Chapter 386 She Can't Sleep All Night (4)

"I've always been with her."

"Little sister, now you should not talk about whether I cheated on you, but think about it, did I cheat on her?"

He and she looked at each other and smiled, and even held each other's hand.

Lin Xi never knew that Mo Liunian's acting skills were so good that he could be called an actor.

Mo Liunian, do you know that you play tricks every time, but I have a deep love for you.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, perhaps Mo Liunian would never know.On that day, Mo Liunian said such things and made such actions in order to take care of Lin Siran.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, her heart beat faster when she thought of Mo Liunian.

"Lin Xi, what are you thinking?" Wang Cai looked at Lin Xi and asked.

It thought Lin Xi was stupid, crying, laughing, pouting, pursing his lips again...

Lin Xi frowned, only to remember that Wangcai was still by her side.

She looked at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

"Wangcai, open the curtain." Lin Xi said slowly, looking at Wangcai.

Seeing Lin Xi's ice-like eyes, Wangcai hurriedly opened the curtains.

Lin Xi looked at the sky outside, it was gloomy and gloomy, not even a bird.

Today is a cloudy day.

Today is Mother's Day.

Lin Xi bit her lower lip, raised her head again, and looked at Wangcai: "What day is it until today?"

Wangcai nodded, and was not as chattery as before.

"After so many years, my face has also recovered..." Lin Xi said, stroking the half of her face with the birthmark with both hands.

"But mother, I can't come back again... Forget it, no matter what, it's a fulfillment of mother's wish." Lin Xi smiled, looking at the sky outside the window, his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Lin Xi, there is one thing I have to remind you." Wangcai's serious tone echoed in Lin Xi's mind.

Lin Xi shifted her gaze to Wangcai: "Speak."

Wangcai was silent for a while, then flew to the window and stayed quietly for a while.

"Lin Xi, you must find out the cause of your mother's death. The Cheng family is too far away from here, and there is no way to fully penetrate the city. What's more, your mother's affairs have been going on for a long time, so it is difficult to investigate. The current Cheng family , I have pinned all my hopes on you alone." Wangcai said such a long word, with a hint of heaviness in his tone.

Hmm... It's like the heaviness of a dying person confessing to others.

"Lin Xi, you must find out, so that your mother can rest assured under the nine springs." Wangcai turned his head to Lin Xi, and spoke slowly.

"Wangcai, even if you don't tell me about these things, I will do them." Lin Xi said slowly, looking at Wangcai.

"I've tried my best to investigate. But you know, I have no power behind me. Now I have fallen out with the Lin family." Lin Xi pursed her lips, expressing that she really had no choice.

Before falling out with the Lin family, Lin Xi could use the Lin family's position in the political circle to secretly investigate her mother's affairs.

But now...

"No!" Wangcai said firmly, "You have! You have always had!"

Lin Xi was silent, trying to find the person in her mind, who would help her.

At the end, Lin Xi suddenly smiled.Laughed self-deprecatingly.

Because the name in her mind is: Gu Nianchu!
(End of this chapter)

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