Chapter 376 His Fake Shows Are Real (10)

Gu Nianchu was upstairs, waiting for a few minutes, until he saw their car leaving the company gate, Gu Nianchu clutched his waist and sat down on the chair.

He took a long breath to calm down the pain from his waist.

"Come in!" Gu Nianchu made a phone call and said two words as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zhang Wen also knew that the situation was urgent, so she hurried in and saw her president sitting on a chair, clutching her waist.

She hurried over and saw blood flowing from Gu Nianchu's fingers.She was startled, her face just turned pale.

Immediately, she understood what Gu Nianchu asked her to come in for.Quickly dialed a "[-]".

"Mr. Gu, what did you do? Could it be... Mr. Gu did something?" Zhang Wen frowned, looking at Gu Nianchu's wound and the blood that kept flowing out.

Gu Nianchu nodded without denying it.

"Remember to call later and call Ji Mochen over." Gu Nianchu took a long breath, his tone getting weaker and weaker.

"Forget it Zhang Wen, don't let the ambulance come over, you help me down, otherwise the fact that I entered the hospital today will be publicized." Gu Nianchu suddenly thought of something, and said slowly.

Enduring the pain in his waist, he looked at Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen also knew the seriousness of this matter and nodded.

Zhang Wen called and called a few people over.

These people came soon, they were all the bodyguards of Gu Nianchu who secretly followed.They were the bodyguards when Lin Xi was at Gu Nianchu's house.

"You guys, hurry up and carry Mr. Gu down." Zhang Wen instructed, "Make sure no one notices, and also, go through the back door."


Following the sound of an ambulance, Gu Nianchu was also taken to the hospital.

Ji Mochen then arrived and asked Gu Zhangwen about the situation.

Zhang Wen answered truthfully.

He hesitated for a while, wondering if he should make a phone call to that person.


When Lin Xi woke up, her right eyelid twitched suddenly, which made her flustered for no reason.

Lin Xi thought it was because she didn't wake up, she rubbed her eyes, then lay down again, massaging her temples.

After a while, Lin Xi opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

She was in a little daze when suddenly the phone rang.

She blinked, picked up her cell phone, and connected the call.

"Hey, Lin Xi, I've called you so many times, why didn't you answer?" An Sishui's anxious voice came out.

Lin Xi really woke up now, An Sishui wanted to discuss something by herself today.

Lin Xi said embarrassingly, "Xiao Shui, I overslept and didn't hear you. I'm sorry..."

As she spoke, Lin Xi acted playfully.

An Sishui smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, clean up when you wake up. Come to the lobby of the hotel."

Just as An Sishui finished speaking, it seemed that someone beside her was talking to her, but Lin Xi couldn't hear her clearly anyway.

Then, I heard An Sishui take the phone away and said to the man, "Now? Must I go?"

Not long after, I heard An Rushui's gray voice: "Okay..."

Lin Xi frowned.

"Lin Xi, I'm sorry. I'll take care of something first. You're waiting for me at the back of the hotel lobby. I'll order a cup of coffee for you." An Sishui smiled embarrassedly and spoke openly Said.

"Well, I'll go down and wait for you for a while." Lin Xi nodded and replied naturally.

"Well, see you then."


(End of this chapter)

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