Chapter 454 Never expecting anything in return (13)

He had paid so much for her and never expected anything in return.

Just like he loves her, but will never force her to love him too.

Today's press conference was held by Director Wang himself and invited Gu Nianchu and Ji Mochen.So Gu Nianchu and Ji Mochen didn't know the content of this press conference in advance.

After the two arrived here, Director Wang walked around here and there, never appearing in front of the two of them again.

Gu Nianchu paused for a long time, then looked at Ji Mochen: "I'll go out for a while."

Ji Mochen originally wanted to go with Gu Nianchu, but Gu Nianchu turned his head lightly and made Ji Mochen stay where he was.

Perhaps seeing that Gu Nianchu had left, Ye Qingqing walked to Ji Mochen's side and spoke with a smile.
Gu Nianchu is very upset now, very upset.So he came backstage to make up, because he knew that Lin Xi was here.

Lin Xi sat aside, with delicate light makeup on her face, and changed her clothes at the same time.

She held the mobile phone in her hand, and she didn't know what she was looking at, and she pursed her lips and smiled from time to time.

Gu Nianchu looked around and finally saw that figure.

It was Mo Liunian, where he was sitting right now, letting them put on makeup.

Gu Nianchu took a look and found that Mo Liunian's makeup was almost finished, so he quietly leaned aside, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.

He was not indoors, but stood outside the door, looking at the situation inside.

After a while, all the people around Mo Liunian had dispersed.

Gu Nianchu stifled his cigarette and walked up to Mo Liunian.

Then she gave the person next to her a wink, Wenxin immediately understood, and hurriedly let the people next to her disperse.

"Are you back?" Gu Nianchu sat opposite Mo Liunian, casually picked up a makeup eyebrow pencil on the table, and fiddled with it.

Mo Liunian didn't speak. To be precise, he was very guilty in front of Gu Nianchu and didn't dare to speak at all.

Or, he has done too many things to be sorry to Gu Nianchu, and now in front of Gu Nianchu, he can't act as if nothing happened.

"Why don't you talk? You got Lin Xi in your hands." Gu Nianchu smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all.

When Mo Liunian heard this, surprise flashed across his eyes.

When did he get Lin Xi in his hands?how is this possible.After drinking last night, he said those things to Lin Xi in a drunken frenzy.

Presumably, the relationship between him and Lin Xi is quite awkward now. After all, the two passed each other countless times today, and Lin Xi's face did not change at all.

What does Gu Nianchu's words mean now?

"I heard you came to see me? What's the matter?" Seeing that Mo Liunian didn't speak, Gu Nianchu continued to ask.

In high school, two people kept talking and asking questions, and the other didn't say a word.

It's just that Mo Liunian was the one who spoke back then, but now it's Mo Liunian who doesn't speak a word.

The corner of Gu Nianchu's mouth suddenly hooked up: "You know what? I have been planted in your scheming all my life."

Gu Nianchu said slowly.

Hearing this, Mo Liunian wanted to explain, but he suddenly thought of his plan for today, so he shut his mouth and let Gu Nianchu continue to say some ugly words.

But to his surprise, since then, Gu Nianchu has never belittled Mo Liunian once.

(End of this chapter)

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