Chapter 406 She Gone? (7)

"Both of them disappeared. But there is one thing that is uncertain, that is, whether they are together now." Ji Mochen took a deep breath, and explained to Gu Nianchu the information he had just received from Director Wang.

This is the worst possible outcome.Of course, for Gu Nianchu, it was the worst possible outcome.

Gu Nianchu didn't speak, just picked up the phone he had dropped on the ground, opened Weibo, and saw that the top ten most searched on Weibo, eight of them were related to King Mo and his assistant...

"I always thought that the thing I regret the most in my life is leaving Lin Xi again and again. But now, I realize that the thing I regret the most is not taking good care of her." Gu Nianchu clicked on one by one, looking at those Weibo .

she left?with him?
There was a hint of suffocation in his voice, probably because he was trying his best to suppress his discomfort.

"She was so close to me, but I pushed her away." Gu Nianchu spoke again, looking at those Weibo.

He suddenly took out a pack of unopened cigarettes and smoked them one by one.

"By the way, there is another piece of news." Ji Mochen looked at Gu Nianchu in this state, and there was a trace of moisture in his eyes.He was afraid that he would really shed tears and be laughed at by Gu Nianchu, so he opened his mouth and changed the subject.

"Lin Xi disappeared on Cheng Fengrao's memorial day, and Mo Liunian disappeared a day before." Ji Mochen said slowly, looking at the smoky man in front of him.

Gu Nianchu smiled, took a puff of a cigarette, and said disdainfully, "So what? What if it's for acting?"

Speaking of this, Gu Nianchu suddenly heard what Mo Liunian did in high school, and smiled.

It is a mockery of oneself, a mockery of youth and frivolity.

Ji Mochen didn't speak, and it happened that Gu Nianchu handed him a cigarette at this time, and he took it, and just like Gu Nianchu, he smoked heavily.

In the quiet office, there is smoke.

There were two handsome men smoking heavily in the smoke.

There was warm sunlight coming in from outside the window, but no matter what, it couldn't enter their hearts...
It's a hill here.

There doesn't seem to be any houses on the mountain, but when you go deeper, you will find that there is a small farmyard on the mountain.

The environment here is very good, the leaves are yellowing, and a thick carpet is laid on the ground.

Beside the tree is a shallow stream.Even though it is autumn now, the water temperature of the creek is still not low.

Beside the stream is a family.There is no electricity or internet here, just a small yard.

Some chickens and ducklings are being fed in the yard, and a big dog is watching the house.

Under the eaves, a girl is sitting here, holding a book in her hand, reading it with great interest.

It was Lin Xi who had disappeared for three days.

At this moment, she had a high fever for three whole days, and finally the fever subsided last night.

This morning, it was completely fine.

This is Uncle Li's home. After Lin Xi came back, with the help of Aunt Li and their daughter, she changed into dry clothes.

Up to now, her own clothes have been washed, and Lin Xi has changed back to her own clothes.

For three days, Wangcai stayed by Lin Xi's side and did not leave.

In fact, it has selfish motives, and wants to see what's in Cheng Fengrao's box.

However, Lin Xi hugged her too tightly, and it took a lot of effort to change her clothes. The two coaxed Lin Xi to let go for a while, and changed their clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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