Chapter 446 Never expecting anything in return (5)

She likes Mo Liunian, and he knew about it when he was in high school.Almost every day, she would run into Mo Liunian.

After growing up, her liking has turned into love.Since she loves her, he won't bother her anymore.He just wanted to bless silently and help Lin Xi solve everything.

He thought, the greatest love is probably to hope that the person he loves can be happy with the person she loves for a lifetime, right?

This is his love for her, and it can be regarded as her return to him.

Love is not a fair thing.But he has already missed her youth, should he miss the rest of her life?

Gu Nianchu pursed her lips, thinking of herself at that time.

Since leaving the Cheng family that year, he has completely lost contact with Cheng Mengmeng and Cheng Fengrao.He didn't know where they were, or if they were doing well.

But at that time, Gu Nianchu had already decided that Xiao Mengmeng was the person he liked in his life.

If he can't marry her in this life, then most of his life will be wasted.

At that time, he was in the third year of high school and she was in the first year of high school.

When a freshman entered the school, he didn't want to be at home, so he asked Shang Mo Liunian to come to the school together.

This freshman year of senior high school is all smiling on campus, as if they still don't know what high school means.

They are all very happy.

Gu Nianchu chuckled at that time, went to the school cafeteria with Mo Liunian, and ordered afternoon tea.

In this way, the two handsome boys sat in the restaurant by the window and started chatting.

There is no topic that they don't talk about.

Until the end, a girl passed by the window in front of Gu Nianchu.

What a coincidence at that time, at that time, I just saw half of the girl's flawless cheeks.

At that moment, Gu Nianchu suddenly felt that time stood still, and only he and that girl were left in the whole world.

That person's profile is so beautiful...

Vaguely, he saw a trace of arrogance in her pupils.

It looks like the little Mengmeng when I was a child.

Little Mengmeng?
Little Mengmeng?
Could it be that she is Xiaomengmeng?
Gu Nianchu smiled in his heart, a layer of cold sweat already broke out in his hands.

His eyes seemed to grow on the girl's body, and he looked at her without blinking.

He was sure that he would not admit his mistake, this person was her.

Hmm... Xiao Mengmeng, who he had been looking for for more than ten years, appeared in front of his eyes without any warning today, and appeared in his world.

What a wonderful thing.

Mo Liunian, who had been talking endlessly, also noticed that Gu Nianchu didn't seem to be thinking about it at this time, so he quickly shut up.

Following Gu Nianchu's gaze, he saw the girl.

Like Gu Nianchu, he was amazed by that girl at first sight!

I have never seen a person's side face be so beautiful.

Her skin was so fair, it became somewhat transparent under the sunlight.

The outline of her face is even more charming, under the silhouette of the sun, she looks like a saint who cannot be offended.

"Mo Liunian, I have something to do right now, so go and do yours first." It wasn't until the girl disappeared from Gu Nianchu's perspective that he looked at Mo Liunian to calm himself down.

Mo Liunian was stunned for a while, and just nodded.

In less than half a minute, Gu Nianchu was seen running past the window.

Gu Nianchu has been in school for two years, and he also knows that girls can only lead to one place in this direction.

That is the kitchen.

At this time, there were not many people in the school kitchen, only a few aunts and uncles chatting in it.

Standing at the door, he could easily see what was going on inside.

(End of this chapter)

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