian and the others are also in their third year of high school.

Life in the third year of high school is really tight, An Shishui hardly sees Mo Liunian himself every day.Therefore, she had to suppress her little thoughts.

At this time, a girl came to the school, and An Shishui recognized her.

This girl is Cheng Mengmeng.

Cheng Mengmeng doesn't like to talk, and has a red birthmark on her face.Because An Sishui knew Cheng Mengmeng a long time ago, she has a good relationship with Cheng Mengmeng.

Cheng Mengmeng's deskmate is Ji Mochen, and Ji Mochen has a good relationship with Mo Liunian and the others.Therefore, An Sishui also deliberately approached Ji Mochen.

In this way, An Sishui has a good relationship with them.

Mo Liunian was also very kind to her, so good that An Sishui thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

An Sishui originally wanted to tell Lin Xi that he liked Mo Liunian very much, but as soon as he was delayed, he got a piece of news that would blow him away.

Cheng Mengmeng also likes Mo Liunian, Mo Liunian is the brightest light and the most beautiful miracle of Lin Xi's life.

Moreover, the one Cheng Mengmeng kept mentioning wrote to him to comfort her, accompany her, and amuse her.

Previously, Cheng Mengmeng had never known who wrote to her.An Sishui also knew that this was the case, and was also very concerned about who the person who wrote the letter was.

It wasn't until Cheng Mengmeng said the name that An Sishui was sure that all of this really existed.

Mo Liunian actually likes Cheng Mengmeng.An Sishui, I'm not stupid, I also thought of Cheng Mengmeng when Mo Liunian added his QQ in the past few days.

She understood, she understood everything, maybe without Cheng Mengmeng's words, it would be impossible for Mo Liunian to say a word to herself.

At that moment, An Sishui really felt that her feelings for Mo Liunian were all wrong.

Even though Lin Xi came later than herself.An Sishui suddenly felt a sense of guilt, as if she had robbed her good friend's husband, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

She couldn't help staying away from Mo Liunian, but she couldn't suppress the emotion in her heart.She couldn't help asking about Mo Liunian, she wanted to know how he was doing, how he was doing now, and whether there was any trouble at school.

In the end, An Sishui still lost to her own heart.She decided, from then on, to pay attention to Mo Liunian silently.

Speaking of the necklace, it was still in the next few days.

Although she wanted to stay away from Mo Liunian, Mo Liunian still treated her the same as before.

(End of this chapter)

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