Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 457 It's over, Gai surrendered himself

Chapter 457 It's over, Gai surrendered himself (1)

Lin Xi frowned, not knowing where Mo Liunian heard about these things.Before this, Lin Xi always thought that Mo Liunian helped her solve so many problems, but now it seems that the person who helped her behind the scenes was not Mo Liunian.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, looked at Mo Liunian, and said slowly, "You don't know these things? And why are you leaving?"

"Of course I don't know." Mo Liunian said slowly, with a smile on his lips.This is the smile that Lin Xi is familiar with.

"Lin Xi, I don't want to tell you the reason, and you can't know." Mo Liunian smiled.

Let him be one less stain in her life.After all, he did such a thing to hurt her, and even stole her heart in the end.

I hope that the day Lin Xi knows the truth, she won't hate him anymore... Forget it, just treat it as a dream of his.

Fortunately enough, he was able to accompany her through her youth all the way.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, vaguely knowing something.She looked at Mo Liunian and wanted to say something.

But at this time, Mo Liunian spoke first: "Lin Xi, can I give you a hug?"

His tone was extremely gentle, like a lost child who finally found his mother and wanted her hug.

Lin Xi's eyes suddenly turned sour. After all, this boy gave her warmth and was the one who grew up with her...

Lin Xi held back her tears, closed her eyes, and opened her arms.

With a slight smile on the corner of Mo Liunian's mouth, he opened his arms and hugged her.

It was really a moment, that moment, which made Lin Xi feel that Mo Liunian hugged him like a dream.

For a short time, she felt that it was just her own imagination.

Then, Mo Liunian seemed to have just calculated the time.He lowered his arms, and immediately someone came outside and called Lin Xi out.

Lin Xi glanced at Mo Liunian for the last time, and Mo Liunian gave her a mouthful: "Listen to me."

Lin Xi held back her tears and nodded.

She tried her best to comfort herself, she would be the one on TV later, so she was still crying.

Today, she is very beautiful, so beautiful that people feel like a fairy.

There were so many reporters in the audience, watching Lin Xi walk onto the stage, they couldn't help snapping pictures of Lin Xi.

And Lin Xi, because of her mother's status, has a kind of aura.All eyes were directly attracted to her.

At this moment, countless people in the audience were stunned.

It turns out that the beautiful and speechless girl in the photo is actually so beautiful in reality.

When Lin Xi stood still on the stage and took the microphone they handed over to her, the corners of her mouth curled up, keeping her calm.

Slowly speaking into the microphone: "Hi everyone, I'm Lin Xi. I'm that little assistant who was having an affair with King Mo on the hot search."

Lin Xi introduced herself according to the words Director Wang told her.

"I am deeply sorry for what happened this time." Lin Xi spat out these words, and the camera snapped again.

Lin Xi paused for a moment, and then said, "I shouldn't be secretly photographed like this when I'm talking about work with King Mo."

"I didn't expect it to have such a big impact on the film emperor Mo. I never thought that it would turn out like this."

"Here, I apologize to Film Emperor Mo and Director Wang."

According to what Mo Liunian said, Lin Xi tried her best to push the matter onto him.

(End of this chapter)

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