Chapter 427 I want the Lin family to disappear! (3)

An Sishui was already full, wiped her mouth, gracefully threw the paper in the trash can next to her, looked at Lin Xi, and asked slowly, "Lin Xi, where have you been for the past three days? Where? There are many reports that you eloped with Mo Liunian... I, I thought it was true."

Lin Xi frowned, she forgot, and said that, she laughed.

elopement?What she said was really good. She, Lin Xi, had a fever for three whole days in the deep mountains and old forests.If the medical conditions there were better, she might have come back on the first day, right?

"What!" Lin Xi couldn't help complaining.It seems that at this time, she is not the strong Lin Xi who spoke before eating, but the current Lin Xi who is acting like a baby and playing petty temper.

"I fell ill in the rain, and had a high fever for three days. I have been on the mountain for the past three days." Lin Xi continued to complain, counting the three days in detail. The medical conditions in the mountains were not good, the food was not good, and I was hurt. She suffered for such a long time.

"On the mountain?" An Sishui couldn't help asking in doubt, not knowing why Lin Xi ran to the mountain inexplicably.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi pursed her lips: "It's just that something happened that day. I went up the mountain and didn't bring an umbrella when I went down the mountain. After being drenched in the rain all the way, I developed a high fever."

Lin Xi didn't say that she lost looking for her mother, because she always thought of what Lin Siran said at that time...

"No wonder you disappeared for so long. By the way, Lin Xi, are you okay now?" An Sishui looked at Lin Xi nervously, and asked slowly.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to think of something, and said again: "Also, have you done the thing you did up the mountain?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi suddenly looked at An Sishui, and didn't speak for a long time.

An Sishui didn't seem to understand why Lin Xi was looking at her, she frowned, and looked at Lin Xi who asked with some doubts: "Lin Xi, what are you looking at me for?"

After she said this, Lin Xi naturally withdrew her gaze.

An Sishui really doesn't know why she is looking at her...

Lin Xi shook her head and took a sip of water.

"I'm still not feeling well right now, after all the conditions on the mountain are so bad." Lin Xi spoke slowly, her eyes slightly dark.
Gu Nianchu quietly listened to the conversation between the two, and suddenly his hands froze, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the table with a crisp sound.

He subconsciously looked towards Lin Xi, and was relieved to find that Lin Xi had not turned his head away.

He picked up his chopsticks and slowly put them on the plate.

"That day, she also went up the mountain?" Ji Mochen hesitated for a while, looked at Gu Nianchu and said slowly.

It was obviously a question sentence, but he said a bit of the word order of the declarative sentence.

At this moment, Gu Nianchu suddenly felt that his mind was a little confused, this was the first time his mind was in such a mess.

How could Lin Xi go up the mountain for no reason, and why did it happen to be on the same day?
So many coincidences, could it be...

Before Gu Nianchu could think about it, Lin Xi over there suddenly said, "Okay, Xiao Shui, let's go first. I still have something to do when I go back."

Gu Nianchu gestured to Ji Mochen with his eyes, and Ji Mochen immediately understood.The two quietly lowered their heads, trying to minimize their presence.

It wasn't until Lin Xi walked to the door of the store that Gu Nianchu raised his head and looked in the direction she was leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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