Chapter 416 Let's Don't Lie (7)

From then on, Mo Liunian began to protect himself, making himself look like he was getting along well with everyone, but he didn't talk to anyone.

It wasn't until junior high school that Mo Liunian began to change.

Wenxin looked at Mo Liunian, and saw the panicked expression on the man's face: "Mo Yingdi, you can tell, I will definitely not say it."

Mo Liunian's parents were also government officials in S City at the time.Lin Aohui didn't have a mayor at that time, because S City was special, so there was an election for mayor.

At that time, Mo Liunian's father was Lin Aohui's most competitive opponent.Her mother was a young lady, and because she loved her father, she was willing to endure hardships with Father Mo, and worked hard with Father Mo to achieve a certain position in the political circle.

At that time, Father Mo was very likely to become the mayor.So early in the morning, many people came to give gifts.

At that time, Mo Liunian hadn't been born yet, and he was still obediently staying in Mo's mother's womb.

He heard these things from his parents' friends.

Unexpectedly, when Mo's mother was about to give birth, Mo's father was bumped to death on the way back after holding a political meeting.

The car accident happened very suddenly. The agricultural vehicle was driving well, but for some reason it suddenly bumped into Father Mo's car.

A sharp object on the agricultural vehicle pierced directly into the vehicle body, and into the back of Father Mo who was sitting in the back seat.

Father Mo died, and all the public opinion in the political circles turned towards Lin Aohui.

But Lin Aohui was upright at that time. When Father Mo got into a car accident, he had already been away on a business trip for two full months.

Although Lin Aohui had various evidences to prove that he was not there at all, the Mo family always believed that this matter was written by the Lin family.

Because the former rivals who were competitive with Lin Aohui were either sick and hospitalized and unable to deal with things, or they had to go home, except for anything in their hometown.

At that time, many people suspected Lin Aohui, but the driver of the agricultural vehicle admitted that his car suddenly had a problem, and rushed towards Father Mo's car uncontrollably.

Everything seemed to have nothing to do with Lin Aohui. In the end, this amazing car accident was judged as an accident.

The state subsidized the Mohists, and even Lin Aohui extended a helping hand.

In this way, all of Lin Aohui's negative remarks disappeared, and many opinions favoring him slowly came out.In this way, Lin Aohui became the mayor.

Because of this incident, Mo's mother was so angry that she gave birth prematurely. After hearing that it was judged as an accident, Mo's mother fainted all of a sudden.

After waking up, she wanted to go to the court for an explanation, but to no avail.

The Mo family mobilized all forces to analyze Father Mo's matter.In the end, all the evidence quietly pointed to Lin Aohui.

In the end, Mother Mo also left with hatred.

I heard that the last words she said before she died were: "Take care of my son, let him go to Lin Aohui and settle accounts with Lin Aohui."

In this way, when Mo Liunian was born, both his parents died.Since he was a child, he has never experienced what it is like to love a father and a mother.

A small baby, being taken care of by the Mo family and the mother's family, grew up slowly.

In his childhood, he couldn't help asking: Why don't I have parents?Where are my parents?
Even when writing essays in elementary school to write about his parents, he couldn't write.

Since childhood, no one understood his sadness.

But these are not the worst.

(End of this chapter)

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