Chapter 433 I want the Lin family to disappear! (9)

Early the next morning, Lin Xi went to the crew.After all, as the special assistant sent by Qingtear, she still has to go to the crew to have a look from time to time.

Without Mo Liunian in the crew, it was natural that all his plays were separated.Because the end is coming soon, the group is also full of energy.

But sometimes, Mo Liunian's role was directly played by his double.

Lin Siran is still here, playing a role.

Even though he heard that Lin Xi had returned, when Lin Siran saw Lin Xi, his legs were still a little weak from fright.When Lin Xi was watching her filming, Lin Siran always felt that Lin Xi was always looking at her, and her legs went weak from time to time, and she forgot her words.So because of her, today's filming lasted until one o'clock, and everyone hadn't eaten yet.

Lin Xi was naturally looking at Lin Siran here.

After the end, the actors changed back into their clothes.

Lin Xi watched Lin Siran the whole time. She saw Lin Siran change back into casual clothes, and subconsciously walked to Ye Qingqing's side, but was scared back by Ye Qingqing's look.

Lin Siran could only smile at Ye Qingqing, and the two of them said a few words on the occasion, and then went to eat separately.

Lin Xi ordered takeaway, and when she was eating, she seemed to be intimidating to Lin Siran, and sat directly next to Lin Siran.

When Lin Siran was frightened, he couldn't eat much before eating.

Lin Siran, who was still arrogant on the phone yesterday, why was he so frightened at this moment?
Lin Xi pursed her lips, moved a little closer to Lin Siran on purpose, and said slowly, "My good sister, why is my sister sitting next to you, and your appetite is not good? Is there too much water in your brain? Spilled into the stomach?"

Lin Xi looked at Lin Siran casually, and smiled with her lips curled up.

Originally, Lin Siran was really good-looking, but after Lin Xi sat beside her, Lin Xi's astonishment completely covered up Lin Siran's Xiaojiabiyu.

Lin Siran's face turned pale when he heard Lin Xi's words.She immediately subconsciously wanted to call her ugly back, but when she raised her head and saw Lin Xi's enviable face, she swallowed what she wanted to say.

"Sister, you can't say that." Lin Siran tried her best to show a smile, but her eyes didn't even dare to look at Lin Xi.

With the chopsticks in his hand, he unconsciously poked in the lunch box.

"Good sister, don't forget, you and your sister still have some debts to settle." Lin Xi nodded Lin Siran's arm while saying that.

She didn't use any force, in the eyes of others, it was just the intimacy between ordinary sisters.

Of course, Lin Siran's increasingly pale face should be ignored.

Lin Siran's eyes were flustered for a moment, her eyes flitted across the room, sizing up one person after another, and finally landed on Ye Qingqing.

She cast a help-seeking look at Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing was talking with others at that time, but she also saw Lin Siran's eyes asking for help.She completely ignored Lin Siran, and continued to chat with the people around her with a smile.

Lin Siran panicked immediately, she knew that Lin Xi seemed to know everything now.

Looking at all this, Lin Xi twitched the corner of her mouth into a mocking smile.Then, she buried her head and continued to eat the takeaway she ordered.

It just so happened that at this time, Lin Siran's good friend in the film crew noticed Lin Siran's pale face, and couldn't help but ask with concern: "Siran, why is your complexion so bad, are you sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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