Chapter 395 How I Hate This World (5)

Lin Xi is very bad today!Although Gu Nianchu had already left, the news of Gu Nianchu was still in her voice, haunting her.

"Lin Xi, I'm sorry." An Shishui's eyes turned slightly red, knowing that Lin Xi and Gu Nianchu really seemed to have some conflict.She apologized to Lin Xi.

"It's okay. Today is my mother's memorial day, so I'll go first..." Lin Xi shook her head. To be honest, she is not willing to face An Sishui now.After all, what happened that day has not yet come to fruition.

An Sishui looked at Lin Xi, with a flash of apology in his eyes: "Okay then, Lin Xi, you go first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xi took her own things and stumbled away from the set.
After a while, Lin Xi had already gotten into the car he called.

Lin Xi gave an address casually, and the driver was slightly embarrassed.

"Master, I have money, so you can just drive there." Lin Xi's face was a little dark, she looked at the driver, and said slowly.

Then, Lin Xi took out a hundred-yuan bill and waved it behind.

The driver saw the money in Lin Xi's hand through the rearview mirror, and finally agreed to Lin Xi to go to the cemetery.

Cheng Fengrao's cemetery was run by Lin Xi at that time.

Cheng Fengluo's death was so bleak that there was not even a proper funeral. ,
Lin Xi cried for three days in front of the tombstone, holding Cheng Fengrao's belongings.

Later, Lin Xi made some money by herself, and transformed Cheng Fengrao's cemetery to be more luxurious and occupy a larger area.

But in this cemetery, most of the local people don't know that there is a cemetery on the mountainside, and Cheng Fengrao's tombstone is in a quite remote place.

Therefore, none of the people the Lin family and the Cheng family wanted to worship could find their location.

Of course, back then Lin Xi was extra careful. She knew that if the address of Cheng Fengrao's cemetery got out, there must be some irrelevant people showing up...

After twists and turns, I finally reached the foot of the mountain, and now there is still light rain in the sky.

The driver stopped at the foot of the mountain and looked at Lin Xi in embarrassment: "Girl, it's raining now, so it might be inconvenient to go up, so I'll just leave you here. I'm sorry."

The driver is also a little embarrassed, because he also has some selfish intentions.

If something happens to his car here, it's really game over...

Lin Xi didn't speak, and gave the hundred-yuan bill to the driver.

The driver embarrassedly asked Lin Xi for money. After Lin Xi took the money, he opened the umbrella and walked up the mountain by himself.

Less than 5 minutes after Lin Xi got off the car, another taxi stopped.

A stylishly dressed woman got out of the car, and she looked at Lin Xi's disappearing back, with a slight smile on her lips.


Lin Xi was walking on the winding mountain road. Fortunately, it was raining today and there were not many cars on the road.But the road was a bit slippery. After reaching a certain height, Lin Xi looked at the cliff on his right, feeling a little apprehensive.

After a while, she arrived at the cemetery.

There was an old man standing in the cemetery. He was as thin as a stick, but his eyes were full of energy.

"Uncle Li." Lin Xi greeted the man.

The old man called Uncle Li grinned at the corner of Lin Xi's mouth, and then said, "Little girl, two people came to worship your mother today."

Lin Xi nodded, but couldn't help wondering who these two people were.

"I know Uncle Li, I'll go in first." Lin Xi smiled politely at Uncle Li and walked in.

 Seventh update today, continue to code~
(End of this chapter)

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