Chapter 399 How I Hate This World (9)

After speaking, Qin Huai bowed again.In the end, she hugged Cheng Fengrao's tombstone and left here.

"Didn't you expect that?" Ji Mochen looked at Qin Huai's figure still walking away, and asked Gu Nianchu who was sitting next to him in a wheelchair.

Gu Nianchu was silent, he fully understood what he meant just now.

Some people paid homage to Cheng Fengrao, but for some reason, Qin Huai had to throw away all those things.

Simple, because Cheng Fengrao didn't like it.That's why there was the scene when they first arrived - Qin Huai took all those things aside.

They were quite far away, and they didn't know what Qin Huai had said to Cheng Fengrao.

But from the last hug, the two of them understood something.

This Qinhuai is probably Cheng Mengmeng.

The two of them have been here for so long just to wait for Cheng Mengmeng to show up.

Gu Nianchu always thought that Lin Xi would come over, but when he saw Lin Xi before, he was on the set.

Even though they wandered around on the road and lost some time, it was impossible for them to just miss Lin Xi.

What's more, Qin Huai also came here to see Cheng Fengrao.

"She's Cheng Mengmeng." Ji Mochen spoke slowly, revealing the fact.

Gu Nianchu nodded and said nothing more.

"Are you surprised?" Ji Mochen asked again, having nothing to say.

Gu Nianchu shook his head, then looked at Cheng Fengrao's tombstone, as if he didn't want to face anything.

"Let's go." Gu Nianchu said slowly.

Ji Mochen didn't answer, he pushed Gu Nianchu's wheelchair and left slowly.

Their car was parked outside, but it was Ji Mochen's car, Qin Huai probably wouldn't recognize it.

When they went outside, they didn't see Qin Huai at all, and they didn't know where Qin Huai was going.
Qin Huai let out a long breath, she knew that Gu Nianchu was coming back to the cemetery today, luckily she caught up.

It happened that Gu Nianchu saw himself there, which was another misunderstanding.

If he finds out that he is Cheng Mengmeng and that he likes An Lin, will Gu Nianchu go crazy?Will it be getting farther and farther away from Lin Xi?
Thinking about it, Qin Huai twitched his mouth slightly.

She saw an ordinary-looking woman enter the cemetery, but she didn't care.I just vaguely saw that the woman's destination was the small pavilion in front, and an old man was sitting on the small pavilion.

Qin Huai didn't continue to look, and hid aside, watching Gu Nianchu leave before she slowly descended the mountain.

Naturally, someone from the mountain will pick up Qin Huai. She will be returning to Qin's house tomorrow.So people from the Qin family came here early to serve Qin Huai.

Going back today and saying goodbye to An Lin, she should be leaving.

Not long after, Qin Huai arrived at An Lin's place.

She took a good shower and changed her clothes.

As she expected, after Gu Nianchu left, the cemetery sent her a text message not long after.

The general meaning is to let Qin Huai come out tomorrow, and Gu Nianchu has something to tell her.

Qin Huai naturally agreed, isn't this her goal.
On Lin Xi's side, she had been helped back to their home by Uncle Li's daughter.

Wangcai was worried about Lin Xi all the way, but at the end he found that Lin Xi just had a simple fever.

Wangcai breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at Lin Xi every day, fearing that something might happen to her.

In addition, Wangcai also told the Cheng family the location of Cheng Fengrao's cemetery, and explained that he could not leave now, so the Cheng family had to find it by themselves.

Cheng Fengyue wasn't ready yet, so he didn't come over.

Of course, Wangcai did not tell Cheng Fengyue that Lin Xi was ill.

 First three shifts, I will continue to code.

  It seems like a year-old article, no one reads it...

(End of this chapter)

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