Chapter 370 His Fake Shows Are Real (4)

Lin Xi seemed to have found a backer all of a sudden. After answering the phone, she still couldn't help crying.

Cheng Feng listened to Lin Xi crying for a minute before he slowly said, "Okay, baby, don't cry."

Lin Xi hummed lightly, and gradually stopped her tears.

"Uncle, you haven't contacted me recently, is something wrong with you?" Lin Xi asked after she stopped her tears and remembered the business.

Cheng Feng smiled more, and his voice was full of enthusiasm, but also full of a hint of magnetism.He smiled: "Lin Xi, does your uncle seem to be in trouble?"

Lin Xi laughed when he heard Cheng Feng laughed, and there was nothing suspicious about his voice, so he laughed too: "I knew Uncle was fine!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xi continued, "Is there something wrong with uncle calling today? By the way, where is my birthday present?"

Cheng Feng's doting voice sounded: "Little girl, why are you only thinking about presents! I should have sent it, but I didn't let Uncle Cheng take it. Maybe it will arrive in a few days, just right, it will be your mother's birthday at that time .”

Lin Xi didn't speak all the time. After hearing Cheng Fengyue finished speaking, she said, "Okay, uncle, I'm fine. I'm just in a bad mood."

"And, uncle, you are not by my side." Lin Xi said coquettishly.

Cheng Feng laughed more, and told Lin Xi a few more jokes, and also talked about some interesting things that happened in the Cheng family recently.

Cheng Fengyue hung up the phone when Lin Xi laughed so hard that he couldn't speak.

Lin Xi, who hung up the phone for a long time, still had a smile on her face.

What is happiness?What is warmth?

There is nothing better than having someone with you when you are saddest.

Although he doesn't know how to say love words to you, every word he says is more touching than love words.

This is not love, not the plot that should be in love.

This has a more touching name: family affection.

No matter what happened, no matter what happened, Cheng Fengyue would stand by Lin Xi's side without hesitation.

To use a lyric to describe it, it is: Even if the whole world tells you bad words, I will tell you all the love words of my life.

Lin Xi smiled and chatted with Wangcai for a while, and then she was going to go back to bed and take a nap in the morning.

Originally Lin Xi cried so sadly, but now, she laughed again.
Cheng Jia
Simple decoration, big mahogany doors, antique furniture.Including some antique rooms, if you come here, you really think you have traveled through time.

There are small lanterns hanging in front of every door, and each lantern has the Cheng family's logo on it.

Because the Cheng family exorcised ghosts, they were naturally afraid that these ghosts would come and make trouble at night.So, the Cheng family came up with this method.Even if any ghosts come to make trouble, they will be beaten back.

In an extremely luxurious room, there was a person lying on a simple solid wooden bed.

His face was pale, as if transparent.

He frowned and said nothing, but his expression fully expressed the pain he was suffering at the moment.

It was Cheng Fengyue, who was still holding the phone he had just hung up in his hand, and he didn't have the strength to put down the phone at this moment.

Uncle Cheng knocked on the door outside, Cheng Fengyue's lips moved, he tried his best to speak, but he couldn't make a sound.

Uncle Cheng sensed that something was wrong, and immediately broke into the door, and saw Cheng Fengyue, who was even weaker on the bed.

Uncle Cheng frowned, and said to the person outside the door: "Call the doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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