Chapter 413 Let's Don't Lie (4)

Seeing that Lin Xi had been silent, the driver glanced at Lin Xi through the rearview mirror.He saw Lin Xi's face was terribly pale.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?" The driver spoke again, with a hint of concern in his tone.

Lin Xi suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the driver, with a smile uglier than crying, and gently shook his head: "No, I just have a cold."

The driver snorted, "Then you don't need to take the girl to the hospital?"

Lin Xi smiled and shook her head: "No, thank you for your kindness. By the way, what is going on with Mo Liunian and his assistant?"

After refusing, Lin Xi also asked about the serious matter.

She just walked away for three days, what terrible thing happened?
The driver looked in disbelief: "Girl, you don't know yet? It's been a hot search on Weibo for two days, right? I heard that Mo Yingdi and his assistant have disappeared now. They can't be found in the company, and the crew can't find them either. I can't see them. It looks like I eloped."

Listening to what the driver said, Lin Xi clicked her tongue again, Mo Liunian will elope with Wen Xin?

How could Wenxin agree? ? ? ?

Lin Xi pursed her lips, took a long breath, and took out her mobile phone, only to find that after she was exposed to the rain that day, there seemed to be a problem with the mobile phone, and now it still shows no signal.

Lin Xi didn't speak, it seemed that she could only wait until she got home to watch.

She never believed that Mo Liunian would get together with his assistant, how could there be intimate photos of Mo Liunian and Wenxin circulating?

Moreover, when something like this happened, their first thing was not to come out to clarify, but to elope?

Oh no, it's not's escape!

As Lin Xi thought about it, she became angry for no reason, not knowing what was going on with Mo Liunian.

Lin Xi looked out the window absent-mindedly, and before she knew it, she had already arrived at the hotel.

She paid and got out of the car and stepped into the hotel.

In the hotel lobby, several people seemed to be discussing something, whether they were pointing at Lin Xi and talking about something.

Lin Xi felt strange, but went upstairs without thinking too much.

In her own room, Lin Xi sorted out her things and put her mother's things - the cemetery box and the bag together.

The most important thing now is not the mother, but the matter of Mo Liunian.

It's so popular that Mo Liunian can have such a thing with Wen Xin.

"Wangcai, follow me to see what's going on with my phone." Lin Xi threw her phone on the bed and said to Wangcai who was in the air.

Because Wangcai's head was always looking at his mother's things, Lin Xi felt a little uncomfortable.

Wangcai looked at Lin Xi's phone unwillingly, checked it, and used his spiritual power to help Lin Xi repair the phone.

"Wangcai, you are amazing! You can fix this!" Lin Xi smiled, and suddenly felt that it was the right decision for her to ask Wangcai to repair her mobile phone.

Wangcai didn't speak, and flew into the air, keeping his head facing those mother's relics.

Lin Xi frowned, the hand that was about to take the phone suddenly stopped, and looked at Wangcai.

She suddenly found that Wangcai seemed to have changed a lot after he came back from Cheng's house.

It's not as funny as before, it's calmer and more indifferent, which makes Lin Xi a little unaware of it.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, I'm afraid it's time for her to have a good talk with Wangcai.

Lin Xi looked at Wangcai with indifference in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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