Chapter 438 I want the Lin family to disappear! (14)

Lin Siran gradually stabilized his mind, looked at Lin Xi, and asked firmly, "You, what do you want..."

There was a trace of cruelty in Lin Xi's eyes, and the eyes were all cold.Even what Lin Xi said was very indifferent.

"I want the Lin family to disappear!" Gritting her teeth, Lin Xi slowly spit out seven words.

At the same time, Lin Siran once again clutched her temples in pain: Lin Xi's charming smile, Ye Qingqing's threatening words, her mother's figure on the tall building...

"Ah!" Lin Siran yelled in pain, and finally covered his head and squatted down on the ground.

Lin Xi looked at her without any other color in her eyes.It seemed as if he was looking at someone who had nothing to do with him...

Lin Siran is crazy... Really crazy... Completely crazy...

Lin Xi's actions today were a bit extreme, so she called Lin Aohui, she didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly gave a place name, asking her to pick up Lin Siran.

But Lin Xi has only two choices in life: either ordinary or extreme.

Lin Aohui originally wanted to ask where Qi Yuan was, but Lin Xi hung up the phone directly.


Lin Xi looked at the time, hooked the corner of her mouth, and left here straight away.

After Lin Xi left, a figure appeared. He looked at Lin Siran who was lying on the ground in pain, but there was still no expression on his face.

Lin Xi is gone, he can't go.In case something happens to Lin Siran, Lin Xi will be murdered.

Although he was able to solve this trivial matter, he still didn't want Lin Xi's life to be stained.

Fortunately, Lin Aohui came quickly, from the city to the suburbs, within half an hour, he was already there.

Gu Nianchu looked at the lights in the distance, and left here directly.
It wasn't until Lin Xi left there that she really calmed down.

Lin Siran went crazy, and Qi Yuan was taken away. I'm afraid this family really can't support it.

There was only Lin Aohui left, and after Lin Xi found the family member named Mo Qi, Lin Aohui would completely collapse.

Lin Xi was walking on the side of the road, not in a hurry to hail a taxi, she remembered the phone call she received suddenly this afternoon.

It was Ji Mochen calling. Lin Xi was a little surprised at first, but after hearing what Ji Mochen said, Lin Xi was even more surprised.

Ji Mochen only said one sentence: "Qi Yuan is under the control of our people now, you can threaten Lin Siran, record what she said, and send it to the police station. Lin Aohui has no power now, don't worry."

What he said contained huge information, which made Lin Xi not accept it all at once.

For example, Qi Yuan was controlled by them, and Ji Mochen asked Lin Xi to deal with Lin Siran, and even planned Lin Xi's path. In the end, Lin Aohui had no real power anymore...

Explain what?It shows that Ji Mochen almost brought Lin Aohui down in a very short period of time.

It wasn't until Lin Aohui stepped down that Lin Xi didn't know that within a day, dozens of letters impeaching Lin Aohui were reported.

Within a few hours, the higher-ups quickly responded: send another person to S City to handle government affairs, and observe Lin Aohui for a while.

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, that is, Lin Aohui will step down immediately.

But for a certain period of time, Lin Xi never knew how Ji Mochen did it.

Of course, this is a story.

After hearing what Ji Mochen said, Lin Xi asked him why he helped her without any surprise.

 There are four more~
  A little confused.

  The old rules, add more to the recommendation ticket.

  Reward and update.

(End of this chapter)

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