Chapter 410 Let's Don't Lie (1)

But I didn't expect it to be for a woman.

But when Mo Liunian heard the warm words, he suddenly laughed out loud: "My childhood? childhood was a joke, an out-and-out joke."

Although the man is smiling, Wenxin still sees the discomfort and self-mockery in his eyes...
"Sister Lin Xi, look quickly, here is a little squirrel! It seems to be looking for food, so cute." Li Yu looked at Lin Xi, and said in a low voice, the two of them were pointing at the little squirrel.

Lin Xi also looked at the little squirrel with a smile on the corner of her mouth.It's nice to feel back to nature.

"Xiaoyu, where is the source of this creek? Can it go there?" Lin Xi asked casually, looking at the creek.

Li Yu nodded: "Sister Lin Xi, the source is a bit far away. If you want to go, I will accompany you to see it."

Lin Xi was originally out for a stroll, so naturally she followed Li Yu to the source of the creek.

Along the way, Lin Xi suddenly felt uneasy, and couldn't help but frowned.

Almost at the source of the creek, Wangcai suddenly uttered in his mind: "Lin Xi, Lin Xi! There is Cheng Fengrao's aura ahead! Lin Xi, there is your mother's aura ahead!"

For a moment, Lin Xi seemed to explode, and stopped in place, thinking about Wangcai's words, his whole body trembled violently.

Front?Yes, the aura of my own mother?Yes, mother's breath?

"Lin Xi, there really is, go and see!" Wang Cai seemed really anxious.After all, this pure spiritual power has been pulling Wang Cai to this side.

Finally confirming that it was Cheng Fengrao's taste, Wangcai couldn't bear it anymore and told Lin Xi.

Li Yu looked at Lin Xi who suddenly stopped in place. For unknown reasons, she kept chattering and looked at Lin Xi: "Sister Lin Xi, what's wrong?"

Lin Xi took a deep breath, regained consciousness, and looked at Li Yu: "Is it almost to the source?"

"Yes, Miss Lin Xi." Li Yu said it as a matter of course.

"Have you been here?" Lin Xi asked again, looking at Li Yu.

"I don't come here often..." Li Yu didn't know why Lin Xi was asking these questions, but he answered them truthfully.

"I haven't been here for a long time." Li Yu thought for a while, and said again with certainty.

Lin Xi's breathing was a little short, as if she was getting closer to the answer.

Seeing that Lin Xi suddenly stopped talking, Li Yu said again: "What's the matter, sister Lin Xi, is there a problem?"

Lin Xi shook her head and walked forward step by step.

Li Yu looked puzzled, but still followed Lin Xi to the source.

"Sister Lin Xi, look, there is the source!" Li Yu looked at the source of the creek and shouted happily.

"Wangcai, look for it!" Lin Xi could also feel it, she had an inexplicably familiar feeling here.

She knew that there was definitely something about her mother here... At least, something related to her mother.

Lin Xi suddenly felt flustered, Wangcai was also full of energy, and began to look for Cheng Fengrao's things.

Li Yu noticed that Lin Xi's gaze was sharp and insightful, she froze for a moment, and then saw that Lin Xi seemed to be looking for something.

"Sister Lin Xi, have you lost something? Do you want me to look for it with you?" Li Yu said, already looking around.

Lin Xi frowned, wondering if it was suitable for Li Yu to get involved in this matter.

But before she could refuse, she heard Li Yu's voice.

 1w today~ good night.

  Daily recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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